Title click. From the BILLINGS GAZETTE. Has not wildlife moved about freely and unemcumbered without wildlife corridors? Wildlife corridor is another form of restrictive use of public lands and a threat to those evil private property owners.
Posts and Comments from Readers
Monday, June 30, 2008
Title click. From the Los Angeles Times. Dang! A big, gray wolf just shows up on Ted's ranch! What are the chances of that?
Title click. Remember, quiet time is from 10pm to 7am.
Readers may wonder why I continue to chronicle the August Democrat National Convention in Denver. This one event may be the year's best target of opportunity to allow the stealth creation of another shock event in terms of cultural and social division and calamity. There will be three imposing presences at the DNC convention.
They will be the Democrats, the demonstrators and anti-war protesters and Homeland Security. The DNC is scamming the media by calling this convention as the nation's first 'GREEN CONVENTION'. The protesters promise 'RECREATE 68', recalling the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago. For Homeland Security I suggest this convention pitch:
'MEAT NUKES WELL', alluding to the non-lethal area denial weapon, the 'Beam Gun' loaned to Denver Police for crowd control. The Beam Gun blasts a microwave beam on a crowd, causing an instant burning sensation on an individuals skin. August in Denver promises to be an interesting moment in American culture and history.
NORTH KOREA has essentially given the multi-national corporations an open door to create the next labor exploited nation. Israel flew a training mission of over a hundred fighter jets to Greece and back; roughly the same distance to Iran. Insiders in the Bush administration quietly leaked code-words warning of a 'Bush war on Iran' before he leaves office. What do we have in this nation that is concentrating our focus elsewhere, away from the potential of war with Iran? Sky-rocketing gas prices, environmental fiction, illegal expansion of federal jurisdiction and authority, and in August, the possibility of riots in the streets of Denver at the Democrat National Convention, and the historic campaign for President of a black man all could be obstructionist tactics to allow this President create another 'shock' event catapulting the U.S. into a war with Iran. I'm betting this administration is hoping for havoc and chaos this summer on the domestic scene.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Title click. From News Blaze. There is a lame media blitz advocating for wolf release and more 'detrimental reliance' in the news.
Title click. From the Arizona Republic.
Who Forgot to Tell the Caribou that Drilling Threatens Them?
"Environmentalists claim that oil drilling affects the wildlife; however, if the drill sites are any indication, most animal populations are not affected or their numbers have risen. Caribou numbers, for example, grew from 3,000 at the beginning of Prudhoe development to 5,500 at the end of development. From there the population steadily increased to its present number of 20,000 animals. A group of about 100 caribou usually winters in the Prudhoe area. The oil producing companies have taken great care to elevate the pipeline or build ramps over it for caribou migration. The only snow goose colony in the United States has also steadily increased from 50 to 180 nests."
Interesting article with facts and figures about the actual drilling process. Keep in mind that it is estimated that it will take over ten years to start getting oil from ANWR. Click on post title.
Also, imagine what this photo would look like if wolves were present. Not HABITUATED WOLVES LIKE THE TWO RELEASED IN THE GILA A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO. But native wolves. The point being that native wolves are adverse to man and would avoid man and his activities. Hence oil sites have provided a safe haven for caribou. Something to think about.
Thank you to Aunt B for providing the text and photos in the following ANWR post.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Title click. From the DENVER POST.
Terror watch uses local eyes
Privacy advocates worry that officers' snooping will entangle innocent people.
By Bruce Finley
The Denver Post
Article Last Updated: 06/29/2008 09:10:42 AM MDT
"Hundreds of police, firefighters, paramedics and even utility workers have been trained and recently dispatched as "Terrorism Liaison Officers" in Colorado and a handful of other states to hunt for "suspicious activity" — and are reporting their findings into secret government databases."
Title click. Minutemen protest a day labor center where illegals gather in Denver.
Article and video.
Interior Secretary Kempthorne Selects World Heritage Site Nominees
Title Click. From the announcement:
"White Sands National Monument, New Mexico
This property, a unit of the National Park System at the northern end of the Chihuahuan desert, protects vast dunes of gypsum sandthat have engulfed more than 176,000 acres--along with plants and animals that have adjusted to this environment. White Sands National Monument is the world's largest and best protected surface deposit of gypsum sand."
Friday, June 27, 2008
Laura from WOLF CROSSING is asking ORF readers to chime in on wolf release discussion on the KOB Topix fourm. You can get there by clicking on the title of this post or copy and paste the link below.
Look for this discussion in the forum topics.
Two wolves released in Gila Wilderness
Two Mexican gray wolves that had been removed from the wild are now free in the Gila Wilderness of southwestern New Mexico.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
There seems to be a growing trend in government policy that either contradicts itself or confuses law-abiding citizens. I’m often perplexed as to why some federal, state and municipal laws and ordinances are enforced with what seems to be selectivity towards certain groups while other groups’ exhibit blatant disregard for ‘authority’ and are accommodated. Have you heard of the Rainbow Family? This group claims to be a non-organization without leaders or rules.
On their website, http://www.welcomehome.org/, the Rainbow Family offers this introduction to their ‘non-organization: “…the Rainbow Family means different things to different people. I think it's safe to say we're into intentional community building, non-violence, and alternative lifestyles... We gather in the National Forests yearly to pray for peace on this planet.”
The Rainbow Family has held gatherings, by their own accounting, of 14,000-30,000 ‘family members’ on national forest and public lands since 1972. The ‘non-organization’ openly admits they hold these gatherings without applying for a permit or with the approval of the federal or state agency within the jurisdiction where the event is held. Currently the group has set up camp in the Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming. This year’s gathering is scheduled for July 1-7. Mark Rey, the federal undersecretary who oversees the U.S. Forest Service, traveled from Washington D.C. to Pinedale, Wyoming to meet with event organizers. Rey asked the group to consider moving the event somewhere else. The Rainbow Family refused. A few of the reasons the group gave objecting to the request to move are: the group has already laid four miles of pipe from a water source on public land to the site where they are setting up camp. This year’s event is expected to attract 15,000 family members to a national forest without the approval of the U.S. Forest Service. Rainbow organizers claim they have a right to water on public lands. One of the other reasons the group refuses to move was the construction of a dozen or more ‘kitchens’ in the national forest. The kitchens are ‘dug’ into the ground where a wooden pole and black plastic structure is constructed to help feed the hungry environmentally friendly mob.
Event organizers say the Forest Service is being unreasonable and didn’t give them enough time to relocate to another location.
A week after the Rainbow Family event the Boy Scouts are scheduled to set up camp in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. The Boy Scouts are working with the Forest Service in a cooperative program teaching the Scouts how to ‘rehabilitate’ the forest. I think I know what area of the forest the Boy Scouts will be rehabilitating.
The Rainbow Family also has its own webpage with legal information asserting their rights and litigation against the U.S. Forest Service. Listed among the grievances the group has with the federal agency is deprivation of their First Amendment Rights, their right to assemble of public lands without permits and their religious right to smoke marijuana.
The Rainbow Family annual event on public lands isn’t the only gathering of this kind.
Are you familiar with the Burning Man Festival held on Bureau of Land Management land in Nevada? The Burning Man Festival is a celebration involving drug use, nudity, art, theme camps, and the main event: the burning of a 100’ tall ‘art’ sculpture that represents the evils of the capitalist, oil-hungry, environmentally unfriendly society we live in.
This event, started in 1986, held in the Black Rock Desert, near the small town of Gerlach, Nevada is expected to draw 48,000 or more to the 2009 event.
Burning Man organizers describe the event as: “Every year, tens of thousands of participants gather to create Black Rock City in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, dedicated to self-expression, self-reliance, and art as the center of community. They leave one week later, having left no trace.”
Gerlach residents and employees of the BLM refute organizers claim the event leaves ‘no trace’. Weeks after this environmentally friendly celebration, BLM employees and the Black Rock City Department of Public Works are in the desert cleaning up a humongous mess left behind, including a giant burn mark left on the desert floor and mountains of trash. I have to assume the Black Rock Desert is not inhabited by any endangered species for this event to have existed on BLM land for so long. Maybe the BLM allows the scorching and trashing of Black Rock Desert because of the revenue Burning Man generates for the federal agency. Guy Farmer, a reporter for the Nevada Appeal, writes the festival has netted its founders over $10 million dollars. In 2006 the BLM pocketed $843,000.00 from Burning Man. Residents of Gerlach now anticipate the dollars spent by aging hippies and naked attendees in town when the festival is held. Farmer reveals there is now a legal squabble among original founders who claim they are owed a piece of the Burning Man’s millions. Isn’t it sad when big money corrupts something as pure as burning something big on BLM land and leaving a mountain of trash behind in the name of self-expression?
On the municipal level, enforcement of city ordinances is just as skewed. Denver has declared the city as a ‘sanctuary city’ for un-documented workers from other countries.
In a humane effort to accommodate these new residents, the city now allows families to keep three chickens in their yards. The chickens must be hens and not roosters. Roosters violate a Denver noise ordinance. The reasoning for allowing chickens within the Denver city limits was to allow cultural diversity brought by the new comers to flourish.
In Los Angeles, California, radio talk show host, Terry Anderson, has taken up the fight to have the city enforce ordinances banning the raising of chickens and livestock within the city limits. The flood of un-documented workers into black communities in L.A. has residents complaining about chickens running loose on the streets and cattle being raised in backyards. Goats and chickens compete with shoppers on the sidewalks in front of local businesses. One resident complained about the slaughter of goats in his neighbor’s driveway. Anderson reports nothing has been done by the city to enforce the ban on livestock or the butchering of animals on the street. L.A. now allows the raising of chickens in backyards.
A Denver woman who raises bees at her home wasn’t allowed the same cultural sensitivity by the city. A young, environmentally concerned mother attended bee keeping classes over four weekends at the Denver Botanical Gardens. The classes were sponsored by the City of Denver. The aspiring young bee keeper started two hives in her backyard. The city even called her and asked her to remove a swarm from a city property, thus allowing her to start a third hive. The three hives were kept in the rear of her backyard, behind rose bushes. According to the young bee keeper, the bees didn’t bother her children while they played in the back yard and her neighbors didn’t complain about the bees.
One day a representative from the City of Denver came to her house and told her to get rid of the bees or face a $999.00 fine and a year in jail. Her story made it to Denver talk radio and the fight was on. The city relented on the threatened fine and jail time. Now the young mother has been scheduled for a hearing before the city to determine if her bees are legal within the city limits. According to bee keepers in Denver, the city has no ordinance banning bee keeping with in Denver city limits. I have to ask; why would Denver sponsor a class in bee keeping and then attempt to intimidate an individual who took the class and actually started keeping bees? I made some bird houses out of gourds last year and hung them in my backyard. I’m worried now that I might be on some list for violating some invisible city ordinance.
My reason for sharing these bizarre relationships between ‘environmentally conscience’ organizations and federal agencies is to illustrate what I and others believe about who works in many of these agencies. It’s my opinion that the green advocates and radical environmentalists that once found a home in many non-governmental organizations like the Sierra Club and the Nature Conservancy, now work for the Department of Interior, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service and other regulatory agencies concerning land use and the rights of American Citizens.
I doubt the residents of Catron County, New Mexico would be allowed to host an event on forest land attracting 15,000 ranchers and hunters opposed to wolf-reintroduction in the American West. I was thinking if I rode naked on an ATV, with a burning piece of art on the back, through the Lincoln National Forest, that I would gain some empathy from the greenies in the U.S. Forest Service. My wife would probably not approve of such behavior, as most of the people who read this newsletter would not. I do hope we realize and exploit this duplicitous enforcement of permits and use of public lands and national forests. Consider the irony in how federal policy is applied in the American West and elsewhere. It’s illegal for a rancher to shoot a wolf that is killing a family pet on his own property. Yet 15,000 individuals occupy a national forest, commandeer water and pipe it four miles away within that national forest, without a permit, build temporary structures in that national forest, refuse a request from a government agency to move, and nothing is done. Has anyone considered the emotional impact this event has on wildlife?
Wildlife PTSD will probably be the next criteria for listing a species on the Endangered Species list.
I going to start work on a 100’ tall Mexican Gray Wolf for some future earth friendly event. I need a place to burn it in the name of saving the planet. Let me know if you know of such a place.
Bruce Woodhull
The Nevada Appeal and Casper Star-Tribune, as well as Wikipedia were used as source material for this article.
Title click to read article on CNN website. The Supreme Court has ruled the D.C. gun ban is unconstitutional.
Just heard it on the radio. The Supreme Court has ruled in the Heller case: D.C. gun ban unconstitutional. More details as they are available.
Title click. From SHORTNEWS.COM.
"06/24/2008 02:26 PM ID: 71618
Obama Unveils New Presidential Seal
As Obama spoke to a group of Democratic governors on Friday, something was noticeably different; The Presidential seal. The Obama seal has many of the traditional elements that resemble the historical seal but with some definite differences.
"E Pluribus Unum" - Gone. The motto is replaced by Vero Possumus, which is Latin for "Truly, we are able" in keeping with his campaign slogan "Yes we can."
The shield over the eagle's breast, which represents the oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, is replaced with the a letter "O" and the image of a rising sun."
On the Peter Boyles Show/KHOW this morning, organizers from the protest group 'COME UP TO DENVER', took heat from callers who were angry the group had invited war protesters to camp in the mountains, west of Denver, on private property. A local volunteer fireman from one of the mountain communities called in to express concerns of an influx of protesters camping in the mountains. The volunteer fireman confronted the anti-war organization about large groups of people camping in the mountains who are unfamiliar with the hazard of fire and concentrations of large groups on private property. One of the organizers answered that they and their guests were very environmentally conscience and aware of the fire danger. Counter-culture groups and protest groups claim some environmental moral higher ground to justify their illegal presence on forest land or disobeying city ordinances. The current pop-environmental sin is the carbon footprint. Apparently the protesters coming to Denver for the August Democratic National Convention are forgiven of this eco-sin. Consider their fuel consumption to Colorado and the commute from mountain communities to the protest during the DNC.
Link to RECREATE 68 website:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Title click. Excellent special report from PE.COM. 'METH'S LEGACY'. Several links to information on meth on the border.
Title click. Disturbing article from the NY TIMES about the connection between the Mexican super-meth labs and China and India. China and India ship tons of pseudoephedrine and other chemicals to Mexico for the production of super-meth. The meth is 'muled', or carried on the backs of drug runners crossing our porous southern border with Mexico.
Title click. Dan Caplis, KHOW/DENVER radio talk show host compiles Obama's remarks about 'white' people in the United States.
Title click. Organizers for demonstrations planned for the Democratic National Convention in Denver this August tell the city they will camp in City Park, regardless of the city's ban on over-night camping. In Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming, 15,000 Rainbow Family members are going to set up camp without permit or approval of the U.S. Forest Service. Interesting stuff...occupation politics coming from the radical left.
Update on Razor Wire Topped Fence at Highway Patrol Office on Tenth Street
Monday we reported that on two of the three sides of the fence adjoining the State Highway Patrol Office in Alamogordo the razor wire had been removed and replaced with two stands of barbed wire. This morning, Wednesday, we noticed that the third side has also now been altered in the same manner.
Title click to read this disturbing article. Or don't title click and be ground up into pellets for ethanol production when you die.
From Arabian Business.com
Excerpts from the article:
"SWFs are run by countries with large current account surpluses, notably in Asia and the Gulf, and designed to manage national wealth more actively.
The top SWFs now hold around $2.5 trillion in assets and the total size is expected to reach $12 trillion by 2015 - almost 10% of all financial sets in the world.
International concerns have centred on fears that the rapidly growing funds will allow foreign governments to gain control over key industries.
However, those concerns have not stopped major financial institutions in places like the US and Switzerland from turning to SWFs for extra capital in the wake of the subprime mortgage crisis."
I contacted the University of Nebraska and asked Ismail Dweikat if there was a better crop than corn to grow for ethanol production in the U.S. Ismail, a PHd, doing research on the Ag campus at the U of Nebraska (GO BIG RED), sent me the following information on sweet sorghum.
"Sweet Sorghum, the Sugarcane of the Midwest
Sweet sorghum is a drought-tolerant feed stock with the potential to produce more ethanol per acre than corn. Sweet sorghum stalks contain up to 75% juice, varying between 12 and 23% in sugar. There’s enough juice in an acre of sweet sorghum to make 400 to 800 gallons of ethanol. Sorghum juice-derived ethanol is cheaper to produce than corn ethanol because it doesn’t require the cooking and enzymes that corn requires for conversion of starch to sugar to fuel grade alcohol. Current estimates suggest that intensive plant breeding and cultivation research could, over time, increase the sugar content of sorghum juice to a level needed to produce 1000 gallons of ethanol per acre. We plan to evaluate the potential of sweet sorghum as an ethanol-producing crop for Nebraska.
Sweet sorghum is a perennial crop in areas that don’t have a winter freeze. Plant breeding efforts continue to improve the cold tolerance of sorghum for growth in the Midwest. In the Corn Belt, sweet sorghum grows 10 to 15 feet tall during a growing season. The taller the plant and the thicker the stalk, the more juice the plant will produce. To maximize juice and ethanol production in the Corn Belt, growers need to plant the crop early to mid-April. The grower could then make the first cutting for juice in early July, when the crop starts to flower. A second cutting could be made in October, shortly before frost, yielding enough juice for an additional 100 to 200 gallons of ethanol. Or, if feed were short, the grower could hay or graze the second cutting. Sweet sorghum’s energy-savings and value emerge in several ways:
• The crop only needs 12-15 inches of rain during the growing season to make a crop. Therefore, it is suitable for dryland production or limited irrigation. If the crop receives more moisture, it will respond positively.
• It requires only 40-60 lbs of nitrogen per acre. The crop is long-rooted and can extract residual nitrogen left by previous crops, or from nitrogen-fixing soybeans preceding in rotation.
• Sweet sorghum juice doesn’t require the long fermentation and cooking time needed to process corn ethanol.
• Some of the crop residue left after juice extraction (called bagasse) can be dried and burned to fuel ethanol distillation. These residues can also be used for animal feed, paper, or fuel pellets.
• The crop needn’t be grown on a farmer’s best land, allowing the farmer to make use of poorer ground.
• The simplicity of ethanol production from sweet sorghum could lend itself to on-farm or small-cooperative efforts at fuel-making.
• Ethanol plants in the State could choose, with some additional equipment, to make seasonal runs of sweet sorghum juice.
Ethanol is currently processed from sweet sorghum in Texas, Oklahoma, and Iowa, as well as India and other parts of the world. We seek to enhance sweet sorghum performance on marginal lands, and to identify a strategy for improving its ethanol processing potential, two key components for developing this system for production in Midwest region.
Gun Law Update -
The Heller Case
by Alan Korwin, Co-AuthorSupreme Court Gun Cases
June 25, 2008
Chief Justice John Roberts announced less than an hour ago that the Supreme Court would release its three remaining decisions tomorrow,Thu., 6/26/08, beginning at 10 a.m., Eastern time. This includes D.C. v. Heller, the Washington, D.C. gun-ban case that isexamining the meaning of the Second Amendment, and whether a completeban on any operable gun in a private home violates the constitutionalrights of individual citizens. I plan to have a quick review of the highlights of the case withinthree hours of its release. A more detailed review is planned before theend of June. Every news outlet on the planet is expected to cover the case in some fashion.
Typically, "news" reports on gun issues have errors, spin,editorial mixed in with fact, and should be taken with at least a grainof skepticism until detailed analysis is available. The decision couldbe lengthy (perhaps 100 pages according to one knowledgeable party), andwill take a while to digest in its entirety. The other two remaining cases are Davis v. FEC (campaign finance), andAmerican Electric Power (energy contracts). The law firm of Akin Gump is predicting with a high degree ofconfidence that Justice Scalia will be the author of the principleopinion in the Heller decision. My firm Bloomfield Press is preparing a book on the Heller case, as asupplement to "Supreme Court Gun Cases" by Kopel, Halbrook and Korwin,released in 2003. It will contain extensive background, commentary bynumerous leading experts, summaries of all 96 gun-related cases thathave been heard by the High Court, and complete text of Heller with keyelements highlighted throughout. Advance orders will be taken when weknow what the page count will be, hopefully within 30 days of thedecision.
That's it for now.See you tomorrow.
Alan Korwin.
There seems to be a growing trend in government policy that either contradicts itself or confuses law-abiding citizens. I’m often perplexed as to why some federal, state and municipal laws and ordinances are enforced with what seems to be selectivity towards certain groups while other groups’ exhibit blatant disregard for ‘authority’ and are accommodated. Have you heard of the Rainbow Family? This groups claims to be a non-organization without leaders or rules.
On their website, http://www.welcomehome.org/, the Rainbow Family offers this introduction to their ‘non-organization: “…the Rainbow Family means different things to different people. I think it's safe to say we're into intentional community building, non-violence, and alternative lifestyles... We gather in the National Forests yearly to pray for peace on this planet.”
The Rainbow Family has held gatherings, by their own accounting, of 14,000-30,000 ‘family members’ on national forest and public lands since 1972. The ‘non-organization’ openly admits they hold these gatherings without applying for a permit or with the approval of the federal or state agency within the jurisdiction where the event is held. Currently the group has set up camp in the Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming. This year’s gathering is scheduled for July 1-7. Mark Rey, the federal undersecretary who oversees the U.S. Forest Service, traveled from Washington D.C. to Pinedale, Wyoming to meet with event organizers. Rey asked the group to consider moving the event somewhere else. The Rainbow Family refused. A few of the reasons the group gave, objecting to the request to move are: the group has already laid four miles of pipe from a water source on public land to the site where they are setting up camp. This year’s event is expected to attract 15,000 family members to a national forest without the approval of the U.S. Forest Service. Rainbow organizers claim they have a right to water on public lands. One of the other reasons the group refuses to move was the construction of a dozen or more ‘kitchens’ in the national forest. The kitchens are ‘dug’ into the ground where a wooden pole and black plastic structure is constructed to help feed the hungry environmentally friendly mob.
Event organizers say the Forest Service is being unreasonable and didn’t give them enough time to relocate to another location.
A week after the Rainbow Family event the Boy Scouts are scheduled to set up camp in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. The Boy Scouts are working with the Forest Service in a cooperative program teaching the Scouts how to ‘rehabilitate’ the forest. I think I know what area of the forest the Boy Scouts will be rehabilitating.
The Rainbow Family also has its own webpage with legal information asserting their rights and litigation against the U.S. Forest Service. Listed among the grievances the group has with the federal agency is deprivation of their First Amendment Rights, their right to assemble of public lands without permits and their religious right to smoke marijuana.
The Rainbow Family annual event on public lands isn’t the only gathering of this kind.
Are you familiar with the Burning Man Festival, held on Bureau of Land Management land in Nevada? The Burning Man Festival is a celebration involving drug use, nudity, art, theme camps, and the main event: the burning of a 100’ tall ‘art’ sculpture that represents the evils of the capitalist, oil-hungry, environmentally unfriendly society we live in.
This event, started in 1986, held in the Black Rock Desert, near the small town of Gerlach, Nevada is expected to draw 48,000 or more to the 2009 event.
Burning Man organizers describe the event as: “Every year, tens of thousands of participants gather to create Black Rock City in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, dedicated to self-expression, self-reliance, and art as the center of community. They leave one week later, having left no trace.”E
Gerlach residents and employees of the BLM refute organizers claim the event leaves ‘no trace’. Weeks after this environmentally friendly celebration, BLM employees and the Black Rock City Department of Public Works are in the desert cleaning up a humongous mess left behind, including a giant burn mark left on the desert floor and mountains of trash. I have to assume the Black Rock Desert is not inhabited by any endangered species for this event to have existed on BLM land for so long. Maybe the BLM allows the scorching and trashing of Black Rock Desert because of the revenue Burning Man generates for the federal agency. Guy Farmer, a reporter for the Nevada Appeal, writes the festival has netted its founders over $10 million dollars. In 2006 the BLM pocketed $843,000.00 from Burning Man. Residents of Gerlach now anticipate the dollars spent by aging hippies and naked attendees in town when the festival is held. Farmer reveals there is now a legal squabble among original founders who claim they are owed a piece of the Burning Man’s millions. Isn’t it sad when big money corrupts something as pure as burning something big on BLM land and leaving a mountain of trash behind in the name of self-expression?
On the municipal level, enforcement of city ordinances is just as skewed. Denver has declared the city as a ‘sanctuary city’ for un-documented workers from other countries.
In a humane effort to accommodate these new residents, the city now allows families to keep three chickens in their yards. The chickens must be hens and not roosters. Roosters violate a Denver noise ordinance. The reasoning for allowing chickens within the Denver city limits was to allow cultural diversity brought by the new comers to flourish.
In Los Angeles, California, radio talk show host, Terry Anderson, has taken up the fight to have the city enforce ordinances banning the raising of chickens and livestock within the city limits. The flood of un-documented workers into black communities in L.A. has residents complaining about chickens running loose on the streets and cattle being raised in backyards. Goats and chickens compete with shoppers on the sidewalks in front of local businesses. One resident complained about the slaughter of goats in his neighbor’s driveway. Anderson reports nothing has been done by the city to enforce the ban on livestock or the butchering of animals on the street. L.A. now allows the raising of chickens in backyards.
A Denver woman who raises bees at her home wasn’t allowed the same cultural sensitivity by the city. A young, environmentally concerned mother attended bee keeping classes over four weekends at the Denver Botanical Gardens. The classes were sponsored by the City of Denver. The aspiring young bee keeper started two hives in her backyard. The city even called her and asked her to remove a swarm from a city property, thus allowing her to start a third hive. The three hives were kept in the rear of her backyard, behind rose bushes. According to the young bee keeper, the bees didn’t bother her children while they played in the back yard and her neighbors didn’t complain about the bees.
One day a representative from the City of Denver came to her house and told her to get rid of the bees or face a $999.00 fine and a year in jail. Her story made it to Denver talk radio and the fight was on. The city relented on the threatened fine and jail time. Now the young mother has been scheduled for a hearing before the city to determine if her bees are legal within the city limits. According to bee keepers in Denver, the city has no ordinance banning bee keeping with in Denver city limits. I have to ask; why would Denver sponsor a class in bee keeping and then attempt to intimidate an individual who took the class and actually started keeping bees? I made some bird houses out of gourds last year and hung them in my backyard. I’m worried now that I might be on some list for violating some invisible city ordinance.
My reason for sharing these bizarre relationships between ‘environmentally conscience’ organizations and federal agencies is to illustrate what I and others believe about who works in many of these agencies. It’s my opinion that the green advocates and radical environmentalists that once found a home in many non-governmental organizations like the Sierra Club and the Nature Conservancy, now work for the Department of Interior, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service and other regulatory agencies concerning land use and the rights of American Citizens.
I doubt the residents of Catron County, New Mexico would be allowed to host an event on forest land attracting 15,000 ranchers and hunters opposed to wolf-reintroduction in the American West. I was thinking if I rode naked on an ATV, with a burning piece of art on the back, through the Lincoln National Forest, that I would gain some empathy from the greenies in the U.S. Forest Service. My wife would probably not approve of such behavior, as most of the people who read this newsletter would not. I do hope we realize and exploit this duplicitous enforcement of permits and use of public lands and national forests. Consider the irony in how federal policy is applied in the American West and elsewhere. It’s illegal for a rancher to shoot a wolf that is killing a family pet on his own property. Yet 15,000 individuals occupy a national forest, commandeer water and pipe it four miles away within that national forest, without a permit, build temporary structures in that national forest, refuse a request from a government agency to move, and nothing is done. Has anyone considered the emotional impact this event has on wildlife?
Wildlife PTSD will probably be the next criteria for listing a species on the Endangered Species list.
I going to start work on a 100’ tall Mexican Gray Wolf for some future earth friendly event. I need a place to burn it in the name of saving the planet. Let me know if you know of such a place.
Bruce Woodhull
The Nevada Appeal and Casper Star-Tribune, as well as Wikipedia were used as source material for this article.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"Robert Zubrin argues that the United States is subsidizing a war against itself because of its dependence on oil, a resource controlled by its enemies. He says that if Congress passed a law requiring all new cars sold in the United States to be flexible fueled, OPEC's control on the world's transportation fuel supply would be diminished. This event was hosted by the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC."
Title click to go to website.
MERCURY NEWS.COM: California requires greenhouse gas labels on cars
Title click.
"The board will assign vehicles a global warming score of 1 to 10 using data auto companies submit to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The average new car is expected to score a 5, while a cleaner car will score higher."
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Forest Service announced it will be stocking endangered Sea Bass in the giant rock pile in Dry Canyon. Sections of highway 82 will now be within an ENDANGERED WILDLIFE HABITAT ZONE, requiring motorists to slow to 5 MPH.
Title click: Australia one step closer to chemical castration for sexual predators.
We Feel So Much Better. Sometime Over the Past Weekend, We Got a Little Friendlier
Razor wire is far more effective than barbed wire and has been the protective wire of choice for the Military for decades. Most high security perimeters are protected by razor wire. Prisons and high security mental hospitals often use it as it is very effective.
Only an Idiot would try and pass through Razor wire as it is so sharp that it will easily cause serious injury to anyone that tries!
Before installing Razor wire you must get advice from the Police and the local council as if you install it incorrectly and someone is injured you could be sued!
Installation of Razor wire requires good personal protective equipment, Heavy duty cut resistant gloves, a face visor and Cut resistant jacket are recommended.
Courtesy of: www.ultimatehandyman.co.uk/SECURITY_RAZOR_WIR...
Recently the State Police office on Tenth Street installed a chain link fence topped with rolled razor wire. We do not know of one person who likes this "concentration camp" look on one of our main thoroughfaires. Much as been made of this on a.m. talk radio.
Today, it was observed that the Tenth Street side and the west side of the three-sided fence was altered (over the weekend? how much did that cost?). These two sides now sport two strands of barbed wire. Yippee! Are we ever underwhelmed!
To paraphrase a famous quote: "Mr. State Police, Take Down This Fence."