We recently posted two requests to support Bills, House 565 and Senate 476. I would like to know one thing: When will we have studied the actions of our state and federal agencies enough to know that they are public servants entrusted with the health and availability of our resources and ultimately take direction from the citizens?
I know some of you will misinterpret my question and think that I am questioning the Range Improvement Task Force. I AM NOT. They are some of the best professionals out there and are good guys.
Please take the time to read the text of HB 565 and the Fiscal Impact Report at: http://legis.state.nm.us/LCS/_session.asp?chamber=H&type=++&number=565&Submit=Search&year=08
Then join the discussion. Is this what we want to spend $50K on? Would the money be better spent in taking a position of saying "no" to the State Forestry Division's "illegal regulations", via lawsuit(s), if necessary? How many "studies" will it take before we finally realize we are being stalled and bluffed?
More and more of us are coming to the realization that we are nearing a crossroads where you either believe in Constutional principals or not.
Posts and Comments from Readers
Thursday, January 31, 2008
At A Crossroads: Requests To Support This Or That Bill
N.M. 1st State in the Rockies To Adopt Low-Emission Standards
so much for public input... NMCGA/NMWGI/NMFLC presented testimony about 8 pm.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
N.M. 1st State in the Rockies To Adopt Low-Emission Standards
By Dan Mckay/
Journal Staff Writer
New Mexico late Tuesday became the first Rocky Mountain state to embrace strict low-emission standards for new cars and trucks.
Two local air-quality boards, meeting in the Albuquerque Convention Center, voted to enact the "Clean Car" program, capping about 11 months of state work on the complex regulations.
The approval came about midnight.
The new rules already face a legal challenge. A state lawsuit filed earlier Tuesday in Las Cruces questions whether the air boards had authority to enact the "Clean Car" program.
Regardless, the regulation says new cars and trucks sold at New Mexico dealerships must meet stringent emission standards, starting with 2011 models. Used cars and older models would be exempt.
Auto dealers and other opponents said the proposal would increase car prices and reduce the selection of vehicles available in New Mexico.
Supporters say the regulation — already adopted by a dozen states — will help address global warming and reduce smog.
They said consumers will notice little difference when buying cars. The vehicles may just have different engines or other fuel-efficient technology. The regulations were first adopted in California. _
PLEASE CALL THE REPRESENTATIVES BELOW AND ASK THEM TO SUPPORT HB 565 sponsored by Representative Brian Moore. The bill is scheduled for hearing in the House Energy & Natural Resources Committee TOMORROW (2.1.08) morning at 8:30.
The bill provides $50,000 for the Range Improvement Task Force to study the impacts of the New Mexico State Forestry Division's commercial timber regulations making pinon and juniper "commercial timber" species requiring permit for harvest on over 25 acres (with some exceptions) if the PRIVATE LAND OWNER takes any compensation in cash or in kind for resulting wood.
Not only is this a violation of private property rights, but there is a penalty of up to $1,000 and up to 1 year in county jail per violation.
Title Name Phone
all 505.986
Representative James Roger Madalena Chair 4417
Representative Jim R. Trujillo Vice Chair 4255
Representative Thomas A. Anderson Member 4452
Representative Paul C. Bandy Member 4214
Representative Donald E. Bratton Member 4227
Representative Candy Spence Ezzell Member 4450
Representative Miguel P. Garcia Member 4327
Representative William J. Gray Member 4211
Representative Joni Marie Gutierrez Member 4234
Representative Antonio Lujan Member 4436
Representative John Pena Member 4234
Representative Jeff Steinborn Member 4248
Representative James R.J. Strickler Member 4227
Representative Peter Wirth Member 4233
Caren Cowan
Executive Director
New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association
505.247.0584 phone
505.842.1766 fax
www.nmagriculture.org website
nmcga@nmagriculture.org email
PLEASE CALL THE SENATORS BELOW AND ASK THEM TO SUPPORT SB 476 sponsored by Senator Clinton Harden. The bill is scheduled for hearing in the Senate Conservation Committee TODAY at approximately 1:00 p.m.
The bill provides $50,000 for the Range Improvement Task Force to study the impacts of the New Mexico State Forestry Division's commercial timber regulations making pinon and juniper "commercial timber" species requiring permit for harvest on over 25 acres (with some exceptions) if the PRIVATE LAND OWNER takes any compensation in cash or in kind for resulting wood.
Not only is this a violation of private property rights, but there is a penalty of up to $1,000 and up to 1 year in county jail per violation.
Title Name Role Phone all 505.986
Senator Phil A. Griego Chair 4861
Senator James G. Taylor Vice Chair 4862
Senator William E. Sharer Ranking Member 4381
Senator Clinton D. Harden Member 4369
Senator Timothy Z. Jennings Member 4733
Senator Richard C. Martinez Member 4389
Senator William H. Payne Member 4276
Senator John Pinto Member 4835
Senator John C. Ryan Member 4373
Caren Cowan
Executive Director
New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association
505.247.0584 phone
505.842.1766 fax
www.nmagriculture.org website
nmcga@nmagriculture.org email
The link to this article is in the Wolves link list on the right side of the blog.
"SAN FRANCISCO – The City of Berkeley, California has passed two resolutions attacking the United States Marine Corps, calling the Marines, “uninvited and unwelcome intruders in the city.”
The Berkeley City Council voted to condemn the Marines on Tuesday night (January 29th) as part of a campaign by anti-war activists to shut down a U.S. Marine Recruiting Center located in the city of Berkeley. "
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
"The third annual Green Apple Festival, produced in partnership with Earth Day Network and presented by Chase, announces “America’s largest Earth Day celebration”– a weekend of music and environmental awareness culminating on Sunday, April 20th with eight free festivals occurring simultaneously at landmark locations across the U.S.
Approximately 500,000 people are expected to attend the all-inclusive, interactive and free public events in New York City (Central Park), Washington, DC (The National Mall), Chicago IL (Lincoln Park Zoo), Miami FL (Bicentennial Park), Denver CO (City Park), Dallas TX (Fair Park), San Francisco CA (Golden Gate Park) and Los Angeles CA (Santa Monica Pier). "
What the heck are these people thinking? Tens of thousands of people driving carbon emitting machines to this multi-regional event. How much rubber particulates are left on the highways by the tires of thousands of vehicles traveling to these events?
What about the impact of foods consumed in plastic containers? Where's all that garbage going to end up? This event follows on the heels of the Super Bowl, St. Patrick's Day, Ground Hog Day and a unseasonably cold winter punctuated by millions upon millions of cars left idling in the cold on sub-zero freezing mornings! We as a nation are doomed if we continue to allow these debaucherous gatherings to occur and leave who knows how many carbon footprints on the face of the Earth?
ARRGGHHHHH!!!! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! SLAM! [I'm locking myself in the bathroom until somebody addresses this issue!]
I heard about this on the Peter Boyles Talk show/KHOW 630AM. The cities of Denver and Aurora, CO. have statutes on the books ticketing unattended vehicles running in cold weather. These vehicles have been nicknamed 'puffers' by the cops. The theory is unattended vehicles left running in the cold are 'gateway' vehicles that are stolen and used in other crimes or taken to Mexico. Some vehicles have remote starts with security devices. If the owner of the 'puffer' vehicle can show the vehicle has a remote start with a security device preventing theft of the vehicle, no ticket is written.
Alamgordo does not have a statute allowing officers to ticket owners of unattended running vehicles.
(LINK to this story on right hand side of blog in links list)
Wolf counting in New Mexico, rabies shots, permission to land a helicopter on your land, and.....
(LINK to this story on right side of blog,in links list)
The Center for Biological Diversity is unhappy about the fence being built to keep illegals from crossing from Mexico into the United States.
(LINK to this story on right side of blog in links list)
The Forest Guardians and the Boulder,CO based wolf lovers group have combined to form Wild Earth Guardians.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Let's not forget the United Nations and UNESCOs desire to be our new neighbor.
So what is going on with the United Nations since we last commented on their World Heritage Site progress in Otero county? World wide,the UN is sponsoring a number of initiatives in Iraq for the children and for development in that war-torn nation. Watch out Al Queda...a buffer zone designation might hamper your ability to blow stuff up. I found a news release from the UN about non-governmental organizations directing UN policy. The NGOs want to nominate other NGOs for recognized status by the UN. I guess an NGO has to be voted 'in' by other NGOs for this special status.
Is it like the Moose Lodge...secret Moose ceremonies followed by drunken debauchery before an early morning charitable event pancake breakfast? I digress. I picked one of the organizations nominated by other NGOs out of pure curiosity. This organization had nothing to do with World Heritage Sites, blue helicopters in Otero county, or lawn gnomes dancing in the Otero county courthouse proclaiming Alamogordo a City of Universal Peace. I just picked one. The organization I picked is called YACHAY WASI. This NGO is in Peru. Yachay Yasi advocates for the preservation on INCA culture. Okay...nothing threatening to private property owners in Otero county, unless you're an ancient Mayan trying to avoid detection by the Inca hords scouring the jungle for slaves. I looked into who Yachay Wasi is. This is what I found:
Luis Delgado Hurtado: photographer and member of several United Nations commissions on indigenous peoples rights and World Heritage conventions. Good for him!
Marie-Danielle Samuel: Born and raised in Paris, France. Part of her bio reads: "Marie-Danielle Samuel is Main Representative for Yachay Wasi at the United Nations." She's a lobbyist for NGOs, in this case Yachay Wasi. Bless her heart!
Eliane Lacroix-Hopson: Her main topic is the Harmony of Science and Religion, one Bahá'í principle, and how it relates to Native American spirituality. She volunteered until 2000 as UN Representative for the International Romani Union; 11 million Roma around the world wrongly known as Gypsies. She is the mother of Marie-Danielle Samuel.
So that's only a small part of what's going on in the UN around the world today.
For the Big Picture of what the UN is doing everywhere...go to:
ORF hasn't forgotten and isn't napping.
The authority of the Congress and the United States is limited to the District of Columbia and the territories of the United States, not the sovereign 50 states, each of which has its own state constitution and authority.
There is a very simple yet profound way to determine
if you inhabit a State of the Union, or not:
Do you inhabit land represented
by a U.S. Senator and a U.S. Representative?
If so, then you inhabit a State of the Union.
There are no Senators or Representatives elected
by or from any federal enclaves, territories or possessions!!
... [T]he "canon of construction which teaches that legislation of Congress,
unless a contrary intent appears, is meant to apply
only within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States ...."
[U.S. v. Spelar, 338 U.S. 217, 222]
[70 S.Ct. 10 (1949)]
http://laws.findlaw.com/us/338/217.html :
1 USC § 204
1 USC § 204. Codes and Supplements as evidence of the laws of United States and District of Columbia; citation of Codes and Supplements
In all courts, tribunals, and public offices of the United States, at home or abroad, of the District of Columbia, and of each State, Territory, or insular possession of the United States—
(a) United States Code.— The matter set forth in the edition of the Code of Laws of the United States current at any time shall, together with the then current supplement, if any, establish prima facie the laws of the United States, general and permanent in their nature, in force on the day preceding the commencement of the session following the last session the legislation of which is included: Provided, however, That whenever titles of such Code shall have been enacted into positive law the text thereof shall be legal evidence of the laws therein contained, in all the courts of the United States, the several States, and the Territories and insular possessions of the United States. (b) District of Columbia Code.— The matter set forth in the edition of the Code of the District of Columbia current at any time shall, together with the then current supplement, if any, establish prima facie the laws, general and permanent in their nature, relating to or in force in the District of Columbia on the day preceding the commencement of the session following the last session the legislation of which is included, except such laws as are of application in the District of Columbia by reason of being laws of the United States general and permanent in their nature.
(c) District of Columbia Code; citation.— The Code of the District of Columbia may be cited as “D.C. Code”.
(d) Supplements to Codes; citation.— Supplements to the Code of Laws of the United States and to the Code of the District of Columbia may be cited, respectively, as “U.S.C., Sup. ”, and “D.C. Code, Sup. ”, the blank in each case being filled with Roman figures denoting the number of the supplement.
(e) New edition of Codes; citation.— New editions of each of such codes may be cited, respectively, as “U.S.C., ed.”, and “D.C. Code, ed.”, the blank in each case being filled with figures denoting the last year the legislation of which is included in whole or in part.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Compare the sizes on the animals in these two pictures. The picture on the left is of 200+lb. wolf shot in Idaho. The picture is copied to this blog from the SAVE OUR ELK website. The picture on the right is of Rep. George Miller's (CA) photo-op, announcing the Protect American's Wildlife Act. Note the placement of individuals and a much smaller animal, probably 50 lbs. max, which is probably a hybrid wolf-dog. The only woman in the picture is holding the 'wolf's' leash. Check out the guy behind Miller...talk about a defensive posture. Point being...the wolf the man is holding up in the left picture is a much larger animal, 4X, that of the animal in the picture on the right. We would love to meet the person who could put a leash on a 200+ lb. wolf that was not habituized to humans.
Protect America's Wildlife Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)
HR 3663 IH
1st Session
H. R. 3663
To amend the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 to establish additional prohibitions on shooting wildlife from aircraft, and for other purposes.
September 25, 2007
Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California (for himself, Mr. DINGELL, and Mr. DICKS) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources
To amend the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 to establish additional prohibitions on shooting wildlife from aircraft, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Protect America's Wildlife Act of 2007'.
Section 13(a) of the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742j-1(a)) is amended--
(1) by striking `or' after the semicolon at the end of each of paragraphs (1) and (2);
(2) by striking paragraph (3) and inserting the following:
`(3) shoots or attempts to shoot any bird, fish, or other animal before 3:00 a.m. following a day on which the person has traveled by aircraft other than on a regularly scheduled commercial aircraft;
`(4) knowingly participates in using an aircraft for any purpose referred to in paragraph (1), (2), or (3); or
`(5) knowingly violates any regulation issued under this Act;'; and
(3) in the matter following paragraph (5) (as added by this section) by striking `$5,000' and inserting `$50,000'.
Section 13(b) of the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742j-1(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(3) Except as provided in paragraph (5), a State may not authorize or undertake any action otherwise prohibited under this Act, for the purpose of increasing any game population or for the purpose of sport hunting.
`(4) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a State may shoot any wolf, bear, or other predator from an aircraft to prevent a biological emergency, if--
`(A) the head of the State's fish and wildlife agency determines, based on the best scientific data available, that a biological emergency is imminent and there is no other means available to eliminate the biological emergency;
`(B) the shooting is conducted by an officer or employee of the State fish and wildlife agency or of the United States Department of Agriculture;
`(C) the shooting occurs only in the specific geographical area where the biological emergency exists; and
`(D) the shooting removes only the minimum number of predators necessary to eliminate the biological emergency.
`(5) The Secretary of the Interior may authorize an action that is referred to in paragraph (1) to prevent the extinction of any species that is listed as an endangered species or threatened species under section 4(c) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1533(c)), if the Secretary determines that there is no other means available to address the threat of extinction.'.
Section 13(c) of the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742j-1(c)) is amended to read as follows:
`(c) As used in this section:
`(1) The term `aircraft' means any contrivance used for flight in the air.
`(2) The term `biological emergency' means an irreversible decline in a wildlife population caused by a predator population.'.
Section 13 of the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742j-1) is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(g) Any person may commence a civil action on the person's own behalf--
`(1) against any person, including the United States and any other governmental instrumentality or agency, to the extent permitted by the eleventh amendment to the Constitution, who is alleged to be in violation of this Act; or
`(2) against the Secretary if there is alleged a failure of the Secretary to perform any act or duty under this Act that is not discretionary with the Secretary.'.
COSPONSERS: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d110:HR03663:@@@P
Title: To amend the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 to establish additional prohibitions on shooting wildlife from aircraft, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Miller, George [CA-7] (introduced 9/25/2007) Cosponsors (111)
Latest Major Action: 9/27/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Oceans.
Gov Track rates Rep. Miller:
Miller is a radical Democrat according to GovTrack's own analysis of bill sponsorship. (Where do these labels come from?)
Into the fray
Utah guv stakes a claim on roads
By Patty Henetz
The Salt Lake Tribune
Employing a 2-year-old state law for the first time, the Governor's Office is claiming ownership of roads that cross federal lands as a way to keep them open to off-highway recreation and oil and gas drilling.
The maneuver, which relies on a bill sponsored by Kanab Republican Rep. Mike Noel that passed during the 2003 and 2006 legislative sessions, could be a tidy way to skirt federal law.
Or it could set up yet another expensive series of courtroom fights and ratchet up the New West's already intractable civil war over wilderness and access to some of Utah's most beautiful wildlands.
The state law allows counties to record the roads on their master land documents. Federal agencies, organizations and other members of the public have 60 days to protest the action in state court. If no one protests, the county assumes ownership of the right of way.
In its first action under the 2006 Noel bill, the state's Public Lands Policy Coordination Office has sent a list of 60 Class B roads to Box Elder County for recording, and will do the same with 23 more counties by mid-summer, said coordinator John Harja. Salt Lake, Weber, Davis and Cache counties have opted out of the program, and Morgan County doesn't have any affected public lands, he said.
"We're recording [our] belief we have a property interest," Harja said. "We are putting the [U.S. Bureau of Land Management] and the rest of the world on notice."
Heidi McIntosh, conservation director for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and an attorney, expressed some wariness about possible legal precedents the state's new efforts could set. During 2006 House floor debate, Rep. Jacki Buskupski, D-Salt Lake City, called the bill an "open invitation to further litigation."
Glenn Carpenter, manager of the BLM's Salt Lake City field office, acknowledged the arguments but wasn't keen to be drawn into the politics of the state's action.
Carpenter was a defendant in a federal court case filed by an OHV group, the Utah Shared Access Alliance, over his decision to close portions of Box Elder County to OHVs in 1999 to protect critical deer and sage grouse habitat. Shared Access Alliance, defeated in district and appellate courts, tried again with the U.S. Supreme Court, but the court refused the case.
Carpenter said he was aware of the 60-road list Harja's office sent to Box Elder County in mid-December, but had no plans to protest. Besides, he said, the U.S. government is sovereign. "We're bound by federal law," he said.
For now, the lists focus on Class B roads, which are graded, graveled, open to general use and generally noncontroversial. Harja said he expected to have all the B roads by mid-summer, and then start on Class D roads.
That's when hostilities between wilderness advocates, energy developers and OHV users could erupt in court, McIntosh said.
Class D roads - which include recognizable two-tracks, but also meandering livestock paths, abandoned pathways oil and gas drillers once used for seismic exploration and even narrow trails across creeks - are the real front lines in the access war, she said.
"People are going to be furious," McIntosh said. "What's driving this is wilderness. That's something the counties have long tried to fight."
Wilderness designation depends in part on the public lands' roadlessness. In opposing wilderness, counties point to generations of driving the disputed byways as a way to continue motorized access on federal lands.
Road claims rest on Revised Statute 2477, a Civil War-era mining law that granted rights of way across public land. Congress repealed the law in 1976, but grandfathered in existing claims. In 2005, a federal appeals court ruled that such ownership claims were dictated by state law. In Utah, that means proving the road was in continual use for 10 years prior to 1976.
The counties have gotten road-claim help from the state, which through the now-defunct Constitutional Defense Council and now the Public Lands Policy office, has spent $9.6 million since 2001 in legal and other fees on road claims, according to Harja. The money, allocated by the Legislature, comes from royalties paid on oil and gas drilling on state land.
Even though public money has supported the Public Lands office's information gathering, and even though the information is being used in both federal lawsuits and the state claims on behalf of the counties, Harja's office won't make the work public before the lists are sent to the recorders. And under a confidentiality agreement crafted in 2000, participating counties are forbidden from sharing the information with the public.
Such evidence was part of a federal lawsuit seeking ownership of old roads across federal land in six rural counties that the state recently withdrew.
Roger Fairbanks, the assistant attorney general who oversees R.S. 2477 claims, said the state abandoned Utah v. United States because the six Class B roads at issue in Beaver, Box Elder, Emery, Uintah, Washington and Wayne counties weren't really threatened with closure.
SUWA agrees with the decision, but will continue to fight the state's federal lawsuits to claim roads in Canyonlands National Park, the San Rafael Swell and the Deep Creek Mountains.
Fairbanks said the state doesn't seek to bulldoze the areas. "We don't want to destroy the environment," he said. "On the other hand, we don't think roads should be closed."
In the west desert Deep Creek Mountains, Snake Valley residents want to drive in Granite Canyon, where about a mile of the road is in a wilderness study area near Ibahpah Creek. "All the locals want to do is open the road to Camp Ethel," Fairbanks said.
Howard Hutchinson
Executive Director
Coalition of Arizona/New Mexico Counties
P.O. Box 125
Glenwood, New Mexico 88039
Phone 575-539-2709 Please Note New Area Code
"Compromise is but the sacrifice of one right or good in the hope of retaining another--too often ending in the loss of both." Tryon Edwards,1809-1894
"A principle cannot be compromised, for once compromised it is actually abandoned and no principle exist." Christine Smith, December 13, 2007
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Big Bad Wolf snuck into Grandma's house,while Grandma was away at Branson, MO.
Grandma's a big Andy Williams fan. Big Bad Wolf liked living in Grandma's house.
He signed up for Medicaid, Social Security and AARP. He thought he'd just hang out there until Little Red Riding Hood came to visit.
One day two illegals showed up and moved in. They claimed they loved America and had indigenous rights to Grandma's house. They told Big Bad Wolf he could stay as long as he shared his federal entitlements with them.
Big Bad Wolf claimed he was more indigenous and even showed them a picture of one of his ancestors: CANIS LUPISPITHICUS. This ancient Big Bad Wolf roamed the ancestoral jungles of New Mexico 25-30,000 years ago. Big Bad Wolf told the illegals to scram!
The illegals countered claiming their ancestors were here 400,000 years ago. They said their ancient ancestor INDIGENOUSPITHICUS crossed the border from ancient Mexico into what is now New Mexico long before Big Bad Wolf's ancestor did.
Big Bad Wolf and the illegals got into a fight, right there in Grandma's house!
In the midst of all the commotion, Little Red Riding Hood burst through the door!
Guns a blazing, she caught the Big Bad Wolf and the illegals by surprise!
Little Red Riding Hood is back...and with a vengence!!!
To be continued......
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Recommended reading on wolves.
Wolves in Russia: Anxiety Through the Ages by Will Graves (Author), Valerius Geist (Editor)
Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation Edited by L.David Mech and Luigi Boitani
(photo of book cover from davemech.org)
Return of the Mexican Gray Wolf: Back to the Blue
by Bobbie Holaday
A Case History of Wolf-Human Encounters in Alaska and Canada
by Mark E. McNay
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Wildlife Technical Bulletin 13: 2002
And my book:
Friday, January 25, 2008
http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNation.asp?Page=/Nation/archive/200610/NAT20061020b.htmlIn his book, which came out this week, Kengor focuses on a KGB letter written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan's foreign policy and to complicate his re-election efforts.
On Dec. 15, 2007, I posted, DETRIMENTAL RELIANCE AS TACTIC TARGETING RANCHERS, on the blog. The post was about an article I stumbled upon in my research on wolves. A fellow named Gene Ladd had authored a book titled: AMBER WAVES OF GAIN. I found Mr. Ladd and his book at http://www.familyfarmer.org/awg13.pdf.
In this book, Mr. Ladd describes an incident he alleges occurred in 1999, in Santa Fe.
According to Mr. Ladd, the Minutemen placed a pipe bomb in the mailbox of the Forest Guardians and blew out the window of another environmental group with a shotgun.
I contacted the Santa Fe Police Department with Mr. Ladd’s story. A high ranking official of the Santa Fe PD, with 20 years service on the department said he didn’t recall such an incident. He surely would have remembered a pipe bomb placed in the controversial green organization’s mailbox.
Mr. Ladd went on to portray the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau as a militant organization intent on fueling anti-environmental hatred among ranchers. Mr. Ladd describes a training manual from the New Mexico Department of Public Safety that describes the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau as dangerous and capable of potential terrorist activities. Mr. Ladd goes on to claim the Farm Bureau pressured the New Mexico Department of Public Safety to withdraw the manual; which according to Mr. Ladd, the DPS did.
I sent Mr. Ladd’s allegations to the DPS headquarters in Santa Fe. Today I received a letter from the assistant director refuting Mr. Ladd’s claims and saying the incident never happened. The assistant director also said no such manual depicting the Farm Bureau as a terrorist organization was never printed.
I searched the FBI eco-terrorism records and found no such pipe bomb incident in Santa Fe in 1999.
Around the time all this was happening an individual who started a forest fire was arrested in Santa Fe county.
Mr. Ladd assigns the pipe bomb incident to this individual and places him as a member of the Minutemen. I asked Janet White, co-administrator of this blog and Minutemen member if she knew of this incident or the name I gave her. She did not. She gave the information to Bob Wright, Minutemen head honcho for New Mexico. He has the original roles of who signed up in the early days of the organization. Bob said the Minutemen did not exist in 1999 and the name of the guy Mr. Ladd says was a member is not on any of the roles. The guy arrested for the forest fire and Mr. Ladd’s terrorist was never a Minutemen member.
I can only opine that Mr. Ladd is a liar and a passionate if irresponsible green advocate who seeks to advance the green agenda at any cost. I think his book is either out of print, didn’t sell, or has been pulled from shelves. I couldn’t order it from Amazon, ebay or Half.com. The ‘farm’ website above still sells the hack job, but I declined to place an order. The night I stumbled upon the book was the night of my all night poker game and I needed my jar full of quarters and dimes. Sorry Gene, I won’t support a liar and a hack.
Message Re Heather Wilson & Alamogordo City Commission Candidates
We received this message and edited it to hide the identity of the writer. Unfortunately, we felt the need to take this precaution.
Heather Wilson was asked publicly if she would vote to keep the UN out of Otero County and she basically said there was no reason for them to be here, they have no jurisdiction and yes, they don't need to have any business here.
Also, Heather Wilson was made aware of our needs for water.
On another note, I have visited with Bill Brogan. He and his lovely wife told me people are "scared" to come out in support of him because they're afraid of Ron Griggs. Now, I ask you, besides his business, what in tarnation could Griggs have/do/say that would cause people to fear him?
I gave Brogan about 20 names of folks I know who live in the golf course area that he might get in touch with. A few I am certain would definitely want new blood on the commission.
Any ideas who might be willing to step up and support him publicly?
I like Heredia too, and have spoken to him. I feel like he could make some good waves.
Now if we could just get others interested in case the two who will take office do so via apathy-infected-pseudo-intellectually-uninvolved-so-called-Americans. Anyway, I hear that the two (Brogan and Heredia) who will do the job plan to attend the city candidate forum. I am looking forward to it.
Feb 5, 6:30 PM, Civic Center. Thank you for getting the word out.
January 25, 2008
NE Bill Stops Mandatory Premises ID
Alert - State, News — walterj 6:06 am
I don’t have details on the bill yet. If someone finds it please post a link to the text of the bill in the comments below.
Nebraska bill would forestall livestock premises registration program
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - Livestock producers couldn’t be forced by the state to participate in premises identification programs, under a bill (LB632) that got first-round approval.
The federal government doesn’t require participation in the program, and neither does the state. But some cattle producers worry that under current state law they could be forced to register their premises.
-KPTM News
Posted 01/25/08
"Posted: 4:41 am, Fri Jan 25 0
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I suggest a thorough study of all aspects of wolf reintroduction into a region where the wolf has been eradicated. The Otero Residents Forum is located in New Mexico does just that. (http://oteroresidentsforum.blogpost.com) The forum offers several links and essays on wolf reintroduction. I would also encourage residents of mountain communities adjoining Rocky Mountain National Park to look at the zip codes of the individuals who advocate for wolf reintroduction. Do advocates for wolf reintroduction live near Rocky Mountain National Park? Representatives of the Fish and Wildlife Service gave a presentation in our town in southern New Mexico, about their proposed wolf release program. I asked all of them where they lived. The FWS employees all lived in Albuquerque or Santa Fe. I wrote letters to the editors and did a radio show interview advocating for wolf release in the counties and forests where those two cities are located. The suggestion for wolf release in their home counties was not well received. If it was such a great idea, why not release the wolf in their home counties? Population? The FWS opined there were too many mountain communities in Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties for wolf release.
We have populations on the desert and in the mounatins in southern New Mexico. Tourism? Threats to campers, mountain bikers and tourists were cited as reasons not to release wolves in those counties. We rely on tourism just as much as the northern New Mexico counties do. Livestock? Wolf predation on livestock in southern New Mexico has been disasterous. Don't believe the Defenders of Wildlife compensation claims. For the most part...their compensation program is a publicity gimmick for wolf lovers. Elk and deer populations have diminished because of wolf predation. Family pets, horses, and cattle have been killed by wolves. Anyone ask Ted Turner about wolf reintroduction? He owns the Vermijo ranch, 580,000 acres where he grazes cattle, harvests timeber and drills for natural gas. We can't graze on public lands in the forest anymore. Logging has been banned and there is no drilling for natural gas; all stopped by environmental litigation. Yet Ted Turner donates to these environmental groups. Does that tell you anything about the trust fund babies driving the environmental movement, to include wolf reintroduction in other people's backyards?
Rural residents in Catron county have erected sturdy wooden structures witnin high chain link enclosures to protect children waiting for the school bus, from wolves seen stalking children on rural roads. Again...check out the zip codes of those individuals advocating for wolf release. Do they live within the communities to be affected, or do they own a coffee table book about the spiritual and beautiful wolf 'culture'?
Read the article by Jamolov Hakimova, featured on the Otero Residents Forum. Mr. Hakimova is from Uzbekistan. If you're really passionate about wolf reintroduction, pick up a copy of "Wolves in Russia: Anxiety Through the Ages" by Will Graves. Do the research before you advocate for the release of a major carnivore in someone elses backyard. You owe that to your neighbors."
Thursday, January 24, 2008
At the regular meeting of the Otero County Commission, Thursday, January 24, 2008, Comissioners McGinn, Moore and Nivison directed County Attorney Dan Bryant and staff to send a letter of a 60-day notice of intent to sue to the Department of Interior if White Sands National Monument is not removed from consideration as a U.N. World Heritage Site.
Furthermore, the Otero County Commissioners directed that a citation be issued to those person(s) in violation of Otero County Ordinances cited in the Otero County Ordinance Opposing U.N. World Heritage Site Designation in Otero County.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
As Promised on Mike Haymes Show, Text of HB 9
For a draft of the House Bill 9 go to http://legis.state.nm.us/lcs/_session.asp?chamber=H&type=++&number=9&Submit=Search&year=08
Sponsored by Mimi Stewart, Dem., Bernalillo County
Capital Phone #505-986-4840
E-mail address mstewart@osogrande.com
Consumer and Public Affairs Committee Capital Phone E-mail Address
Rep. Gail Chasey, Chair, Dem. 505-986-4844 gailchasey@msn.com
Rep. Antonio Maestas, Vice Chair, Dem. 505-986-4464 antonio@moejustice.com
Rep. Thomas Anderson, Rep. 505-986-4452 kb5ysg@arrl.net
Rep. Nora Espinosa, Rep. 505-986-4221 noralee@cableone.net
Rep. Rick Miera, Dem. 505-986-4852 rbmiera@comcast.net
Rep. Al Park, Dem. 505-986-4411 alpark.nm@gmail.com
Rep. W.C. Williams, Rep. 505-986-4454 no e-mail reported
Local Representatives to contact
Rep. Joni Marie Gutierrez, Dem. 505-986-4234 jonig@zianet.com
Rep. Mary Helen Garica, Dem. 505-986-4435 maryhelen.garcia@nmlegis.gov
Rep. Antonio, Lujan, Dem. 505-986-4436 alujan@zianet.com
Rep. Andy Nunez, Dem. 505-986-4423 annunez@zianet.com
Rep. Jeff Steinborn, Dem. 505-986-4248 jeff.Steinborn@nmlegis.gov
Rep. Joseph Cervantes, Dem. 505-986-4249 cervanteslaw@zianet.com
Rep. Nathan Cote, Dem. 505-986-4234 ncote@zianet.com
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has included White Sands National Monument on its Tentative World Heritage Site list. The ‘tentative’ designation does not mean White Sands is now a World Heritage Site. It simply means White Sands, which is located in Otero county, is being considered for nomination and designation as a World Heritage Site.
I was reading on the World Heritage Alliance website and came across some of the same old players we’ve bumped into when researching environmentalists’ intent on implementing more regulation in New Mexico. The World Heritage Site land grab gets its legs from such elaborate think tanks like the UN Foundation. Part-time New Mexico resident, Ted Turner donated $1 billion to create the UN Foundation. Remember, Ted Turner owns the 580,000 acres Vermilljo Ranch in the northern part of the state.
Ted grazes cattle and buffalo, harvests timber and drill for natural gas on his ranch.
The UN Foundation passes its agenda on to the World Heritage Alliance (WHA). The WHA advocates for increased ‘sustainable’ tourism, protecting World Heritage Sites, and influencing communities adjoining World Heritage Sites for the benefit and protection of the designated site. Take the time to read the WHA goals and recommendations on their website: http://www.worldheritagealliance.org/press_releases/pr_112807.htm
“Also in 2008, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre will launch a major new initiative on World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism, specifically targeted toward fostering a closer working relationship between the conservation community and the travel and tourism industry. Broad consultation among stakeholders will be used to develop policy guidance and a charter of good practices on the premise that when well managed, tourism can contribute to the conservation of sites and promote sustainable development of local communities.”
“The World Heritage Centre coordinates its activities with those of other multilateral cultural and environmental agreements, UNESCO cultural and natural heritage conventions and recommendations, to ensure complementarity and synergy. The Centre also identifies and implements regional and thematic programmes, and mobilizes additional financial and technical resources to ensure the conservation and management of World Heritage properties in partnership with other UN agencies, development banks, conservation NGOs, research institutions, foundations and the corporate sector. For more information, visit http://whc.unesco.org.”
I came away from the World Heritage Alliance site with two impressions.
One: Alamogordo will become an ‘international’ tourist town, complete with international facilities, more traffic, more out of town investment and all of this in the name of ‘sustainable’ tourism.
Or two: Sustainable tourism means buffer zone creation of the city and county will put a cap on visitation, manipulation of local zoning ordinances, and restrictions on private property. Add to this the collateralization of national landmarks.
The New York State of Department of Environmental Conservation is publishing a green magazine for kids called 'Conservation for Kids'. Sounds innocent and educational...right? It is educational. Check out the teachers workshops and follow those links. More green modeling for the future.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Look at this blog page and ask yourself what all these postings and links have in common. The continuity of this information reveals a well constructed and orchestrated agenda of control. Urban elitists are actively working to enforce their vision of a world governed by one ideology. The dream of one-world government, population depletion, the natural world as ‘god’ over mankind, and complete destruction of national sovereignty are all included in these links and articles on this page. In southern New Mexico the manipulation of federal agencies by green hysteria is evident in the wolf release program. Conservationists and coffee table book environmentalists can’t invade the West with armed environmental zealots to cleanse the land of ranchers and livestock.
They release an army of wolves to begin their ‘environmental’ strategy. Wolf lovers and the federal puppets whose strings are pulled by trust fund babies living opulent lifestyles fully expect livestock, pets and yes, humans, to be killed by wolves as part of their agenda to return the land to its pre-civilization occupation state. Those of us living in the rural areas of America are expected to be sacrificed, removed, and exterminated as part of the globalist agenda to cleanse and control North America. I’m not reaching for extremes. I’m putting it mildly. From World Heritage Site designation, to wolf release, to carbon footprint scams, to wilderness bills, to the dehumanization of ranching families; the agenda is clear, in our midst, and vulnerable. Their ideology is vulnerable because they rely on ignorance and apathy. It is our job to inform, educate, reveal, expose, challenge, and defeat the globalist, junk science environmental hysteria and anti-American agendas. The new American Civil War of Urban Elitist Aggression is being waged here and now. GET INVOLVED! ARM YOURSELF WITH THE FACTS AND TAKE ACTION!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Are you spending too much time on You Tube, My Space.com and the internet in general? The International Internet Community Agency says you are. The IICA wants to filter what Americans can view on the internet and tax time connected to the web. The proposed IICA regulations would allow filtering and censorship of what the international agency considers politically or morally objectionable internet material in the United States.
The head of the IICA, Yin Tzn Lo, former head of the Chinese Ministry of Internet Information, objects to current unregulated access to the internet Americans enjoy. Lo argues for stringent internet restraints claiming "Americans benefit from an intellectual advantage" via unfettered use of the internet. IICA goals include a level playing field for all peoples of the world.
The IICA is shopping proposed legislation around Washington DC with the hopes of convincing willing sponsors to take the bill to the Senate. Lo says he has received favorable responses to the IICA proposal from several elected officials. The bill would regulate domestic internet content through a government agency and, what is released out of the U.S. into cyberspace. Under the proposed legislation Internet users worldwide will start to see a monthly charge on their phone bills, or internet provider bill, taxing their time spent on the internet.
Opponents to the IICA proposal charge this international regulation is a violation of American’s Constitutional rights and a threat to the security and sovereignty of the United States. Several nations already monitor and regulate internet content.
What sane American would promote an international body regulating internet content and usage fees in the United States? Not many. And I would agree.
The above story is fiction. I made it up There is no IICA. If you began to feel angry or violated by the suggestion that an international body could regulate what you do on the internet and at what price, then good. You should have no problem understanding why citizens of Otero county would oppose U.N.World Heritage Site designation of White Sands National Monument.
At least the fake IICA and its proposed legislation had to go to Washington DC to be voted on by elected officials. U.N.World Heritage Site designation does not. Now, please enjoy the freedom of surfing the web while it is still free and uncensored.
[10:11] DCMS and UK National Commission for UNESCO hosts 'World Heritage: Science and Technology: An Expert Workshop'
PRNewswire-GNN London 18 January
Editor's Note: 1. The programme for the workshop can be found on the UK National Commission for UNESCO website at http://www.unesco.org.uk/Science_Heritage_Meeting.htm. 2. There will be particular focus on four areas: astronomy, physical sciences, biological sciences and engineering and technology. 3. This workshop was organised at the UK's suggestion during the 31st session of the World Heritage Committee, held last July in Christchurch, New Zealand. 4. The outcome of this meeting will contribute to the development of guidelines for the identification of sites and a preliminary framework for the evaluation of properties of interest for the heritage of science and technology and their potential inscription on the World Heritage List. The recommendations of the Workshop will be submitted to the 32nd session of the World Heritage Committee. This session will be held from 2-10 July in Quebec, Canada. 5. The concept of World Heritage Sites is at the core of the World Heritage Convention, adopted by UNESCO in 1972, to which 184 nations belong. The Convention required the establishment of the World Heritage List, under the management of an inter-governmental World Heritage Committee, as a means of recognising that some places, both natural and cultural, are of sufficient importance to be the responsibility of the international community as a whole. The UK ratified the World Heritage Convention in 1984. Press enquiries: 020 7211 6272 Out of hours telephone pager: 07699 751153 Public enquiries: 020 7211 6020 www.culture.gov.uk 2-4 Cockspur Street London SW1Y 5DH www.culture.gov.uk Department for Culture, Media and Sport
London, 18 January /PRNewswire-GNN/ --
DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT News Release (004/08) issued by The
Government News Network on 18 January 2008
A three-day international workshop, designed to develop guidelines to identify
future World Heritage Sites which represent advances in science and technology
of global significance, will be hosted next week by the Department for Culture,
Media and Sport and the UK National Commission for UNESCO on behalf of the
World Heritage Committee.
The workshop, taking place from 21-23 January, brings together experts from
15 countries, representing the physical sciences and technology as well as
those with detailed knowledge of the operation of the UNESCO World Heritage
The delegates will discuss ways to create a scientific framework, to help
identify and recognise sites which represent the heritage of science and
technology that could potentially become World Heritage Sites. The conclusions
of the expert meeting will be presented to the World Heritage Committee for
consideration at their next meeting this July in Quebec, Canada.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
other formats print
.txt (1-5kB)
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Wish and Wildlife Service, working in conjuction with federal immigration authorities, announced it would proceed with the ANCIENT MAYAN REINTRODUCTION PROGRAM. WWS and immigration officials will offer two years in the program to any illegal alien arrested, as opposed to deportation. Willing participants must live a minimum of two years in the wilds of Catron county to be eligible for U.S.citizenship. WWS officials say the program is needed to control the booming Mexican Gray Wolf population in the region. Native American tribes were approached about the program.
After the initial laughter died down tribal leaders suggested the WWS employees leave while they still had their hair. WWS conceeds its a bit of a stretch to claim the ancient Mayans inhabited present day New Mexico; but as one official stated: "Accuarate science and history has never been a strong point of this agency".
U.S. opts not to plan for jaguar recovery
Subject: U.S. opts not to plan for jaguar recovery
U.S. opts not to plan for jaguar recovery
By Dan Sorenson
Arizona daily star Tucson, Arizona | Published: 01.18.2008
There will be no recovery plan, at least not one with teeth, for the rarest of the wild animals native to Arizona — the largest and rarest cat species of North America — the jaguar.
The Center for Biological Diversity, a conservation group that has pushed for an official plan to set goals and spell out and enforce efforts to save the big cats, portrays the move as a concession to the Bush administration's border-fence project.
But a spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Southwestern Region maintains that a formal plan wouldn't help the big cats, and the lack of one won't damage the federal agency's ongoing support of less-official efforts to protect the jaguar.
The official stand against a recovery plan was spelled out in a Jan. 7 memo signed by the agency's director, Dale Hall.
The jaguar was put on the federal endangered-species list in 1997. By some accounts, it once ranged as far west and north as the Monterey Bay coast and east to the Appalachian Mountains.
But it has rarely been seen in recent decades, and then only barely north of the U.S.-Mexico border, usually in Arizona or New Mexico. Since it was listed as endangered, only four jaguars — all males — have been confirmed alive in Arizona. And those were thought to be border crossers from a dwindling, but larger, population in northern Mexico. Populations of jaguars are known to exist throughout Mexico and into Central and South America, but they are thought to be under pressure from human development throughout their range.
The decision not to create an official recovery plan doesn't change anything about the protection afforded the jaguar, said Elizabeth Slown, spokeswoman for the federal agency's Southwestern Region headquarters in Albuquerque.
"What we said is that … doing a recovery plan for the jaguar doesn't advance conservation for the jaguar," Slown said.
"We'd rather put our efforts into on-the-ground efforts: participating in the Jaguar Conservation Team led by (the state of) Arizona, continuing to fund research we do throughout Central America," she said.
"The jaguar is still under (the protection of) the ESA; it doesn't affect that at all," Slown said, referring to the Endangered Species Act.
"Instead of a 200-some-page recovery plan," Slown said, "let's help the countries where the jaguar can survive and help the Jaguar Conservation Team."
The agency's argument that a plan is inappropriate because only a few jaguars exist in the United States is flawed, based on its own history, said Kievan Suckling, policy director for the Center for Biological Diversity.
He said a federal recovery plan re-established populations of the Mexican gray wolf in the U.S. when none had been living here. Captive wolves from Mexico were bred and their offspring released in the United States.
Climate change may make protection of jaguar migration corridors and U.S. habitat even more important as jaguars and other large mammals are pushed north, Suckling said, citing a report by the American Society of Mammalogists.
Although exact effects of climate change on large mammals cannot be predicted, large mammals are vulnerable, particularly when they try to move and come in conflict with humans and development, said Joseph Cook, society member and University of New Mexico mammalogist.
"Climate change is not affecting the planet equally," Cook said. "It's not just a general blanket that everything is going to get warmer.
"But we do know that things are happening, and the federal agency that is responsible for this organism should be taking a closer look" at the implications of the border fence.
He said the fence will be particularly obstructive for large mammals that try to avoid humans, such as black bears, mountain lions and jaguars.
Cook said the agency's position amounts to the United States "washing its hands" of the jaguar and could have a negative effect on jaguar populations outside the United States.
He said Mexico and countries in Central and South America have copied the U.S. National Parks system and U.S. conservation efforts.
"This is a very international species, and the U.S. should be taking a lead role in recovering it. A lot of developing countries look to the U.S. as a model for how you develop conservation programs," Cook said.
"Fish and Wildlife has a long history of helping these countries develop conservation programs. (But) in the last seven years, in my view, there has been pressure on Fish and Wildlife to not take a lead on conservation issues."
Cook also said a recovery plan increasing jaguar populations could have economic implications. He said he frequently works in Alaska and many visitors are attracted to the state by the presence of large mammals, particularly top predators.
? Contact reporter Dan Sorenson at 573-4185 or at dsorenson@azstarnet.com.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Illegal advocates and criminal elements are opposed to a fence or wall being constructed on the U.S. Mexican border. They grumble about protests against 'the wall'. Here's a wall they can protest.
Cement company in Arizona (Mexican owned) Refuses to Bid on Border Projects
From: info@americanfreedomriders.com
Sent: Wed 1/16/08 3:45 PM
To: info@americanfreedomriders.com
Cemex, a huge Mexican owned company which manufactures, concrete, cement, asphalt, and concrete pipe, has bought out the Rinker Group and is now one of the largest suppliers in the world. The acquisition resulted from a hostile takeover and gives Cemex over 100 locations in Arizona alone.
A Mexican company is now the largest supplier of ready mix concrete and cement in the USA !! Our global economy at it's best. Thank you Global George and your CFR friends !!
See article: http://www.concreteconstruction.net/industry-news.asp?sectionID=718&articleID=512442
Now we find out, from a very reliable source who lives on the Arizona border and is employed in this industry, that
Cemex will not allow any of its locations to bid on any construction project which relates to border security on the Arizona/Mexico border !!
Could this practice be a result of pressure from a Mexican government doing its best to ensure the easiest possible access for millions of illegal aliens streaming across the border into Arizona?
Could it be the influence of the Gulf Drug Cartel, which is also based in Monterrey, Mexico? Certainly they have the money, power, and incentive to interfere with our efforts to secure the border.
Whatever the reason, it certainly will have the approval of John McCain. That lying worm.
This practice is wrong and needs to be exposed. Cemex belongs at the very top of all boycott lists.
Look at all their locations in Arizona alone: http://www.rinkermaterials.com/locations/States/locnST_AZ.shtml While you're there, take a look at Florida. The profit from every sale they make goes back to the elite in Mexico who could care less about their working class, and we keep hearing how poor Mexico is.
Please pass this on and encourage a boycott of these Reconquista invaders.
Danny Smith
Cory Voorhis is an ICE Agent who is caught up in the dirty politics so common in our nation today. His contribution to battle the flood of illegals into the U.S., the Mexican drug cartels and the fake ID industry in Mexico may never be fully appreciated in American History. I should have done more to alert our community to the Cory Voorhis story. I've posted a 'political satire' cartoon on the right side of the blog. I've put the Voorhis information back at the top of the blog. I had posted the Voorhis story before, but took it down as I thought more pressing matters needed to be up there. I was wrong. The Voorhis story is important to all of America because the politicians and corrupt government officials don't want YOU to know about the Voorhis story and who knows what more is out there. The blog can't cover everything, but I want readers to spend some time on the Voorhis story and send it out to other concerned Americans.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
An article in Indian Country Today: Aug. 13, 2007 tells of Native Americans trying to create a buffer zone around Bear Butte, a traditional prayer and fasting site near Sturgis, SD. Native Americans claim bikers disrupt ceremonies and vision quests with motorcycle noise and the selling of alcohol within 4 miles of Bear Butte.
What do you think of this? What if towns near the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota tried to implement the same ban. What would be the reaction if Gordon, Nebraska, or Rushville or Alliance Nebraska attempted to create a 4 mile buffer zone around their city limits banning Native Americans from consuming alcohol or gathering in groups where alcohol related activities were taking place? Read the article and leave a comment here or on the General Discussion Board.
The link is posted on the General Discussion Board.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Wolves in Russia/Anxiety Through the Ages, The Book
This book gets 5-star ratings. A few excerpts of reviews on Amazon.com:
Barney Nelson, Ph.D., says in introduction to the Range article, " 'Wolves in Russia' is a must-read book for wolf advocates, ranchers, college professors, government agencies, and those who might be camping in wolf territory. Will Graves' balanced investigation provides rare honesty and sanity in a groundbreaking and illuminating collection of Russian wolf science and documented predation on humans and livestock. The book paints a vivid picture of government suppression of information; it documents the effect of an unarmed population on wolf behavior; and it points to cycles of terror and starvation that correspond to wolf population explosions."
And, This book must be read by every serious wildlife biologist, resource decision maker and park manager, as well as the recreation-minded, for it clearly shows that co-existence between man and animal has limits that can never be forgotten." James A. Swan, Ph.D., from Not-so-cuddly canines.
And, "This amazing book presents for the first time,in detail, the facts on Russia's huge wolf problem." Jim Rearden, Ph.D. former Head of the Wildlife Department at the University of Fairbanks, and author of "The Wolves of Alaska."
If you haven't read it, scroll up to JAMOLOV HAKIMOVA: WOLF ATTACKS IN UZBEKISTAN and click on the link to Jamolov's blog.
Forest Service "Untravel" Managment Team Gives Local Club The Hot Wire Cluster
Last night at the FS public hearing/informational workshop/"they get overtime, you don't" meeting, a representative of Desert Mountain 4WD Club got the major run around. Seems as though this guy had done all the right things, filled out the paperwork and even volunteered his club's time and resources to clean up Dry Canyon. The Desert Mountain 4WD Club wanted the area, now closed to 4WD, reopened.
What a travesty. Isn't Lincoln National Forest big enough to support any recreational activity? I may or may not approve of 4 wheeling but if it is going to be disallowed, then I have to protest. Look at the new digs of the Forest Service, acres of fragile desert bulldozed and paved, and all their late model 4 wheel drive trucks that usually sit in the parking lot. Talk about environmental destruction.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I was reading the Denver Post this afternoon and came upon two stories that shared a common link to global warming. One of the stories sounded the alarm of pine beetle devastation of Colorado’s mountain forests. The other story told of the pika (Order Lagomorpha) becoming scarce in the mountains. Both stories alluded to global warming and man’s interference with nature. I worked in Grand Teton National Park in the early 70’s. We would only see pika in the higher, rocky canyons and slag piles of glacier debris. The article seems to indicate that pika are common in all parts of the forest. The article also describes pika as rodents. They are not rodents; they are members of the order Lagmorpha, the family to which rabbits belong. The pine beetle story said Colorado would loose 1.5 million acres of forest land to the beetle infestation which began in 1996. In the 70’s Colorado and other mountain states experienced pine beetle infestations of mountain forests. The solution then was to fell the infected trees. Forest service employees scoured the mountain sides and sprayed blue markings on the trees to be felled. Cutting permits were sold to the public to allow cutting of the marked trees. Private concerns and individuals thinned the forests and hauled to wood off to their fireplaces and woodstoves. Today such cutting is not allowed because of environmental policies put in place to prohibit sane management of the forests. The beetle infested forests are now tinder boxes waiting to explode into a summer firestorm of a record forest fire season in 2008. Its not global warming that is destroying the forests.
The environmental land grab scam is to blame for forest destruction throughout the West. I have to ask the wolf release advocates what the definition of critical habitat is, considering the condition of forests in the American Southwest. Is critical habitat the herds of cattle owned by ranchers or the pristine forests protected by environmental policy? If those forests burn; where will the wolves go? As for the pika; did anyone consider that the comeback of eagles in the West might have something to do with a reduction of the pika population? If the connection can be made between predator and prey, as so eloquently justified by wolf release advocates, then we either blame global warming on eagles or just assume pikas are easy prey for raptors.
More from Agri-News on Wolves
Reprinted with permission of Agri-News, editor@imt.net, www.cattleplus.com.
January 9, 2008
Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd invite ranchers to fight for wolf delisting
By Tami Arvik Blake, Agri-News editor
If it's going to happen, it has to be before the end of February.
Total cost of a lawsuit to force the federal government to immediately delist wolves will be $200,000.
That's 200 people contributing $1,000 each... 400 people contributing $500 each... you get the idea.
Want more information? Call Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd president, Bill Hoppe, at 406.848.7651, or simply send donations to FOTNYEH, 172 Jardine Route, Gardiner MT 59030. Bob Fanning can be reached via email: rtfanning@att.net.
Story Text
It's not too late: ranchers can still take the Rocky Mountain gray wolf to court.
Though the federal government has promised to remove the wolf from the Endangered Species List in February of this year, experts agree that lawsuits brought by environmental groups will likely tie the issue up for some ten years.
That means ten more years of wolf protection - and ranchers, livestock, and wildlife paying the price.
There is one way to avoid that scenario, though. What if somebody can beat the environmentalists to the punch by suing the federal government to immediately delist wolves before the official announcement comes next month?
The groundwork for just that sort of action is already finished.
Of course, there's a certain procedure that must be followed when taking legal action against the Endangered Species Act. Complaints must be filed before deadlines, and as far as wolves are concerned, those deadlines are long past.
The state of Montana does not have legal standing right now to fight for immediate wolf delisting.
But Bob Fanning does, and he's hoping that ranchers will team up with him to remove federal protections from wolves.
Fanning is the founder of Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, a small organization based out of Fanning's home deep in the mountains north of Yellowstone Park. FOTNYEH is the only entity in the states of Montan and Idaho that has legal standing to sue the federal government to delist wolves.
The only thing missing is the money - and the public interest.
Fanning hoped to gain both when state representative Diane Rice (R-Harrison) carried House Bill No. 343, "An Act appropriating money from the General Fund to the Legislative Services Division to fund state participation in a pending lawsuit against the federal government challenging the failure of the federal government to remove wolves from the Endangered Species List," during the 2007 session.
"Since this is the only entity that can litigate on behalf of the people of Montana, I believed that the state of Montana should appropriate money to help them file a lawsuit to encourage delisting," Rice says.
The bill asked for a $200,000 appropriation to pay for the lawsuit. It passed the Montana House by a margin of 63:37 but died in the Democrat-controlled Senate Finance & Claims Committee.
Fanning says that the Governor's Office and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks were both in opposition to the bill. "It's a political issue because Fish, Wildlife & Parks wants to maintain control over the whole wolf thing," he says. "They get a tremendous amount of money to implement and administrate their federally-approved/imposed wolf management plan, and they don't want to jeopardize that money."
What FWP fails to realize, Fanning says, is that the wolf money comes at the expense of the state's livestock and hunting industries.
The state and wolves
Serving her fourth term in the Montana legislature, Diane Rice knows a thing or two about livestock. She and her husband are partners in Rice Angus, and she previously served as chair of the House Ag Committee. She is currently chair of the House Judiciary Committee.
Ranching in the Madison Valley northwest of Yellowstone, the Rices have had a few encounters with wolves. A pair of the predators, in fact, terrorized their heifers the night before the ranch's annual production sale in November.
Rice understands the issues because she's rooted in the ag industry. And that's why it's been important for her to take wolf legislation to Helena. In 2003, HR32 - a resolution urging the US Congress to delist wolves - passed the Montana legislature.
That same year, HB283 - directing Montana's Attorney General to explore the state's rights to all wolf-related legal options - also passed. According to Fanning, Attorney General Mike McGrath "defied" that order from the state legislators and never did pursue the issue. That's why the state does not have legal standing today to proceed with wolf litigation.
And in 2005 HJR29 made a strong statement: "... Clarifying to appropriate federal government officials that Montana reserves its applicable rights and remedies to request federal predator control and to exercise rights and remedies to prevent and control damage or conflict on federal, state, or other public or private land caused by predatory animals, and urging the Montana Congressional delegation to take appropriate measures to obtain meaningful funding and assistance for Montana citizens and communities that have been adversely affected by wolf reintroduction."
That resolution passed by a "super majority," Rice says, but has not received much attention in Washington, DC.
Not surprising behavior, Fanning says, from agencies that deceived Congress - which approved the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park in November of 1994 - into believing that the reintroduction would minimally impact people and wildlife. He says that in 1988 the Department of Interior commissioned a Delphi 15 study that concluded a reintroduced wolf population would grow to 100 animals at the most.
"Their computer model said, if we reintroduce some wolves, in 10 to 20 years we'll get to 70, 80, maybe 100 wolves," Fanning says. "They knew all along that wolf packs reproduce at a 34 percent rate, but they deceived Congress into thinking it would be a little number."
Fanning guesses that there are about 1,600 wolves in Montana alone now. "They stopped counting these wolves years go. They don't want you to know where they are or what they're up to."
Fanning doesn't doubt that the recent public comment period concerning wolf delisting - open to anybody across the nation - garnered a majority response in opposition to delisting. But he believes that's all part of a master plan: "Come February, the US Fish & Wildlife Service will issue an administrative order to delist, in defiance of the emotional popularity contest," he explains. "Then those people who have been allegedly 'harmed' will gain standing to file lawsuit because they've been 'harmed' by the delisting order. They will get to court before anybody else has a chance, and then it will be tied up for years.
"The easiest thing to do in litigation is stall. The longer you stall, the more these wolf populations grow."
That's why it's important, Fanning says, for a lawsuit to be filed before the delisting order, expected February 28.
Simply put, if ranchers and sportsmen don't get their foot in the door soon, it will be too late.
A biological desert
It's the sportsmen side of the equation that Fanning relates to.
He's a Notre Dame graduate who worked on Wall Street for 20 years and later became CEO of his own company. Through the normal course of his business, he says, he learned the ins and outs of the legal system. "So I've got the skills set to be involved in this mess," he says.
He came to Montana to hunt elk for many years and came to stay in 1996, settling on a small acreage 20 miles north of Yellowstone Park. When he first moved in, the Northern Yellowstone elk herd - one of the largest migratory herds in the nation - moved across his land on its way to and from winter grazing.
"I had the chance to see 6,000 or 7,000 elk pass by my house every year. If that was too many, now we see zero."
Today, he calls the landscape around his property "sterilized." By 1998, he says, there were almost no elk in the wilderness around his home. "All you saw was wolf tracks on the game trails, and you don't hear bugles, you don't see rubs, you don't see fresh droppings.
"In years gone by I could ride up to a wolf on the trail," he says. "I've had them run by my house. But now that the game herd is so severely depleted in Yellowstone Park, they're up in the Shields Valley, the places that people never imagined. Southern Park County is a biological desert. Buffalo give the impression that Yellowstone Park is teeming with wildlife. Well, wolves are opportunistic killers, and buffalo are tough characters."
Fanning says at one time it was easy to count elk as they trailed across his property. At one time, he says, there were nearly 20,000 in the Northern Yellowstone herd; now he guesses there are only 5,000 remaining.
Fanning says FWP has refused to recognize the elk population decline. Because predators have driven the elk onto private land and into new areas of the state, the population is more noticeable to the general public. FWP even hosted an extended elk season this year.
But Montana hunters no longer find elk where the animals once were. Rice notes that, because of that, out-of-state hunter numbers for Montana declined by 42% in the period between 1995 and 2005. In-state hunter numbers declined by 21% in the same. That leaves a gaping hole in the state's economy, previously filled by what was over a $230 million industry.
Rice blames increased hunting fees for some of that decline, but a displaced and deteriorating elk herd for a good part of it.
When wolves follow wildlife onto private land, they become acquainted with livestock and habituated to settlements. That's when they acquire a taste for beef and lamb, the meat carried by easy prey.
"And once they get used to seeing people, children are not so difficult to take down," Fanning warns.
A day in court
When he first moved to Montana, "I thought I'd be a hermit in the middle of nowhere," Bob Fanning says. But his frustrations over the declining elk population in his backyard wilderness led to the beginnings of Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, and now he's in the fight perhaps deeper than he'd like to be.
"This isn't about me and I don't ever want it to be about me," he says. "I wish somebody would come and take it away. We passed laws where the state of Montana should have asserted its legal rights and delisted the wolf years ago. But the state didn't, and now this is the only avenue to fight for delisting. Anybody can pay for the attorney fees and file the lawsuit. They just have to go through me, unfortunately, because I'm the only person in the states of Montana and Idaho with legal standing to do so."
Fanning envisions a coalition of ranchers and sportsmen taking this case to force wolf delisting to the highest court in the nation - and winning. "The case is a shoo-in because the reintroduction of wolves was actually illegal. There were wolves in Montana before the reintroduction. And now that they're here, the situation will take care of itself and the damages will stop if we can just delist the animal. The most unnatural thing about the wolf is the fact that it's being protected.
"I neither love or hate wolves," Fanning says. "I just hate bureaucrats that exploit anything for their own advancement. I'll be the first to admit wolves are here to stay. But the protection has to come off the animal so the animal is given the opportunity to learn how to behave around people.
"Here's what the common guy in the state of Montana should ask himself: Why is the little guy systematically denied his day in court over wolves by politicians? As long as I breathe on this planet, I will be willing to take this to the Supreme Court... but I'm not paying the legal bill."
Diane Rice agrees that the case is something every Montanan should consider being a part of. First of all, the people of Montana own the state's wildlife population and have a right to file for wolf-caused damages on the same.
Second of all, wolves kill livestock, and that hurts ranchers' bottom lines. Though ranchers close to the park have taken the brunt of the punishment thus far, she says, the wolves will soon spread all across the state, and into other states, in pursuit of elk and livestock.
Rancher or sportsmen, Fanning envisions both coming together to battle for wolf delisting.
"If you're angry about the buffalo in Yellowstone Park, if you're angry about the way the bully in Helena is treating you, if you're angry that you didn't get an elk this year, or if you're angry that elk have been pushed down on your property by wolves, then I'm offering you the standing to have your day in court," he says. "Consider it a chance to protect your livelihood, culture and heritage."
- Tami Blake, Agri-News editor
Tami Jo Arvik Blake
Agri-News editor
PO Box 30755
Billings, Montana 59107
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Union of Concerned Scientists is pressuring the Environmental Protection Agency to stop the current trend of either destroying or with holding its 'science' data from Citizens or other scientific operations. The EPA is not complying.
"EPA Press ReleaseUCS is asking activists to call Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Stephen Johnson and urge him to halt the dismantling of the library system. Several libraries have already been closed, with their contents either destroyed or shipped to repositories where they are uncataloged and inaccessible.
Pressure from UCS staff and activists, as well as other organizations, has driven media coverage of the problem. The EPA has responded with a press release and press conference, both of which failed to address many of the central problems with the EPA's decision to close its libraries. There are even factual errors in the press release; the American Library Association has not provided guidance or criteria to the EPA and continues to raise significant concerns about the EPA's actions.
The EPA tells us that some UCS activists' phone and email messages to specific EPA public affairs staff have been brought to EPA senior management. As a result, EPA has asked to meet with UCS over the next few days. Calls are still needed, however, to let the EPA know that citizens and scientists are still concerned about this problem and are watching the EPA's actions. Also, if you are a researcher whose work has been or would be impacted by library closure and/or delayed access to documents, we would like to share your story with the EPA; please confidentially email UCS Analyst Tim Donaghy or call him at (202) 331-6944."