Marcia Stirman provided ORF with this information. The Serve America Act reeks of political indoctrination and free labor provided by your children.
If u have children who are 'able young people' PAY ATTENTION to this latest bill that passed both the House and Senate as is sitting at Obama's desk for his signature or veto:
GIVE Act ‘Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act’ HR 1388
A bill entitled "The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, an Act to reauthorize and reform the national service laws."
The Senate passed the "Serve America Act," HR 1388, by a vote of 79-19
ADDED: The "mandatory service requirement" language in HR 1388 was taken out before the House vote, but it was reintroduced as a separate bill,HR 1444, whose purpose is "To establish the Congressional Commission on Civic Service to study methods of improving and promoting volunteerism and national service, and for other purposes."
[How can u have mandatory volunteerism???? National Service program with mandatory participation for everyone between 17 and 25 for no less than nine months and no more than two years except in case of a disaster, despite the fact that mandatory service without pay constitutes involuntary servitude and is in direct violation of the thirteenth amendment.]
Do your own homework or here are some links to help u get started:
To read the whole bill for yourselfText of H.R. 1388: Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) discusses the many flaws of the National Service Act being considered on the Senate floor, calling it "a well-intentioned mistake" (Mar. 24, 2009).
GOOD insight and arguments!
The House passed the measure overwhelmingly, while only 14 senators had the sense and courage to vote against it on a key procedural motion. Every legislator who either voted for this bill or didn’t vote at all has some serious explaining to do.
Last summer, then-candidate Barack Obama threw civil liberties to the wind when he proposed "a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the regular military. The expanded Americorps is not quite so disturbing, but a number of provisions in the bill raise serious concerns.
To begin with, the legislation threatens the voluntary nature of Americorps by calling for consideration of "a workable, fair and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people." It anticipates the possibility of requiring "all individuals in the United States" to perform such service, including elementary school students.
The bill also summons up unsettling memories of World War II-era paramilitary groups by saying the new program should"combine the best practices of civilian service with the best aspects of military service," while establishing "campuses" that serve as "operational headquarters," complete with "superintendents" and "uniforms" for all participants. It allows for the elimination of all age restrictions in order to involve Americans at all stages of life. And, it calls for the creation of "a permanent cadre" in a "National Community Civilian Corps."
But that’s not all. The bill also calls for "youth engagement zones" in which "service learning" is "a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency."
This updated form of voluntary community service is also to be "integrated into the science, technology, engineering and mathematics curricula" at all levels of schooling. Sounds like a government curriculum for government-approved "service learning," which is nothing less than indoctrination.