Globalist total control, power-mongering actors have been successful in creating a religion from environmentalism. The United Nations, with all its intricate and complex sub-divisions, has infiltrated world government with deceptive humane programs that deprive nations of sovereignty and subvert national constitutions and law. People control and population shifts are key elements of any United Nations operation. The umbrella humanitarian driving force for many of the U.N.'s slimy operations is environmentalism. The U.N.'s environmental programs are driven by the fraud of man-made global warming or anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Under the guise of preventing further harm to the planet and it's inhabitants, the U.N. has successfully imposed heavy-handed restrictions on national freedoms, land use, a nations use of its own water, and caused major havoc and 'food wars' as populations are deprived of exploiting natural resources.
Population reduction world wide is paramount to the U.N.'s goal of organizing and maintaining a more efficient work force comprised of dependent populations who need globalist intervention and direction to survive. The traditional family and regional religions are skewed or destroyed by concentrated and persistent propaganda denouncing the regional or cultural norm to be replaced by 'new norms' that suit the 'founding pioneers' vision of one-world government.
IN the United States environmentalism has been elevated to a status of a world religion to be embraced by the enlightened and celebrated in opulent masses by the very wealthy or the media created elite. The same group of environmentalist alter boys and girls tell us that Islam is a religion of peace. Islam has been given an exceptional status in the U.S. while traditional Christian values are portrayed as false, evil, exclusive and out-dated. Add to the war on Christianity the religion of environmentalism with its commandments of heavy-handed government regulation and guilt laid on the American people for simply believing they have a right to exist, procreate, worship, own things and plan for their children's future and to protect themselves and one sees a deliberate and dangerous assault on the U.S. Constitution and the right of the American Citizen to liberty, religious freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
Since the revelation of fraud supporting the entire specter of AGW, the very science this fraud is based on is born of the religion of environmentalism. The dishonest scientific community who perpetrated this fraud and the damage done across the planet should, in accordance with their dismissal of anything religious owing to a Heavenly creator, divorce themselves from the religion of environmentalism and go boldly into the unknown or known of true and factual science of historic cyclic global cooling and warming. True to their hypocrisy and need for cloaking the true incentives behind AGW and the religion of environmentalism, which is money and control, they will not. They cannot afford too. The lure of greed and power is too great. Today, anything proclaiming to be the authoritative word on global warming is received with skepticism and challenged as a front for further illegal expansion of global authority and jurisdiction.
In a nutshell, the liars blew it and now have to come on with bigger more devastating claims of global destruction and immediate regulation of...everything. It has turned into a comedy. But it is no comedy and there is nothing funny about the damage that has been done world wide by this group so willing to sell their souls to the devil that exists within the religion of environmentalism. They have created their own demons and now those demons are in control.
Now is the time for American Citizens to clean house of all elected officials who embraced or profited from the religion of environmentalism and AGW. Regardless of political affiliation; throw the bums out, educate your community on the U.S. Constitution and gather your forces together. Embrace the foundations and beliefs of the Founding Fathers and return this country to a Republic based on the U.S. Constitution.
Tools for the classroom:
Research the following: Julius Huxley, World Heritage Sites, Monsanto, genetically engineered seed, U.N. distribution of vaccines, water rights in the U.S., private property rights in the U.S.,
carbon credits, carbon offsets, Occidental Petroleum, Turtle Mountain, Al Gore, Thomas Paine, The Federalist Papers, your states Constitution, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, George Soros,
The European Union, sovereignty, foreign entity as in Constitutional law.
Suggested activities: Get involved before you commit to a political party or anyone running for elected office. Educate yourself apart from the mainstream media and any political hype.