As part of ORF's continuing effort to inform and ruin your day, ORF reminds Citizens of this 'president's agenda to further diminish Constitutional Rights by implementing policies in blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution. With all the celebration over the victory of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts, let's not forget about HR. 2454: AMERICAN CLEAN ENERGY AND SECURITY ACT, aka: CAP & TRADE.
Posts and Comments from Readers
Monday, January 25, 2010
As part of ORF's continuing effort to inform and ruin your day, ORF reminds Citizens of this 'president's agenda to further diminish Constitutional Rights by implementing policies in blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution. With all the celebration over the victory of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts, let's not forget about HR. 2454: AMERICAN CLEAN ENERGY AND SECURITY ACT, aka: CAP & TRADE.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Restore the Constitution rally- 19 April 2010, 9AM to 5PM, Ft. Hunt Park, VA
January 20, 2010 by alarmrideratl
When: 9AM-5PM, April 19th, 2010 (monday)
Where: Ft. Hunt National Park, Northern VA
What: “Restore the Constitution” rally/ Muster Outside D.C.
Details: Staging area will be Ft. Hunt National Park, located about 12 miles south of DC. Participants will gather there, and a speaking program will be provided. From there, participants will have the opportunity to travel in small convoys up to Gravelly Point Park so they can “step up to the edge.” Gravelly Point Park is right on the Potomac, about a mile from the National Mall in DC.
Info and map of George Washington Memorial Parkway area:
George Washington Memorial Parkway National Park
Nearby camping to stage the weekend prior if you feel like camping:
JoNova: How to Create a Crisis Graph in 6 simple steps
Title click to read article on JoNova blog site.
One of the main arguments from the IPCC is that essentially, we can’t explain temperature changes any other way than with carbon forcings. This is matched with impressive pink and blue graphs that pose as evidence that carbon is responsible for all the recent warming.
This is argumentum ad ignorantiam — essentially they say: we don’t know what else could have caused that warming, so it must be carbon. It’s a flawed assumption.
It’s easy to create impressive graphs, especially if you actively ignore other possible causes, like for example, changes in cloud cover and solar magnetic effects.
Lieutenant Governor Campaign: Brian Moore from Clayton
Title click to read Republican Brian Moore's campaign platform in his candidacy for New Mexico Lt. Governor. Mr. Moore is a small businessman from Clayton. Moore served in the New Mexico House of Representatives since 2000.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Otero County, Legit Science, Water, Wolves and Jobs
We will add "climate change" to the AGW Ordinance for an obvious reason; read the link below. Environmentalists, what a misnomer, are retreating from man-made global warming and we can't leave them an escape route. Their science is bogus, it is the real man-made aspect of this whole scam.
I just read through a stack of documents on the Outstanding National Resource Waters, a subdivision of the Clean Water Act. This is another attack on our sovereignty not to mention ranchers, loggers and private property owners and water drinkers.
The feds are ignoring their own laws, we have access to good science through NMSU Range Improvement Task Force. Let's hold their feet to the fire. They work for us and it is not working folks. We have a national forest that is a tenderbox not a renewable resource. That is what the Forest Service was created to do - MULTIPLE USE and RENEWABLE. Let's take it back and "manage" it ourselves. We couldn't possibly do any worse, could we?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Voter ID Bill
The Bill that Representative Dianne Hamilton is carrying for Voter Identification was introduced on the House Floor today, Wednesday. The Bill is number HB 97.
HB 97 will now go to the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee:
Gail Chasey (D) Chair 505-986-4844
Antonio Maestas (D) Vice Chair 505-986-4464
Thomas Anderson (R) 505-986-4451
Karen Giannini (D) 505-986-4234
Bill O'Neill (D) 505-986-4254
Al Park (D) 505-986-4411
Gloria Vaughn (R) 505-986-4453
Please let Representative Vaughn know that you support this measure to protect our voting process.
Also, please call the Govenor's Office and let them know you want this bill signed. Here is the number: (505) 476-2200
Census 2010 Otero County - Update Three
At the Otero County Regular Meeting last night, names were added to the Complete Count Committee. Please see previous posts.
Kudos to seven citizens who stepped up to the plate. The committee membership now looks a lot more like the demographics of Otero County.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Yet Another Reason for Otero County Commission to adopt AGW Ordinance
UN climate chief admits mistake on Himalayan glaciers warning
The UN’s top climate change body has issued an unprecedented apology over its flawed prediction that Himalayan glaciers were likely to disappear by 2035.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said yesterday that the prediction in its landmark 2007 report was “poorly substantiated” and resulted from a lapse in standards. “In drafting the paragraph in question the clear and well-established standards of evidence, required by the IPCC procedures, were not applied properly,” the panel said. “The chair, vice-chair and co-chairs of the IPCC regret the poor application of IPCC procedures in this instance.”
The stunning admission is certain to embolden critics of the panel, already under fire over a separate scandal involving hacked e-mails last year.
Click title for complete article.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Otero County 2010 Census - Update Two
Two emails received yesterday from Otero County Administrative Assistant Jacqueline Jaramillo:
It was great speaking with you this morning.I am please to hear that there are more people willing to volunteer for the Complete Count Committee (CCC). The CCC will meet at least once a month and perhaps more if needed for planning an event. The CCC will meet February 1, 2010, at 1:00pm in the Otero County Administration Building, 1101 New York Ave., Alamogordo, NM 88310. The CCC is asking for members to make a strong commitment to attend all meeting and participate in all up coming events. Should an individual want to volunteer but not be able to make a strong commitment, they may become a member of the subcommittee. In all cases, the CCC welcomes all inputs and recommendations. The CCC is hosting a Census 2010 kick off event. The event will take place on March 12, 2010 from noon-2:00pm at the 1st National Bank Atrium. Should anyone be interested in volunteering for the CCC or subcommittee, please contact me at (575) 439-2621 or email me at If you would like to discuss this further or in more detail, I would also be glad to meet with you in person, my office is located 1101 New York Ave., Alamogordo, NM 88310.
Jacqueline Jaramillo
Administrative Assistant
Office of County Manager
County of Otero
1101 New York Ave.
Alamogordo, NM 88310
T (575) 439-2621
F (575) 443-2928
A correction needs to be made on my part. I spoke with Ken Koeksema (Census) he will be meeting with the Ministry Alliance on Thursday to discuss joining the Complete Count Committee. Once I hear word about their objective, I will let you know. Also Jini Turri, Village of Cloudcroft will be added to the CCC.
Thank you,
Jacqueline Jaramillo
I have submitted the names of two more for the committee today. JW
POLICE LINK: Protest Against Sheriff Joe Turns Violent
Title click to read article on POLICE LINK.
The demonstration was peaceful until police say protesters near the end of the procession started throwing water bottles at officers. Phoenix Police Lt. Pat Hofmann said officers used pepper spray as they tried to separate protesters from an officer who was trying to take away the bottles.
Phoenix police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill said on-scene supervisors described a group of demonstrators purposefully disrupting the demonstration by assaulting several police officers and a police horse.
He said one demonstrator struck a police sergeant on the head and chest with a flagpole. Two others threw water bottles, possibly containing rocks, at other officers, but missed.
Hill also said a police officer on horseback was assaulted while her horse was mobbed, punched and pushed. The officer used pepper spray to stop the assault.
Propaganda video 'STOP THE HATE'.
Janet White provided this email for ORF. ORF says: if your Tea Party organizers don't advocate for state sovereignty and elected officials who represent the sovereignty of New Mexico...find Tea Party that understands state sovereignty and holding the expansion of federal authority and jurisdiction at bay. This is a description of legislation being introduced this session in the Oklahoma Legislature,designed to reign in the Federal Government. This is 10th amendment followup with teeth. Given below are the details for four areas of action. Each area has a point of contact and how to reach them. This person has the experience of working in previous years on advancing legislation. You can meet these individuals by email and at the Oklahoma state capitol at noon on Monday, Feb 1st (during lunch for many people) when we begin our work of walking this legislation through to passage.
Please pick an area you are passionate about and reach out to the point of contact.
1. 2nd Amendment - Right to Bear Arms (Tim Gillespie - are several pieces of legislation being advanced this spring concerning the right to bear arms including open carry. My favorite is the "Montana Law" or:
2. 4th Amendment - Unreasonable Searches and Seizures (Amanda Teegarden
HB2884 - "Firearms Freedom Act"
. (
This legislation essentially states that firearms manufactured, sold, and used within the state of Oklahoma can't be regulated by the federal government. Using the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution for cover we are attempting to prevent our federal government from any kind of back door gun registration. A free people don't register!
Tim Gillespie has agreed to track this and other related legislation and encourage its passage within the state legislature. Of course, Tim can't do this alone and our legislators respond to large numbers of people calling, visiting, emailing, etc. Please work with Tim and ask him to keep you informed on what you can do. You can reach Tim through his email ( of the website of his organization, OK2A ( You do not need to join OK2A to get involved although, personally, I did.For years the federal and state governments have been gathering information on the activities of its law abiding citizens without the consent of the individuals and then sharing this information with other agencies. Unless the government has probable cause for believing an individual has violated a specific law they should not be tracking our activities. This is a form of registering people and I believe that some day, some how, some one in government will use this collected information to restrict our liberties. They already are! Such activities go against the very premise of freedom of association and the right to be protected against unreasonable searches and seizures.
3. 10th Amendment - Powers Reserved to the States or the People (George Wallace
There are several pieces of legislation designed to prevent this kind of involuntary information gathering of law abiding citizens:
SB1649 - Motor vehicle-prohibit design, identifying mark, bar code, chip, tracking device on license plates
HB2923 - Motor vehicles; creating the Oklahoma Sovereignty Driver License Protection Act; prohibiting the Department of
Public Safety from retaining certain information; codification; noncodification; emergency.
Amanda Teegarden will track this and other related legislation and encourage its passage with the state legislature. Of course, Amanda can't do this alone and our legislators respond to large numbers of people calling, visiting, emailing, etc. Please work with Amanda and ask her to keep you informed on what you can do. The best way I know of to follow Amanda's activities and to help in this area is to follow the Action Alerts provided through the OK-SAFE website ( You do not need to join OK-SAFE to get involved.The federal government has this well known trick they play to get the cooperation of its member states. They collect federal tax dollars from individual citizens and then give it back to the states with all kinds of strings attached. As a result Oklahoman's find themselves funding the "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska and having our public school programs dictated by the federal government instead of local school boards. All levels of local governance are subverted by such actions and it is only getting worse with time. We can slow down this practice with legislation such as:
4. Sound Money - no tax on gold and no more debt (Bob Donohoo -
HB2810 - State Sovereignty Act; federal tax dollars; procedures
This legislation would require Oklahoman's to send their federal taxes to the state government which will periodically send them to the federal government. If the federal government "misbehaves" the state can withhold the submission of these funds until the federal government gets their act together. This will help to restore the sovereignty of the state!
George Wallace has agreed to track this and other related legislation and encourage its passage with the state legislature. Of course, George can't do this alone and our legislators respond to large numbers of people calling, visiting, emailing, etc. Please work with George and ask him to keep you informed on what you can do. You can reach George through his email ( You will also see George at the Feb 1st rally at the state capitol.When the government controls the currency of a nation they control the stored wealth of individuals. They can take this accumulated savings any time they want without most people even understanding it. We can take the first step to ending this practice by removing the sales tax on gold and other precious metals. There is some legislation to do just that:
Please encourage activism by sending this email to everyone you know.
HB2926 - Exemption for the sale of certain rare coins and precious metals
When a state takes on too much debt and their revenues are down they find themselves in a bad financial position. They don't have enough money to service the debt and pay for their current services. Right now California is in this position and is looking to the federal government for a handout. With all the expectations that the federal government will place on any such bailout you can say how California can forfeit its sovereignty. We need to avoid this same position by refusing to take on more debt as a state. No more debt! We will be tracking appropriations and raising attention if it involves increasing our debt.
Please come out to the state capitol, noon on Feb 1st, so that we can get connected and get started.
If you wish to stay informed on the progress of any of these, e-mail me and I will see that you are on the info list.
Title click to read article on
As the Tea Party movement approaches its one-year anniversary, grassroots activists increasingly are finding themselves fighting off what they see as cynical bids by unscrupulous sophisticates to co-opt the movement for their own ends.
These new players on the Tea Party scene are lawyers, political consultants, business-people, and even Republican politicians. They're not working together for the most part, and the details of their efforts differ. But all have taken steps lately that have been denounced -- often by Tea Party activists -- as efforts to benefit personally from a movement that prides itself on its independence and incorruptability.
Title click to read article on STATESMAN.COM.
"We stand on the cusp of a new era," said George Scaggs, director of NewRevolutionNow, a group demanding that the Legislature pass a so-called nullification resolution to block the federal government from enacting President Barack Obama's health care initiative and other unfunded — and what they say are unconstitutional — federal mandates.
"This is a fledgling revolution, that's what it is."
"The Republican Party tried to use us, but we're onto them now," said Norman Shugar, 77, who drove in from outside Houston. "I was for Perry. Now, I'm for Medina."
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Otero County 2010 Census - UPDATE
I had five responses to the original email below. One used 2008 registration records and supplied information via email. Today, another went to the Otero County Clerk's office and was able to update the information which is in red letters. Thank you to those who responded.
The Complete Count Committee is to represent the composition of Otero County. The proposed committee is lopsided politically and professionally.
With redistricting based on 2010 Census results the top priority, it is highly recommended you attend the Otero County Commission Regular Meeting, Thursday, January 21, 6:00 p.m. There are no public meetings scheduled so this agenda item should come up fairly quickly by commission meeting standards.
For more information about Complete Count Committees, visit:
Party Affiliation of Committee Members as of this morning per Otero County Clerk's office:
Jacqueline Jaramillo Democrat
Administrative Assistant
County of Otero
Maureen Schmittle DTS
Public Communication Manager
City of Alamogorodo
Sharon Hodges DTS
Community Health Promotion Specialist
NM Dept of Health-Public Health
Division Region 5 Otero County Public Health
Julie Baker Democrat
Presbyterian Medical Services
Sue Medina Democrat
Alamogordo Public Schools
Board of Education, Vice President
Raginee Mendoza No record of registration
Community Health Council
Sharon Fischer Republican
Vice President
Student Services, NMSU-A
Paul Sanchez No record of registration
Executive Assistant
Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce
Lucinda Curry No record of registration
Front Office Manager
Ben Archer Health Center
Yvette Misquez Democrat
Community Health Educator
Ben Archer Health Center
Ken Hoeksema No record of registration
U.S. Census
I can understand that Mr. Hoeksema of the U.S. Census is not registered to vote in Otero County as he probably lives elsewhere. But, what about the other three who are not registered to vote?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
AP source: Obama seeking tax on biggest banks
SEC hides AIG bailout documents until 2018
Oh SEC! What Sort Of BS Game Was This?
Otero County 2010 Census
Email I sent out yesterday to my contacts. Three responses so far and the research continues. This committee needs to be addressed and corrected by the Republican Party. This census will affect state representative districting. One Republican out of eleven members is hardly reflective of this county. Also, the "experts" on this list are overwhelmingly connected to the medical field. This committee should have business persons, government (which it has), education (which it has), the religious community, media, and community organizations. This from the national website.
Here is what is needed and it is first come, first to serve good local governance. I am curious to see to who steps up to the plate.
Next Thursday night the Otero County Commission will be voting to accept the list provided to be members of "Census 2010 Complete Count Committee (CCC)".
From the Agenda Report: "...The CCC are expected to communicate the importance of the 2010 Census to their peer groups and guide them in implementing strategies to increase the count in their respective communities. Here is the list of the Committee member nominees."
Jacqueline Jaramillo
Administrative Assistant
County of Otero
Maureen Schmittle
Public Communication Manager
City of Alamogorodo
Sharon Hodges
Community Health Promotion Specialist
NM Dept of Health-Public Health
Division Region 5 Otero County Public Health
Julie Baker
Presbyterian Medical Services
Sue Medina
Alamogordo Public Schools
Board of Education, Vice President
Reginee Mendoza (misspelled Raginee)
Community Health Council
Sharon Fischer
Vice President
Student Services, NMSU-A
Paul Sanchez
Executive Assistant
Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce
Lucinda Curry
Front Office Manager
Ben Archer Health Center
Yvette Misquez
Community Health Educator
Ben Archer Health Center
Ken Hoeksema
U.S. Census
Your job, if you accept, is to visit or call the Otero County Clerk's office and determine the political party affiliation of each individual.
Search your memories and ask for feedback from friends/associates as to the positive/negative imput to the community for the individual.
Report back to me and I will address the Otero County Commission prior to the vote and advise whether this group is appropriate to safeguard, through communications with their peer groups, the values and customs of Otero County.
I will not editorialize at this point as you all know the long term consequences of census taking, redistricting, gerrymandering, etc. Please give me your opinion as to the composition of the list even if you don't volunteer to check party registrations.
Morning Bell: Behind Closed Doors, Unions Win, You Lose | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Morning Bell: Behind Closed Doors, Unions Win, You Lose | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
NEW MEXICO INDEPENDENT:Weh wants King to challenge constitutionality of health care reform
Title click to read article on NEW MEXICO INDEPENDENT website.
Obama gives foreign cops new police powers in U.S.
Obama gives foreign cops new police powers in U.S.
"Before we get our knickers in a bunch, there is logic to this immunity. While we like our Constitution and laws, other countries like their Constitution and laws. It doesn't matter if the concept of personal freedom is more expansive here. If we expect immunity in their country, we have to extend it to them here."
But with Obama's change, "It means that we have an international police force authorized to act within the United States that is no longer subject to 4th Amendment Search and Seizure."
The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world's most eminent climate scientists.
Their predictions -- based on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans -- challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy's most deeply cherished beliefs, such as the claim that the North Pole will be free of ice in summer by 2013.
- The congressional delegation was so large, it needed three military jets: two 737's and a Gulfstream Five -- up to 64 passengers -- traveling in luxurious comfort.
- Add senators and staff, most of whom flew commercial, and there were at least 101 Congress-related attendees; all for a summit that failed to deliver a global climate deal.
- As a perk, some took spouses, since they could snag an open seat on a military jet or share a room at no extra cost to taxpayers.
How much did they spend?
- Three military jets at $9,900 per hour - $168,000 just in flight time.
- Dozens flew commercial at up to $2,000 each.
- 321 hotel nights booked - the bulk at Copenhagen's five-star Marriott.
- Meals add tens of thousands more.
President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors
Title click to read article.
For Immediate Release January 11, 2010
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America,including section 1822 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-181), and in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments to protect our Nation and its people and property,it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Council of Governors.
(a) There is established a Council of Governors (Council).The Council shall consist of 10 State Governors appointed by the President (Members), of whom no more than five shall be of the same political party. The term of service for each Member appointed to serve on the Council shall be 2 years, but a Member may be reappointed for additional terms.
(b) The President shall designate two Members, who shall not be members of the same political party, to serve as Co-Chairs of the Council.
Sec. 2. Functions. The Council shall meet at the call of the Secretary of Defense or the Co-Chairs of the Council to exchange views, information, or advice with the Secretary of Defense; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counter terrorism; the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement; the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas' Security Affairs; the Commander,United States Northern Command; the Chief, National Guard Bureau; the Commandant of the Coast Guard; and other appropriate officials of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, and appropriate officials of other executive departments or agencies as may be designated by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Homeland Security.Such views, information, or advice shall concern:
(a) matters involving the National Guard of the various States;
(b) homeland defense;
(c) civil support;
more (OVER) 2
(d) synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States; and
(e) other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.
Sec. 3. Administration.
(a) The Secretary of Defense shall designate an Executive Director to coordinate the work of the Council.
(b) Members shall serve without compensation for their work on the Council. However, Members shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law.
(c) Upon the joint request of the Co-Chairs of the Council, the Secretary of Defense shall, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability appropriations, provide the Council with administrative support,assignment or detail of personnel, and information as may be necessary for the performance of the Council's functions.
(d) The Council may establish subcommittees of the Council. These subcommittees shall consist exclusively of Members of the Council and any designated employees of a Member with authority to act on the Member's behalf, as appropriate to aid the Council in carrying out its functions under this order.
(e) The Council may establish a charter that is consistent with the terms of this order to refine further its purpose,scope, and objectives and to allocate duties, as appropriate,among members.
Sec. 4. Definitions. As used in this order:
(a) the term "State" has the meaning provided in paragraph (15) of section 2 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002(6 U.S.C. 101(15)); and
(b) the term "Governor" has the meaning provided in paragraph (5) of section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122(5)).
(a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(1) the authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head thereof; or
(2) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary,administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
Sec. 5. General Provisions. more 3
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
THE WHITE HOUSE,January 11, 2010.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Title click to read article on CNC NEWS website.
Obama Executive Order Stokes Martial Law Fears
Obama Executive Order Stokes Martial Law Fears
From New Mexico Statutes Annotated: | ||||
B. Nothing in Chapter 20 NMSA 1978 shall be construed as authorizing the New Mexico state defense force or any part thereof to be called, ordered or in any manner drafted by federal authorities into the military service of the United States, but no person by reason of his enlistment or appointment in the state defense force shall be exempted from military service under any law of the United States. |
A Nation of Laws and Exemptions? It does not work.
Obama gives foreign cops new police powers in U.S.
Sovereignty apparently set aside as agency exempted from law
Click on title for full story not found in the national media.
Don Omey sent this our way, thanks.
Sack Lunches
Hat tip to Will May for this one.
I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight... 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.
Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. 'Petawawa. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Afghanistan. After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached the east, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time...
As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to base. His friend agreed.
I looked around at the other soldiers. None were buying lunch. I walked to the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant a fifty dollar bill. 'Take a lunch to all those soldiers.' She grabbed my arms and squeezed tightly. Her eyes wet with tears, she thanked me. 'My son was a soldier in Iraq ; it's almost like you are doing it for him.' Picking up ten sacks, she headed up the aisle to where the soldiers were seated. She stopped at my seat and asked, 'Which do you like best - beef or chicken?' 'Chicken,' I replied, wondering why she asked. She turned and went to the front of plane, returning a minute later with a dinner plate from first class. This is your thanks.'
After we finished eating, I went again to the back of the plane, heading for the rest room. A man stopped me. 'I saw what you did. I want to be part of it. Here, take this.' He handed me twenty-five dollars.
Soon after I returned to my seat, I saw the Flight Captain coming down the aisle, looking at the aisle numbers as he walked, I hoped he was not looking for me, but noticed he was looking at the numbers only on my side of the plane and when he got to my row he stopped, smiled, held out his hand, and said, 'I want to shake your hand.' Quickly unfastening my seatbelt I stood and took the Captain's hand. With a booming voice he said, 'I was a soldier and I was a military pilot. Once, someone bought me a lunch. It was an act of kindness I never forgot.' I was embarrassed when applause was heard from all of the passengers.
Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch my legs. A man who was seated about six rows in front of me reached out his hand, wanting to shake mine. He left another twenty-five dollars in my palm.
When we landed I gathered my belongings and started to deplane. Waiting just inside the airplane door was a man who stopped me, put something in my shirt pocket, turned, and walked away without saying a word. Another twenty-five dollars!
Upon entering the terminal, I saw the soldiers gathering for their trip to the base. I walked over to them and handed them seventy-five dollars. 'It will take you some time to reach the base. It will be about time for a sandwich. God Bless You.'
Ten young men left that flight feeling the love and respect of their fellow travelers. As I walked briskly to my car, I whispered a prayer for their safe return. These soldiers were giving their all for our country. I could only give them a couple of meals.
It seemed so little...
A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Steele: Reid should step down from leadership role for 'Negro' remark -
Steele: Reid should step down from leadership role for 'Negro' remark -
Title click to read article in the Denver Post.
"Officer Wick described Mr. Toups as shrugging his shoulders, bending his arms, flexing and putting his knuckles together near his stomach, at which time both officers took Mr. Toups to the ground, the snow covered ground, and placed him face-first down," Lunders testified, according to court transcripts.
Toups said he was trying to make a call on his cellphone before he was taken away. He said he was under the impression he had a "gentleman's agreement" to stay near the CDOT utility shed, based upon his camaraderie with CDOT employees.
When officers searched his pockets, according to Lunders' testimony, they found "misdemeanor level paraphernalia and marijuana."
The day after Toups' arrest, Lunders testified that Wick suffered a "post traumatic condition or disorder . . . that caused her heart to enlarge after the arrest." Doctors later told her, Lunders testified, "she did not suffer a heart attack and her arteries were in fact good."
Lunders wrote in his report detailing the arrest: "At no time was she (Wick) struck by Toups, nor did he attempt to kick, punch or strike either officer."
Still, Toups is facing charges that he "did forcibly assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate and interfere with an officer." Add the illegal camping and marijuana charge, and Toups is facing more than two years in federal prison and $250,000 in fines.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Title click to read article on the WALL STREET JOURNAL website.
"Foremost, devaluation by itself is not enough to revive a domestic manufacturing base that's atrophied amid a hostile operating environment. Few investors are willing to brave Venezuela's maze of price caps, currency controls and the ever-present fear of nationalization.
What's more, by keeping a subsidized dollar rate for importing food, medicine and essential items, Mr. Chavez removes any incentive for Venezuelans to produce what they need most. It will almost certainly remain cheaper to import beef from Brazil, for example, than to produce it.
The fact that Venezuela has ceased to produce meaningful amounts of food, medicine and other basic goods under Mr. Chavez puts his government in a Catch-22 bind. Mr. Chavez can't use devaluation to stimulate production of the most essential products because doing so would instantly make the imported versions too expensive for his mainly poor constituents."
Friday, January 8, 2010
An Indianapolis doctor's letter to Sen. Bayh about the Bill
(Note: Dr. Stephen E. Frazer, MD practices as an anesthesiologist in Indianapolis , IN ) Here is a letter I sent to Senator Bayh. Feel free to copy it and send it around to all other representatives. -- Stephen Fraser
ORF resurrects the ALAMOGORDO GLACIER (ORF's 2007 parody newspaper).
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tea Partiers, Town Hallers, 2ATF - Step Up
The upcoming primary election is CRITICAL to getting solid conservatives in office. There are a number of positions that are up for grabs. We need to have a candidate in every race. The winds of change are blowing and we need to take full advantage and set our sails. Opportunities such as this don't arise very often. You sleep, you weep. County offices appearing on the primary and general election ballot are:
County Commissioner, Districts 1 and 2 (no job qualifications)
County Assessor (no job qualifications)
County Sheriff (no law enforcement experience required)
Probate Judge (no legal experience required)
Magistrate Judge, Division 1 and 2 (no legal experience required)
If you have questions, please call the County Clerk's office. They are very friendly and helpful -
County Chairman Rardin to Address Anthropogenics
At the last regular Otero County Commission, a petition and suggested language for a county ordinance was submitted by yours truly. In light of the revelations concerning cooked climate change numbers and the impact it has on "science" used by the agencies in various agreements with the county, citizens felt it prudent to take this action. If you want to read the suggested language, please contact ORF and we will get it to you.
Below is the agenda for the work session on Wednesday, January 13th.
“Reorganization of the Commission Board”
Scheduled Citizen Communications:
(1) Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center – Request for FY 10/11 Sole Community Provider Medical Services funding in the amount of $2,796,818.
(2) 49 Operations Group Range Management Office – Public Outreach Program for Holloman AFB Bombing and Gunnery Ranges. (Work Session Only)
(3) Weed Community Association – Discuss Weed School maintenance responsibilities and road repair.
Unscheduled Citizen Communications: (Limited to 3 minutes)
The issues raised during "Unscheduled Citizen Communications” are not action items and shall not be entitled to decision making by the Otero County Commission at the meeting where they are first raised.
CONSENT AGENDA: All items marked “CA” will be approved by a single motion, these items on the “Consent Agenda” are considered routine and should not require further discussion. Items can be removed at the request of a Commissioner, County staff, or a member of the public, removed items will be heard in the order of the numbered sequence.
Elected Officials, Department Heads, Committee Reports:
(4) John Blansett– Mid-Year Budget Adjustments
(5) Donna Brandon – Mid-Year Budget Review (Regular Meeting Only)
CA (6) Jacqueline Jaramillo - Request approval of the Census 2010 Complete Count Committee Nominees.
Approval of Bills Lists:
CA (7) #28, 29, 30, 31 & 32
Approval of Minutes:
CA (8) November 19, 2009, Regular Meeting
December 8, 2009, Emergency Meeting
Health Care Services:
CA (9) Consider approving or denying claims for the month of January 2010.
CA (10) Request approval of a contract between Otero County and New Mexico OutSourcing, Inc. for Legislative Liaison Services. This is a one year contract with the option to renew for three additional years in the amount of $30,000. Reviewed by: Ginger Herndon
CA (11) Request approval of Sealed Bid 10-014 for a 2010 Rosenbauer Timberwolf Apparatus for the Alamo West VFD to Artesia Fire Equipment, Artesia, NM. The amount of purchase is $379,853 ($107,000 down payment to be paid by Alamo West, remaining balance financed through NM Finance Authority). Submitted by: Ginger Herndon
Resolutions, Contracts & Agreements:
CA (12) Request approval of Resolution # 01-21-10/98-28 making budget adjustments to reflect the award of a $1,973.69 Selective Traffic Enforcement Project (S.T.E.P.) grant to the Sheriff’s Department. Reviewed by: Donna Brandon
CA (13) Request approval of Resolution #01-21-10/98-29 making budget adjustments to reflect the reduction in state funding totaling $82,152 for School Bus Improvement ($13,457), State Highway CO-OP Projects ($20,749) and County Arterial Programs ($47,946). Submitted by: Donna Brandon
**** (14) Request approval of Resolution #01-13-10/98-30 formally adopting the mileage reimbursement rate of $0.41 per mile for the use of privately owned vehicles for all County business travel. Submitted by: Donna Brandon
CA (15) Request approval of Resolution #01-21-10/98-31 regarding the 2010 compliance with the New Mexico Open Meetings Act. Submitted by: Ray Backstrom
CA (16) Request approval of Resolution #01-21-10/98-32 in opposition to the New Energy Economy petition. Submitted by: Commissioner Ronny Rardin
**** (17) Request approval of Resolution #01-13-10/98-33 requesting continuity for the current hold harmless gross receipts tax distributions to counties. Submitted by: Ray Backstrom
CA (18) Request approval of an agreement between Otero County and M3 Research (Dr. Garrett) for consulting services. This is a one year agreement in an amount not to exceed $70,980. Submitted by: Ray Backstrom
CA (19) Request approval of a professional service agreement between Otero County and the Regents of New Mexico State University, Range Improvement Task Force (Dr. Terrell Baker) providing services with multi-use issues within Otero County. This is a one year agreement in the amount of $25,000. Submitted by: Ray Backstrom
CA (20) Request approval to purchase mass appraisal/tax collection software from Tyler Technologies in the amount of $371,261. Submitted by: Dale Palkki/Gonzalo Estrada/Grace Gonzalez
(21) Discuss and consider approval of an employee agreement with the County Manager. Submitted by: Commissioner Ronny Rardin
Commission Discussions/Action Items:
A. Ronny Rardin – (District 3)
1) Petition – Otero County Ordinance regarding Anthropogenic (Man-Made) Global Warming/Climate Change
B. Doug Moore - (District 1)
C. Clarissa McGinn - (District 2)
County Managers Report:
NOTE: Commission always reserves the right to adjust the agenda as needed to better serve the public.
A. Collective Bargaining
B. Pending/Threatened Litigation
C. Personnel Issues
D. Land
E. Roads
F. Detention Center
G. Contracts
For Information Only:
The next scheduled Otero County Commission
meeting is Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.