The plan was to bring you the lawsuit filed by Henry Morgan Smith v. Otero County, Sheriff's Department, etc. See the ADN's frontpage story of Tuesday, October 30: Suit filed against county
We checked and checked the court records - nothing, nada, zip, zilch.
Tuesday, I asked the author of the ADN story for the court case number and where it was filed. He admitted that he did not have a copy of the filed complaint and did not know in which court it was filed.
I made a trip to the county courthouse this morning. The results were the same. Meanwhile, Alamogordo Times was doing the same drill and the result was:
To add insult to injury, the AP picked up the story and reprinted it on the frontpage of the Metro section of the Albuquerque Journal today.
You decide and let me know what you want me to do. It is your county, too.
Posts and Comments from Readers
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Major Faux Pas At The Very Least
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Urgent Request to Call Today - Law of the Sea
Senators to call to STOP THE LAW OF THE SEA TREATY. USE THE TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-828-0498 (you can transfer from office to office) or individual numbers. This must be done today.
** Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell. PUSH HARD!
Tel: (202) 224-2541
Fax (202) 224-2499
** Senator Corker
Tel: (202)224-3344
Fax (202)228-0566
** Senator Sununu
Tel: (202)224-2841
Fax (202)228-4131
** Senator Coleman
Tel: (202)224-5641
Fax (202)224-1152
** Senator Isakson
Tel. (202)224-3643
Fax (202)228-0724
Additionally, according to a staffer, the following may be persuaded to oppose the Convention, IF they hear from enough of us.
** Senator Lott
Tel: (202) 224-6253
Fax (202) 224-2262
** Senator Ensign
Tel: (202) 224-6244
Fax (202) 228-2193
** Senator Martinez
Tel: (202) 224-3041
Fax (202) 228-5171
** Senator Roberts
Tel: (202) 224-4774
Fax (202) 224-3514
** Senator Shelby
Tel: (202) 224-5744
Fax (202) 224-3416
** Senator Thune
Tel: (202) 224-2321
Fax (202) 228-5429
** Senator Cornyn
Tel: (202) 224-2934
Fax (202) 228-2856
** Senator Voinovich
Tel: (202) 224-3353
Fax (202) 228-1382
** Senator Kyl
Tel: (202) 224-4521
Fax (202) 224-2207
** Senator Coburn
Tel: (202) 224-5754
Fax (202) 224-6008
Brown Shirts? Oh, Now I Get It, Duh!
When State Department Legal Adviser John B. Bellinger III gave a controversial June 6 speech on the subject of “The United States and International Law,” he mentioned that the Bush Administration had “put forward a priority list of over 35 treaty packages that we have urged the Senate to approve soon, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.” The latter is now up for Senate ratification, with a vote scheduled on Wednesday, and one of its many controversial provisions is the regulation of land-based sources of pollution. This treaty covers the water and the land. But now we have discovered that the Bush Administration has asked the Senate to ratify a treaty that defines one of those land-based sources of pollution as toilet flushing. No kidding.
For Cliff Kincaid's complete story see:
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Click on title to go to comments section to read story.
Articles from BBC internet service.
Click on title to read article in comments section.
Is this the first of a multi-tiered system of national identification? Why issue them a license? Is this for human traceability?
Story of planned protest:
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Click on title to read story in comments section.
Click on title to access link to entire article. Hurry, you might devolve and forget how to read.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Alert! HR 3531 would deny funds to sanctuary cities!
At long last, the federal government is demonstrating some tepid increase in attempts to provide interior enforcement of our immigration laws. Yet, even these mild efforts are hamstrung by local cities that declare themselves sanctuaries from immigration enforcement.
The Accountability in Enforcing Immigration Laws Act of 2007 (Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-FL) would tackle the troubling trend of local governments to require their police officers to ignore the immigration status of suspects they encounter while performing their jobs.
HR 3531 would:
Affirm and clarify that state and local law enforcement officials have the authority to apprehend and arrest illegal aliens encountered in the course of their routine duties.
Provide additional federal funding to cooperating law enforcement agencies for the costs of apprehension and detention.
Revoke 25 percent of non-emergency federal Homeland Security funding for sanctuary cities that refuse to change their policies.
Ask your Representative to support and co-sponsor this measure.
Property Rights Protest Tomorrow - Alamorosa
Law of the Sea Treaty- Hunter's Position
From: Duncan Hunter
Date: 26 Oct 2007 09:14:04 -0000
Subject: Update: Hunter Calls on Congress: Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty
To: Friend
Hunter Calls on Congress: Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty
Washington, D.C. – Amid debate on the decades-old Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) in the Senate, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) urged his colleagues to follow the lead set by President Reagan by defeating the treaty.
Explaining the dangers of the treaty, Hunter detailed, "It is imperative that our nation does not surrender decision making power for military navigation or resource extraction, especially in this age of terrorism with technology and weapons proliferation. And adding a new set of UN bureaucrats with license to tax and adjudicate disputes is the last thing this country needs."
What is Representative Stevan Pearce's position on the Law of the Sea Treaty?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
World or National Heritage Areas - Assaults on Rights
House approves 6 new national heritage areas
By DAVID DISHNEAU | Associated Press Writer
5:59 PM EDT, October 24, 2007
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The measure now goes to the Senate. It also would create national heritage areas in parts of Alabama, Arizona, Massachusetts, Illinois, New Hampshire and New York, and extend for 15 years the authorization of nine existing heritage areas set to expire in 2012.
Thirty-seven such areas have been established under a program that provides federal matching grants to public-private management groups for tourism promotion.
"We're thrilled," by the House vote, said Cate Magennis Wyatt, president of the Journey Through Hallowed Ground partnership, based in Waterford, Va. The area would feature at least 10 Civil War battlefields between Gettysburg, Pa., and Charlottesville, Va., and include Harpers Ferry, W.Va.
The House approved the resolution 291-122. All the "no" votes were cast by Republicans, including Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md., and Virginia Republicans Virgil Goode and Bob Goodlatte, whose districts include parts of the Hallowed Ground area.
Bartlett supported an earlier Hallowed Ground bill but said the $15 million version approved Wednesday "tramples over taxpayers' interests and private property rights." He also complained that his constituents' input would be limited by a Journey management entity controlled by Virginians.
Bartlett cited a report by the conservative Heritage Foundation, which said the bill would "give a handful of Virginia environmentalists and wealthy landowners extraordinary powers over how private property can be used."
Note that Raul Grijalva (D) Arizona introduced this bill and also has his hands all over proposed wilderness area for Arizona which would preclude a border fence.
The rest of the AP story can be viewed at:,0,2622773.story
And now the Heritage Foundation's analysis of National Heritage Sites:
October 22, 2007
National Heritage Areas: Costly Economic Development Schemes That Threaten Property Rights
by Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D. and Cheryl Chumley
WebMemo #1671
The House of Representatives is now considering the Celebrating America's Heritage Act (H.R. 1483), as amended by Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ). The bill would expand the cost and scope of federally sanctioned and financed economic development entities known as National Heritage Areas (NHAs). Although there is no specific provision in federal law that defines or authorizes the existence of such entities, Congress has been authorizing their "designation" on a case-by-case basis since 1984. Thirty-seven NHAs now operate throughout the United States.
H.R. 1483 would add an additional six NHAs to the fold (including the controversial Journey Through Hallowed Ground NHA), expand the boundaries of three now in operation, and increase by 50 percent the amount of federal funds available to NHAs by way of the National Park Service (NPS) budget.
If enacted, H.R. 1483 would cost taxpayers an additional $135 million, jeopardize the property rights of private citizens, and distract the NPS from its core mission. The benefits of H.R. 1483 would fall almost exclusively to a small number of businesses within the boundary of the NHAs. Rather than push a costly expansion of federal involvement in local affairs, Congress should limit existing NHAs to their initial federal funding caps and enforce the statutory requirement that they become financially self-sufficient within 15 years.
Funding and Process
As the Government Accountability Office has reported, the funding that NHAs receive from the NPS is only a fraction of the federal funds they receive each year. Between 1997 and 2002, NHAs also received funding from the Departments of Transportation, Education, Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, and Commerce. Other sources of federal funding include the Environmental Protection Agency, the Army Corps of Engineers, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Amtrak. Together with the required match of state and local funding, non-NPS funds amount to nearly 70 percent of the costs associated with the NHAs. If this pattern of broad public subsidies continues, H.R. 1483 would lead to an additional $270 million in NHA spending by federal, state, local, and not-for-profit entities.
The process of forming an NHA begins with an individual or group identification of a property perceived as being historically significant. An NHA-eligible region is defined by the NPS as "a place designated by the U.S. Congress where natural, cultural, historic and recreational resources combine to form a cohesive, nationally-distinctive landscape ... [to] tell nationally important stories about our nation." Critics have noted the vagueness of this definition. Nearly any parcel of land, or long-standing structure, could be touted as an intricate part of someone's history, thereby opening the door to all sorts of subsidy opportunities from state, local, and federal governments.
Hurting Property Owners
Although other NHAs have generated controversy in the past, the most contentious has been the proposed Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area, which would span significant chunks of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. Legislation (formerly H.R. 319, but now incorporated in H.R. 1483) to create and subsidize the NHA was introduced during the 109th and 110thCongress. The effort was sponsored and promoted mainly by two factions: Virginia-based environmental groups with a long history of opposition to most residential and commercial development in the region; and wealthy estate owners looking to profit from the cachet and exclusivity that the designation might bring. The opposition includes local property owners and a large minority in Congress.
Chief among the opponents' concerns was the likely impact on the rights of property owners in the region. The sponsors and would-be managers of the Journey Through Hallowed Ground NHA have a long history of restricting the rights of property owners to develop their land. For the most part, these efforts aim to preserve the rural charm of the region for the benefit of wealthy estate owners.
As research into some of the 37 existing NHAs reveals, other NHAs have used their federally acquired authority to impose restrictive zoning requirements on the region's property owners to limit development and/or to force it into directions agreeable to those who guide the management of the NHA. In a recent case in Arizona, some property owners were so concerned with the plans of an NHA established in their region that they persuaded a majority of the United States Congress to amend the authorizing legislation to reduce the land area comprising the NHA.
The Case Against NHAs
Of the many problems associated with NHAs, the following three should be the most compelling for Congress:
NHAs divert NPS resources from the agency's core responsibilities. The NPS confronts significant and worsening problems in the parks and historic sites for which it is currently responsible. The administrative burdens imposed by NHAs hamper its ability to tackle these problems.
Federal costs for NHAs are increasing at a rapid rate. To date, no NHA has achieved the required financial independence; they have remained dependent upon federal largesse beyond their scheduled termination date. H.R. 1483 would increase federal costs directly by 50 percent. Past patterns indicate that the new NHAs would require even more funding from other federal departments, state and local governments, and earmarks.
NHAs threaten private property rights. Many management agreements negotiated between the NPS and different NHAs require local governments to adjust their zoning laws to conform to NHA objectives. In turn, these more restrictive zoning laws increase the number of "regulatory takings," as property owners are increasingly limited in how they can use their land.
H.R. 1483 would worsen the existing problems with NHAs. The process for designating NHAs is dubious to begin with, and creating more would benefit a few wealthy businesses at the expense of many taxpayers and private property owners.
NHAs should become financially independent of the federal government. Toward that end, Congress should limit existing NHAs to their initial federal funding caps and enforce the statutory requirement that they become financially self-sufficient within 15 years. Congress should also encourage local communities to establish their own heritage-based tourist and economic development programs that are independent of federal oversight and funding.
Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D., is Herbert and Joyce Morgan Senior Research Fellow in the Thomas A. Roe Institutefor Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Cheryl Chumley is a Virginia-based journalist with a focus on land use issues.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Otero County Ordinances - Full Text
All Otero County Ordinances are on the website at:
This includes the newly passed U.N. World Heritage Site (07-05) and No Release of wolves, jaguars and grizzly bears (07-06) Ordinances.
Please note that the National Park Service was in violation of three (3) Otero County Ordinances PRIOR to the passage of 07-05.
U.N. Biosphere Reserve Next Door
UNESCO MAB Programme
Biosphere Reserve Information
United States of America
General Description
Jornada Biosphere Reserve is one of three biosphere reserves representing the Chihuahuan Desert (among Big Bend Biosphere Reserve in western Texas and Mapimà Biosphere Reserve in Mexico). The area extends from the crest of the San Andres Mountains, which are dominated by shrub woodlands, to the Jornada Plains characterized by semi-desert grasslands.
All three biosphere reserves in the Chihuahuan Desert are located in areas traditionally dominated by a livestock raising economy. Today, they face a variety of resource management issues relating to the sustainable development in desert ecosystems. Problems are associated with grazing of livestock, air pollution, and water quality, poaching of plants and animals, and loss of habitats.
Jornada Biosphere Reserve, while in a rural area, is becoming more and more influenced by the urban economies of Las Cruces (New Mexico) and El Paso (Texas). It focuses on long-term experimental research directed toward range management and maintenance of healthy desert ecosystems.
In nominating three biosphere reserves in the Chihuahuan Desert it was expected that cooperation would develop the knowledge and skills needed to manage the ecosystems of the Chihuahuan Desert for conservation and sustainable economic uses. Today, mainly research and environmental education projects characterize this cooperation.
Major ecosystem type Warm desert
Major habitats & land cover types
Location 32°37'N; 106°45'W
Area (hectares)
Total 78,297
Core area(s)
Buffer zone(s)
Transition area(s) when given
Altitude (metres above sea level) +1,260 to +2,830
Year designated 1976
Administrative authorities Jornada Experimental Range U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Wolf Update
Scroll down to previous story for Wolf Recovery Area Map.
From the Gila, Glenwood, Silver City area: 10/21/07 The Aspen pack
has left the Diamonds at Beaverhead and are located on the Adobe and
they have had two confirmed calf kills within a week. AM863, AF667 and
F1046. On 10-15-07 the third strike was put on AM863 and F1046, but it
was confirmed all three killed the call and there was three different
canine spreads, tracks, and scat, plus all three were received on ground
telemetry near the carcass. On 10-21-07 another calf was confirmed, all
three wolves just across the valley from the carcass (ground telemetry),
canine spreads and hemorrhage. This should be a fourth strike for the
whole bunch, but we will see the manipulation of "strike shuffle" to
protect one and not another. It was recommended a lethal take for AM863
and F1047, a free pass for the pup producer, this was put on hold and it
went up to the directors for a decision.....more calf losses and still
no action. Folks something has broke down in the wolf recovery program
when the SOP's and guidelines are set aside for directives from the
higher ups, why even have SOP's or guidelines when at every turn they
keep changing the game rules to benefit the wolves at a cost of the
impacted rural folks. When are they going to realize that their wolves
are going to keep killing livestock, come to peoples homes and endanger
our children, keep killing family pets. You do not need a degree from
some university to figure this out. Also the habituated Durango AM973 is
teaching his pup and the Luna F1047 to become habituated. AM973 has been
to 2 homes 24 times, 17 times at one home and 7 times within 10 days at
another home. Whats the decision to remove them? Still up in the air,
why? The recommendation was to trap all three and put them in jail, (for
later release, hopefully Santa Fe) then it went upstairs to the
directors and now they want to use outer edge hazing. I got some news
for them boys, these wolves are to far gone to haze them away with any
results, it will only prolong the problem and this will continue to
endanger our children. They will just go to the next home, then the
next, then the next. AM973 is flawed beyond repair and he is teaching
his pup, who has been to homes 9 times and the Luna F1047 at homes 3
times. So you can see how how one wolf can educate the rest of them very
Wolves are dispersing, young females are taking off on their own and
taking up with other wolves or whatever. Watch for any sign of wolves in
your area, take photos with a ruler, document whatever you find even
wolf scat. I have been "Plaster Casting" wolf tracks at complaints, I
got tired of them saying it was a dog track. Now I have an exact replica
of the track and they do not say it is a dog track anymore because you
can see what you cannot see in a photograph. (if anyone wants to learn
how to make plaster castings let me know, simple tools, simple
procedure). I have been told that the Alpine office is not telling some
ranchers where the wolves are. A hunter reported seeing 9 wolves killing
a calf south of elk mountain...NO COLLARS..2 adults and 7
cannot put a strike on an un-collared wolf, they get a free pass, but
the guidelines say they are suppose to trap these wolves, have they
I was informed the other day that 2 months ago changes were made in the
guidelines documenting a confirming wolf kill...there is no "probable"
finding anymore. taking away a possible reduce the number of wolf
related incidents. So if the evidence isn't enough for a "Probable", but
"possible" they get a free pass. I have not received the changed
guidelines so I don't know what else has changed if anything. I get
information 3rd or 4th hand so I cannot keep you informed on anything
that is going on, also they do not give me all the wolf frequencies
which makes my job that harder.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Be Proud of Otero County But There Is More To Do
Always irreverant. Always documented. If you care to leave your head in the sand, DO NOT READ this:
One has to wonder just how far down the line Otero County would be without this. Who in their right minds, and for what reasons, would approve of the status quo?
Letter to Otero Commissioners 10/22/07 WHS
Dear Dr. Moore, Commissioners McGuinn, Moore and Nivision:
On behalf of many, many constituents I wish to express my appreciation for your unanimous approval of Ordinance 07-05 prohibiting U.N. World Heritage Sites in or adjacent to Otero County.
It is my understanding that the National Park Service violated Ordinances 96-01, 92-03 and 93-04 prior to the passage of Ordinance 07-05. Will Otero County take any action or do an investigation regarding these older ordinances? I am asking you to do so by way of this letter.
Also, according to the Provisional Timetable for Preparation of the New U.S. Tentative List White Sands National Monument's application status will be in the Final Review and Clearance by Secretary of the Interior. Is Otero County monitoring this application? Has a site inspection occurred? If not, will it?
I have good reason to believe that the National Park Service/Department of Interior will ignore your history-making Ordinance 07-05 and claim that it does not apply because it was passed after the submission of the application. That is the purpose for my request for Otero County to take action on the prior ordinances. If we do nothing, it is at our peril.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Janet T. White
Please make hard copies of this letter for the commissioners' inboxes and for County Attorney, Dan Bryant.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Committee of Foreign Relations/UNCLOS
Twenty-one nominations, and what a fun group to research, and one itty-bitty treaty. Unless we step up to the plate, here comes the green weenie with the hot wire cluster. Call Sen. Biden at the Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
And while you are at it, have them transfer you to as many of these members as you can:
Ranking Member
Richard G. Lugar
Christopher J. Dodd
John F. Kerry
Russell D. Feingold
Barbara Boxer
Bill Nelson
Barack Obama
Robert Menendez
New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin
Robert P. Casey Jr.
Jim Webb
Chuck Hagel
Norm Coleman
Bob Corker
John E. Sununu
New Hampshire
George V. Voinovich
Lisa Murkowski
Jim DeMint
South Carolina
Johnny Isakson
David Vitter
before the
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Time: 1:45 PM
Place: 419 The Dirksen Senate Office Building
Presiding: Senator Biden
The Committee Will Consider and vote on the
Following Agenda Items:
1. The Honorable Henrietta Holsman Fore
to be Administrator of the United States Agency
for International Development
2. The Honorable Robin R. Sanders
to be Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
3. Mr. Barry L. Wells
to be Ambassador to the Republic of The Gambia
4. Mr. Mark M. Boulware
to be Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of
5. The Honorable James D. McGee
to be Ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe
6. Dr. Ronald K. McMullen
to be Ambassador to the State of Eritrea
7. Mr. P. Robert Fannin
to be Ambassador to the Dominican Republic
8. Mr. Christopher F. Egan
to be Representative of the United States of America
to the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development, with the rank of Ambassador
9. Dr. Louis J. Nigro
to be Ambassador to the Republic of Chad
10. The Honorable David T. Johnson
to be Assistant Secretary of State
for International Narcotics
and Law Enforcement Affairs
11. Mr. Paul E. Simons
to be Ambassador to the Republic of Chile
12. The Honorable Gail D. Mathieu
to be Ambassador to the Republic of Namibia
13. Mr. Dan Mozena
to be Ambassador to the Republic of Angola
14. Ms. Eunice S. Reddick
to be Ambassador to the Gabonese Republic,
and to serve concurrently and without additional
compensation as Ambassador to the
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
15. The Honorable Daniel V. Speckhard
to be Ambassador to Greece
16. Mr. Thomas F. Stephenson
to be Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic
17. Mr. Vincent Obsitnik
to be Ambassador to the Slovak Republic
18. The Honorable William H. Frist
to be Member of the Board of the
Millennium Challenge Corporation
19. The Honorable George E. Pataki
to be U.S. Representative to the
United Nations General Assembly
20. Ms. Kelly G. Knight
to be Alternate U.S. Representative to the
United Nations General Assembly
21. Mr. Rodger D. Young
to be Alternate U.S. Representative to the
United Nations General Assembly
22. Convention on the Law of the Sea (T. Doc.103-39)
Witness names in blue are links to the statement given.
Statements are only posted if provided electronically by witness.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Law of the Sea Treaty Update
By Cliff Kincaid
October 20, 2007
In new developments concerning the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had scheduled a quick vote on the pact for next Wednesday, October 24. But a member of the committee, Senator David Vitter, has reportedly requested?and received?a postponement of the vote. Vitter has been in the forefront of exposing the dangerous provisions of the measure.
October 24 just happens to be “United Nations Day,” which is probably why committee chairman and presidential candidate Senator Joseph Biden had scheduled a vote at this time. Biden, who once wrote an article titled, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order,” thinks his pro-U.N. credentials will help garner liberal votes in the Democratic primaries.
The announcement of the vote had been made on the website of the committee.
Vitter’s postponement is a temporary measure and it is not clear how quickly Biden could reschedule the vote.
Meanwhile, there is no indication at this point that the committee intends to hold a hearing to hear from a U.N. whistleblower, Nithi Sam-Thambiah, who is offering to provide the Senate with documentary evidence proving financial corruption in the treaty’s International Seabed Authority (ISA). The ISA stands to receive millions of dollars if the Senate ratifies the pact.
Complete commentary/links and sources:
National Heritage Sites are Inbred Cousins of WHS
From the American Policy Center
Tom DeWeese - President
Kathy Lehman - Editor
70 Main Street, Suite 23
Warrenton, VA 20186
Action Alert! Action Alert!
Stop H.R. 1483, the "Celebrating America's Heritage Act"
We wrote you last August asking you tell your U.S. Senators not to approve a series of bills establishing new National Heritage Areas, while establishing a national program. Unfortunately, the Senate did not listen. According to Peyton Knight, Director of the Center of environmental and Regulatory Affairs at the National Policy Center, "On Wednesday or Thursday of next week (October 24th or 25th), the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a massive national heritage area bill, H.R. 1483, the "Celebrating America's Heritage Act." This bill would create six new national heritage areas, including the highly controversial "Journey Through Hallowed Ground" heritage area. "If this bill is passed, there will be nothing and no one, except the U.S. Park Service, standing between the serious threats these NHAs pose to local communities and private landowners across the nation. And we all know how good a friend and neighbor the U.S. Park Service is! Of some encouragement, the House of Representatives is more responsive to, and considerate of, ordinary everyday Americans. Yet you must make sure they hear your message loud and clear - NO MORE NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS, period, end of sentence!
H.R. 1483 would create the following six new national heritage areas at a total initial cost of $90 million: Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia; Niagara Falls National Heritage Area in New York; Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area in Alabama; Freedom's Way National Heritage Area in Massachusetts and New Hampshire; Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area in Illinois; and the Santa Cruz National Heritage Area in Arizona.
It would reauthorize and increase funding for the following nine existing National Heritage Areas through FY 2012 at an additional cost of $45 million: National Coal Heritage Area; Tennessee Civil War Heritage Area; Augusta Canal Heritage Area; Steel Industry Heritage Project; Essex National Heritage Area; South Carolina National Heritage Corridor; America's Agricultural Heritage Partnership; Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor; and Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area.
H.R. 1483 extends the authorization and funding for nine NHAs that have almost tapped out their funding authorization. Then Committee Democrats tacked on an additional $5 million funding to each of six new NHAs above what supporters requested. Add that to the funding extensions of the existing nine, and you have a whopping $135 million in pork and earmarks to special interest groups. Most of these groups, if not all, are known for their rigid anti-property rights agenda. This outrage would take all the federal taxes paid by over 33,000 average Americans, and use them to rob similar Americans of their private property and their God-given right to determine its use.
Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) introduced a common sense amendment allowing property owners the choice to remove their land from any NHA boundaries and require the management entity of a heritage area to obtain written consent from an owner before their property is conserved, preserved, or promoted. Additionally, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (MD-6) and Rep. Virgil Goode (VA-5) requested their affected districts be removed from these NHA designations altogether. Both efforts were rebuffed. This is amazing hubris on the part of the Democratically-controlled Committee, intending to force designations on Congressional districts where the duly-elected representatives state they're not desired or welcome.
Committee Chair Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) asserts "protections are there for (people) to opt in or opt out." Yet a dissent filed by 15 members of the House Resources Committee questions, "Why would private property owners believe they will be able to 'opt out' when two Members of Congress could not have their districts removed? We believe a Member's wish to be included in a Federal designation is an essential qualification to its creation. It is distressing that a federal designation, especially a controversial Heritage Area, which is typically billed as 'voluntary,' is being forced on two Congressional districts..."
One of the new NHAs proposed in H.R. 1483 is the Niagara Falls National Heritage Area (NFNHA). The NFNHA is especially troubling; it lacks a local managing entity to support and administer the designation AND plans to build and operate a casino as part of a redevelopment scheme. The U.S. government would be not only promoting gambling, but the Secretary of the Interior would be administering the facilities. Perhaps the Secretary intends to use the gambling proceeds to repay the plundered tax dollars ... in a robbing-Peter-to-pay-Paul scam.
This latest effort to establish more NHAs is still pork barrel politics at its worst. Special interest groups are relying on deceit and outright lies to gain approval, hoping to pad their pockets at the expense of property owners and local economies. Again, if H.R. 1483 passes, and old NHA designations are extended, and new ones are created, it will likely then make establishment of a national program unstoppable. This will result in a FLOOD of new National Heritage Areas, each of which will DEVOUR private property rights, CONTROL local land use, and DESTROY local businesses. If a national program is created, the march will be on. Virtually every square inch of these united States could soon be within an NHA boundary, subject to the iron-fisted regulatory rule of the National Park Service and its green partners. We must make a stand and not let this happen!
Contact Chairman Grijalva. You can phone his office at (202) 225-2435, or by fax at (202) 226-6846, or by email at
It is also urgent you call your Congressmen NOW. Tell them all:
Oppose H.R. 1483, and any other creation or extension of any National Heritage Area.
This is a massive federal land grab and must not pass.
114 Groups and local leaders recently called on Congress to NOT support the creation of any additional NHAs. The letter can be viewed here:
Congress can help you "protect" your private property rights best by keeping greedy federal (and allies') mitts off your land.
This is pork barrel politics and must not be passed, especially in the dead of night!
Tell them you'll be watching, and will remember, their vote!
If you don't know your Congressmen's phone numbers, call the Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121. Ask for your Representatives by name, or tell the switchboard what state and city or town you're in, and you will be directly connected with the desired offices.
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Otero County Has A World Heritage Ordinance!
In a unanimous decision, Otero County Commissioners passed an ordinance (07-05) prohibiting United Nations World Heritage Sites in Otero County. The Commissioners took public comment which resulted in amending the proposed ordinance in Section 1. Provisions (2.) No World Heritage Site or buffer zone will be located on or adjacent to any military land or military research base or other facility in or adjacent to Otero County.
Other ordinance prohibiting the release of wolves, jaguars and grizzly bears in or adjacent to Otero County also passed unanimously.
You may access the complete ordinances at the Otero County website as soon as they are posted.
Cliff Notes for International peace Day
Don't forget tomorrow is International peace Day in Alamogordo. You'll find details on a previous post.
If you are unsure as to how to act, what to believe, what to wear, you know, those FAQs, you can get a headstart (pun intended) at the two websites below:
You could even try out your style by appearing at the County Commission Meeting tonight at 6:00. If you don't know the hot topics for tonight at this point in time, just don't bother. Stay home and veg.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Contact your congresman and tell them to VOTE NO againt the NORTHERN ROCKIES PROTECTION ACT! This deal was conceived 15 years ago by geen/globalist politicians in New York and Conneticut. You can copy and paste the following link to find your elected official to contact them to VOTE NO against the NORTHERN ROCKIES PROTECTION ACT. York
Read about this all encompassing regulatory land grab at:
The bill:
H.R. 1975: Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act
To designate certain National Forest System lands and public lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior in the States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming as wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, wildland recovery areas, and biological connecting corridors, and for other purposes.
Overview Summary Other Info
Congressional Research Service Summary
The following summary is provided by the Congressional Research Service, which is a nonpartisan government entity that serves Congress and is run by the Library of Congress. The summary is taken from the official website THOMAS.
Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act - Designates the following lands in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming as wilderness and components of the National Wilderness Preservation System (System): (1) Greater Glacier/Northern Continental Divide ecosystem; (2) Greater Yellowstone ecosystem; (3) Greater Salmon/Selway ecosystem; (4) Greater Cabinet/Yaak/Selkirk ecosystem; (5) Greater Hells Canyon ecosystem; (6) Islands in the Sky Wilderness; and (7) Blackfeet Wilderness.
Designates: (1) specified wild land areas as Biological Connecting Corridors to protect the life flow of the Northern Rockies Bioregion; (2) the inventoried roadless areas identified as part of the Corridors as wilderness and components of the System; and (3) certain biological connecting corridors as special corridor management areas.
Amends the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate segments of specified rivers and creeks in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming as components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
Establishes the National Wildland Restoration and Recovery System and the National Wildland Recovery Corps.
Requires the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture to assure nonexclusive access to the specified areas and corridors designated by this Act by Native Americans for traditional cultural and religious purposes.
THOMAS Home | Contact | Accessibility | Legal | FirstGov
To cite this information, we recommend the following: H.R. 1975--110th Congress (2007): Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act, (database of federal legislation)
Because the government takes a day or two to post legislative information online, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
Biological Corridors
The concept of a biological or ecological corridor entails preserving the connections between protected areas with important biodiversity with the aim of preventing the fragmentation of natural habitats. Today these corridors are being promoted as an innovative way to promote sustainable development as well as conservation.
A search for information on the Internet about this type of natural conservation project shows that the most talked about initiative today is the Meso-American Biological Corridor, which covers the countries of Central America and the southern Mexican states. But it is not the only effort of this kind.
There are natural corridor projects under way in Brazil's Amazon and Atlantic forests, in the Andean zones of Ecuador (in Spanish) and Peru, and some smaller initiatives in Argentina and the United States. While most of the biological corridors mentioned on the Internet are located in the Americas, other regions are following this route, such as in the Black Sea region and in Bhutan.
A web site that explains the term "corridor", as it is used in the biological sense, states that this nomenclature dates back to the 1930s, though it was not until the 1960s that it was proposed as a way of uniting nature preserves or other areas to protect species diversity.
The corridors should permit an increase in the size and possibilities for survival of the smaller populations of species, according to the web site. But to be effective, these corridors must be well designed.
The fundamental goal of biological corridors is the conservation of ecosystems.
A Brazilian web page states that corridors encompass areas of exceptional biodiversity. One such case is the Brazilian Atlantic forest, where a project has found that ecosystems there have become "islands of nature". The challenge of the corridors "is to re-establish interconnection".
In the case of the Meso-American Biological Corridor, emphasis is on preserving a relatively small area that is nevertheless home to a great diversity of plant and animal species.
Meso-American Biological Corridor (In Spanish)
World Bank Group: Pilot Program to Conserve Brazilian Rain ForestEcuadorian Biological Corridor (In Spanish)
World Bank and Mexico in Biological CorridorBlack Sea Ecological Corridor
Proposal for Ecological Corridor in Puerto Rico
Towards a Definition of Biological Corridor
Biological Corridors in Bhutan
UN Conferences and Summits
The international conferences and summits convened by the United Nations generate intense mobilization around issues of global interest. On the current agenda are two major gatherings, one about sustainable development, the other about the information society.
These meetings, which draw diverse participants ranging from activists of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to heads of state, reached a peak in the 1990s, but continue in the 21st century: at the end of August 2002 begins the World Summit on Sustainable Development, in Johannesburg, and slated for 2003 is the World Summit on the Information Society.
The UN, which informs the world about some of these gatherings on its web site "conferences and events", defends the importance of such conferences for their capacity to bring attention to crucial socio-economic issues, guide national policies, generate debate and the search for consensus on global issues, and to establish goals that governments commit themselves to achieving.
The main criticisms about these events are based precisely on the fact that often the promises go ignored, and the scant number of commitments made at the outset.
These conferences have their own customs: they are preceded by a preparatory process to establish some level of consensus among governments. The process includes the active participation of NGOs, the presentation of an enormous number of documents and intense logistical efforts to handle the thousands of participants. In the end, the governments sign political declarations and plans of action.
In 1990, the importance of these meetings came to light with the World Summit for Children, in which 71 heads of state participated, an unprecedented number, until the 1992 Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, which drew 108 national leaders and delegations from 170 countries.
The achievements made since the 1992 Earth Summit will be studied at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+10. A decade on, the degree of government compliance with the commitments made is not very encouraging.
But there are those who put a positive spin on it: the Rio Summit 10 years ago laid out a concept that since then has permeated the international debates on the future of our society, about sustainable development. In reality, the greatest doubts surround the results of the Rio+10 Summit itself, because the preparatory process did not produce the expected consensus.
The Internet holds information bout these and other conferences, including lists that give an idea of the events organized in recent years, and summaries about their outcomes.
United Nations: Conferences and Events1990 Children's Summit
1992 Earth Summit
World Summit on Sustainable Development
World Summit on the Information Society
Dengue has become a health problem for tropical areas of Latin America over the last several decades. But this disease, cause by four types of virus transmitted by a mosquito, has been known for centuries.
The viruses -- with the scientific labels DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4 -- can cause different manifestations of dengue, the most serious form being hemorrhagic dengue, which can be mortal.
The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) has deployed intense operations to aid countries in their battles against the epidemic. On the Internet is a website that serves as the PAHO's center of operations, providing information about the traits of the disease and its presence in the region.
According to the history of dengue in the Americas included on the PAHO site, the disease is believed to have first appeared in 1635 on Martinique and Guadalupe. In the 18th century, dengue epidemics were recorded in the United States, Asia and Africa, and later in Peru.
The resurgence of dengue in recent times, which has hit Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil, and more recently El Salvador and Honduras, is directly related to the proliferation of the virus's vector of transmission, the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
This mosquito species is at home in the urban environment and its presence is reinforced by phenomena like the growth of metropolitan areas and the deterioration of sanitary conditions. The campaigns against dengue are focused on eradication of the Aedes aegypti.
According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), the scope of dengue infection has risen dramatically in recent decades and is now an endemic disease in more than 100 countries, endangering some 2.5 billion people.
The Internet holds abundant information about dengue, such as websites with frequently asked questions, explanations about symptoms and treatment, and even lists of health experts dedicated to combating the disease.
Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO): Dengue
PAHO: History of Dengue in the Americas
World Health Organization: DengueWHO: DengueNet
U.S. Centers for Disease Control
Microscope view of dengue virus
Monday, October 15, 2007
NZ police in terror raidsArticle from: Agence France-PresseFont size: Decrease Increase Email article: Email Print article: Print Submit comment: Submit comment October 15, 2007 10:01am
NEW Zealand police arrested 17 people in a series of anti-terrorist raids across the North Island, with Maori and environmental activists the main target according to media reports.
A spokeswoman for Prime Minister Helen Clark, directed all calls about the raids to the police, but they would not immediately disclose the reason for the operation.
But New Zealand media reported that prominent Maori activist Tame Iti was among those taken in by police.
Detective inspector Harry Quinn confirmed specialist staff were continuing to search addresses looking for people, firearms and ammunition.
Fairfax Media said the arrests were the culmination of months of work by a police anti-terror unit which had hundreds of hours of recordings from bugged conversations, video surveillance, and tapped cellphone calls and texts.
It understood police had video of military-style training with live ammunition in camps deep in mountain ranges, and expected to find machine guns and grenades during their raids.
Campaigners from various Maori sovereignty, environmental and "peace" groups were implicated.
"These guys are serious. They are talking of killing people," a source was quoted as telling Fairfax.
It is understood police plan to charge up to 14 people with participating in a terrorist group under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002.,23739,22586858-953,00.html
My life is threatened everyday. I am surprised I’m not extinct. There are those enlightened individuals who wish I was extinct. They remain disappointed, much to my rejoicing. However, I realized that I was in danger of continuing to roam the planet because of the dreaded threat of CLIMATE CHANGE!
I became aware of my precarious position when I realized I hadn’t seen a polar bear in Otero County, New Mexico…in I don’t know how long. It stands to reason if the polar bear is extinct in New Mexico, than humans are next. I think the reason there are no polar bears in my region is because of climate change, or global warming, or maybe because of over hunting. I didn’t over hunt the polar bears in New Mexico. Surely someone did and must be blamed for this obvious destruction of a critical link in the natural chain of big animals that eat little animals and all that nature stuff that must exist for the good of all mankind. I also live in fear of a big chunk of the ice cap breaking off and floating down the Pecos, somehow leaving the river, finding my house and slamming into my house. It could happen! The globalist rationalization league just awarded some guy the Nobel Prize for creating scenarios just as I described. We’re all doomed and probably under ‘green’ taxed.
The other thing I’ve done out of a sense of urgency is register my premise. I down loaded the New Mexico application to register my premise. It tells me that registration is voluntary, which must mean I’m under no obligation to cede my property rights to global governance. The application also tells me registration of my premise is important if I ‘co-mingle’ my animals. All the animals I own co-mingle daily. I have beef, pork, fish, chicken and those little microwave tacitos all co-mingling in my freezer. The application didn’t say the animals had to be alive and intact…it simply read ‘animals and livestock’.
The phone’s ringing. I answer it. It’s the premise registration guy. He asks me if I’m aware the registration implies any animals I own are live animals. I meekly admit I must have missed that part in the registration. I invite him over for a steak fry. He declines. He stays on topic. Any animals included in premise registration should be live, breathing, lucid creatures. Lucid? Is that anything like a cervid? I drew a cervid tag in district 34…but I had no idea what I was hunting for. I think all the deer and elk scared off all the cervids. I tell the premise guy that I’m concerned about the declining polar bear population in Otero County, New Mexico. There’s a long silence on the other end of the phone…I hear breathing. He asks me if I need the New Mexico Mental Health Crisis Hotline. I tell him I’ve already been banned from that hotline. He hangs up.
Great. Now I’m left to my own devices to deal with climate change, the declining New Mexico polar bear population and a bunch of frozen animal parts co-mingling in my freezer.
I brought this article over from the Queensland, AU Courier-Mail. Regardless of your political beliefs, compare this religious organization seeking to further its agenda through financial donations to the actions of international foundations which drive environmental and globalist non-governmental organizations who spread money around to further their agendas.
We did nothing wrong, say BrethrenArticle from: AAPFont size: Decrease Increase Email article: Email Print article: Print October 15, 2007 11:42pm
The EXCLUSIVE Brethren religious sect has denied allegations a senior member channelled $320,000 to a company which used the money to fund pro-Liberal and anti-Greens political advertising.
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) is investigating the spending before the 2004 election of $370,000 on advertising by Willmac Enterprises, set up by church member Mark William Mackenzie.
The ABC Four Corners program tonight said it had seen evidence that between September and December 2004, Brethren elder and parliamentary lobbyist Warwick John deposited $320,000 in cash into Willmac's bank account.
The leader of the Exclusive Brethren Bruce Hales tonight issued a statement saying he denied a series of claims contained in the ABC program.
Mr Hales said the group had not acted illegally.
He said allegations that there was a coordinated campaign by the Brethren to move large sums of cash around the world in breach of Australian laws was “completely false”.
“There is no illegality and there is no evidence of illegality,” Mr Hales said.
“Some Brethren carry gifts of cash to distribute to persons engaged in furthering the work of the Lord and none of this money is gifted for or related to political campaigns.
“This money is always well within Australian foreign currency limits.”
He said the Brethren was falsely accused of wrongdoing and the program was no more than a witch hunt.
“The church feels it is being persecuted because of its beliefs.”
Share this article,23739,22593176-5003402,00.html
Friday, October 12, 2007
A couple of morons in Alamogordo support SCHIP. I've brought this article over from, Steve Elliot's 'Firesociety' column. Tell me where there is intentional hate for children by not passing this all encompassing attempt at taxpayer funded universal health care? Are there no programs that now administer health care to those without? Fact checking...two words the morons don't seem to know. Also, in the case of New Mexico, it seems one elite lad argues SCHIP is essential because New Mexico has more Hispanic and Native Americans than whites. If this is an important reason to pass SCHIP, and the apparent need for SCHIP because New Mexico is lacking in health care for its non-whites, than, reasoning by the enlightened lad's argument, the majority of New Mexicans who are Native Americans and Hispanic have mismanaged health care in the state and now want to pass SCHIP, so they can mismanage it to! You have to be careful when using race to defend your position. You must also put blame where blame is due when resorting to moral equivalencies. I can hear the moron's brain cogs grinding......they don't understand.
Steve Elliot's article from Grassfire.
State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization Gives Illegals Access To Benefits
Bill Status
Name: HR 976
The Senate passed the bill 8/2/07. House passed the Senate bill, resolving differences, 9/26/07. Summary info here.
Ten Years after it’s inception, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is up for congressional reauthorization. Reauthorization provides Congress with an opportunity to review and assess the program’s goals and objectives.
SCHIP was enacted to address coverage needs of low-income uninsured children whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to purchase private coverage on their own. Over time states have deviated from the original intent of SCHIP and have used the SCHIP budget to provide healthcare for not only children, but parents, pregnant women, and childless adults. This reauthorization bill also opens the door for another group of recipients—illegal immigrants.
Illegals Get Access
How can illegal immigrants get into this program? A simple provision allows potential enrollers to show only a social security card—not documents proving citizenship—when they apply at the state level to get into the state programs. Although an admirable program to help children receive necessary medical care, the reauthorization bill, in its current state, flagrantly encourages illegal aliens to break our immigration laws and fraudulently enroll in taxpayer-funded public assistance programs.
Grassfire Analysis
This bill does contain dangerous loopholes. The adoption of the Senate’s language for SSI verification for citizenship status does not fix the illegal immigration issues found in the House-passed SCHIP bill.
The Senate backed bill does not provide for the necessary checks and balances upon legal or illegal immigrants. According to the Senate backed bill, an immigrant must only show their Social Security (SS) Card. Just showing the card should does not provide enough evidence of their legal eligibility for the programs. For example, there are 4 main classes of individuals that can receive Social Security numbers/cards.
1) All U.S. citizens
2) Non-citizens who are authorized to work in the U.S. (a.k.a immigrants)
3) Non-citizens who are temporarily permitted to work (denoted on S.S. card as VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTORIZATION)
4) Non-citizens not authorized to work (denoted on S.S. card as VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION)
Notably, the SSN issued does not change if the non-citizen adjusts status (i.e. marriage to citizen, naturalization, etc) or breaches the terms of their immigration visa. The SSN card does not identify the immigrant’s citizenship, immigration status or that the person is really who the SSN says he is. There exists a huge loophole in these provisions to allow for identity fraud, breach of immigration terms, etc. At the end of the day, the bill's requirement of a SSN card is an open door for non-citizens and illegal aliens to get access to taxpayer-funded benefits.
This is similar to what happened before 9/11. A number of the terrorists overstayed their visas and did not notify the immigration officials of the necessary immigration information. Many of the terrorists were found with at a minimum of 10 SSNs and fake identities.
The cost? Rep. Nathan Deal has referendced a CBO report that estimates illegal aliens would receive $6.5 billion in taxpayer benefits.
In addition to social security cards, all potential enrollers should be forced to produce state certified photo identification cards, such as a driver’s license, student identification cards, proof of residency and if necessary immigration papers . This Senate-approved bill does not provide the necessary checks and balances to properly identify the immigrants.
President Bush has threatened veto.
More Grassfire Immigration Backgrounders here
Algore...silenting thinking to himself, 'Hmmm...I wonder what my prize will be? A sports car, possibly a new set of golf clubs, how about an expense paid trip to New Orleans, or that swanky nudist beach in San Francisco? Wouldn't it be cool if my prize were butt implants.! Hmmm...I get a prize. I actually get a prize! Oh goodie, goodie, goodie! How about a date with what's her face Jole? oh yeah...You the man, dude! I better put the dog in the backyard in case FedEx brings my prize to the front door...'
Dear World Citizen: Friday, October 18th is International peace Day! In celebration I am hoping our brothers and sisters from INTERNATIONAL BARE NAKED TRUTH ALLIANCE will dance in the major intersections of your squalid, energy wasting town, and close down major intersections in the name of peace and harmony. There will be speakers, men's drumming groups, womens chanting and screeching groups, the Roswell Lawn Gnomes for peace and of course, our own hometown Giya Mult-Cultural Women's Alliance acting as global hostesses. We can end war by offering our backsides in symbolic appeasment! Here...look at mine! Whoa! There's an acre of peace! Let's all come together in the name of World peace! Let's also send carma messages to that evil rouge dictator, George Bush, who has declared war on all the peaceful peoples of the World. Let's also apologize and embrace all minorities who have suffered and continue to suffer under this white, male dominated regime of hate and oppression. In fact, I'll give my moo-moo to any non-white who wants it! I'm not afraid of the bare, naked truth! Oh, the beauty of this day...weeping...weeping...I can't tell you how much this means to celebrate peace in unision with our global brothers and sisters. My spirit guide, Buffalo Wallow Woman, has advised me to offer something in the name of World peace. I'm offering my own stool sample! How about you!
Love and World Peace
Giya Colonz
SCHIP showdown set for October 18
Jim Brown
October 5, 2007
House Republicans say they have enough votes to sustain President Bush's veto of a proposed $35 billion expansion of the state children's health insurance program.
Hear this Report
A contingent of House members 151-strong that includes a few Democrats has pledged to sustain the president's veto of SCHIP (H.R. 3162). If all members are present, 146 votes are needed to make the veto stick. According to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, "It's going to be a hard vote for Republicans" on October 18.
However, Congresswoman Mary Fallin (R-Oklahoma) says it will not be a difficult one for her. "My opinion is that it is taking the first step to moving the population towards a government-run socialized medical system," she says. In addition, she argues it was not the original intent of the SCHIP to expand the insurance to cover middle-class families, and even some adults, up to 400 percent of poverty level in some cases.
Representative Kevin Brady (R-Texas) has stated his support of the president's veto, calling the bill "terribly flawed" because it does not cover poor children first, is "only half-paid for," and allows "the worst abuses in this program to continue." For example, he notes that illegal aliens would be able to obtain medical coverage under the SCHIP plan.
"The Social Security Administration warned Congress last week with this new bill that people who have overstayed their visas and those who fraudulently use other people's Social Security cards will be eligible for these benefits -- and these are serious loopholes, all that need to be closed," the Texas lawmaker points out.
Brady notes that some states are covering families making over $80,000 a year, and even adults without children. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) has called President Bush's veto of the SCHIP "heartless."
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act A Bad Idea
Rehberg Urges Public to Join Him in Opposing Wilderness Expansion Legislation
WASHINGTON – Montana's Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today urged Montana’s multiple-use community to join him in opposing legislation, introduced by Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Christopher Shays (R-CT), which would harm public access and recreation in Montana.
“Any piece of legislation affecting public lands must take into consideration input from local communities and those who depend on the resources for work and recreation,” said Rehberg, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. "Unfortunately, this legislation is a top-down approach that doesn't properly take into account the impacts on the local economy nor does it adequately protect access for hunting, fishing and other forms of recreation. The Natural Resources Committee plans to hold a hearing on this bill next week and it’s important I have written proof that Montanans don’t want members from New York and Connecticut dictating our land use policy.”
The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act would designate nearly 7 million acres of public land in Montana as wilderness. This additional acreage would triple Montana’s current designation of wilderness acres and result in more than 11% of our state’s total acreage being tied up in wilderness. On October 18th, the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee plans to hold a hearing on the bill.
Prior to hearing, Rehberg has created a link on his website urging Montanans to voice their support of his position and opposition to the legislation.
“Not only will this affect recreation but I also have concerns this bill could negatively impact Montana’s ability to fight and prevent forest fires,” said Rehberg. “Local Montana communities deserve to have a voice in this proposal. I’m hopeful that thousands of postcards saying ‘NO’ will send a strong, clear message that this bill isn’t how we do business in Montana.”
Let your voice be heard go to:
Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) (
Alert! Support the environmental protection offered by a border fence!
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) regarding a proposed fence along approximately 5.6 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border near San Diego. We need you to send comments in support of this measure.
Some environmental groups have opposed building a border fence. While concerns over the environmental consequences of any construction project on sensitive lands are legitimate, it is clear that uncontrolled crossing of our southern border is causing massive environmental damage. Illegal immigrants and smugglers are trashing vulnerable border lands with garbage and litter. New paths and four-wheel drive tracks pummel endangered plants, and several fires have been attributed to illegal aliens.
This fence is south of, and would protect, the Otay Mountain Wilderness. A BLM official said of the destruction caused by illegal crossers, ''I've never seen an area like this before.
It's just been trashed. They've cut numerous trails, so that degraded it, and the ultimate degradation was when they burnt it.''
The criteria for the fence specify that it should minimize the impact on the movement of animals and avoid impeding the natural flow of water.
Please write a few brief comments in support of this fence on the online form here ( The deadline is Monday, October 15th.
Note that comments will be part of the public record. Some points you may want to include:
· The population growth from uncontrolled immigration is the largest environmental problem in the U.S.
· Smugglers and illegal immigrants are responsible for trash and wildfires.
· The Otay Mountain Wilderness Area is also home to approximately 20 sensitive plant species.
· Four-wheel drive tracks and footpaths are trampling pristine areas.
· Hikers are afraid to use these areas for fear of bandits and smugglers.
You may also send comments by email [] or fax [(757) 257-7643]. Include your name and address, and identify your comments as for the San Diego Sector EIS.
See this article online:
by Irwin Cotler Three important lessons from the Theater of the Absurd.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent visit to the United States and the UN was no less than a three-act play in the Theater of the Absurd. While it has been argued that his command performances at the UN, Columbia University and in the media further exposed his absurdity, critics need to look behind and beyond the on-stage theatrics, lest we ignore the depth of his regime's criminality and the suffering of the Iranian people.
Now that the curtain has fallen, the question becomes: What are the lessons to be learned and actions to be taken?
Arguably, there are three lessons to be learned, each corresponding with the acts in the Theater of the Absurd, and each with a lesson anchored in the rule of law; more particularly, in the disregard of the rule of law.
First, President Ahmadinejad should have been declared an inadmissible person and placed on the "United States' Watchlist" of persons barred from entering the country. For American law excludes from entry any person who has engaged in, or incited to, terrorist activity, or who "has used his position of prominence to endorse or espouse terrorist activity in a way that undermines United States' efforts to reduce or eliminate terrorist activities."
The evidence of Iran's complicity in terrorist activity is clear and compelling. Ahmadinejad's Iran has recruited, trained, financed, instigated and armed its terrorist proxies such as Hamas, Hizbullah and Islamic Jihad, whose platforms and policies are replete with genocidal calls and terrorist activity that outdo even its Iranian patron.
Moreover, Ahmadinejad is in standing violation of the Genocide Conventions prohibition against the "direct and public incitement to genocide," which alone should be cause for exclusion. If it be argued that no precedent exists for excluding an sitting president, it should be recalled that Austrian president Kurt Waldheim was placed on the "US Watchlist" for his participation in the persecution of civilian populations during the Second World War.
The second act in this Theater of the Absurd was the invitation extended to Ahmadinejad to address Columbia University. This was not a matter of academic freedom. Columbia was not obliged to give Ahmadinejad a podium; rather, given his criminality, it was obliged not to give him a podium. Nor was this a matter of "free speech;" incitement to commit genocide is not protected speech. Indeed, it is a violation of international criminal law - including not only the Genocide Conventions but the International Criminal Court Treaty.
In fact, the best evidence for not inviting Ahmadinejad to Columbia was set forth in the "introduction" by Columbia's President Lee Bollinger of Ahmadinejad , which was more indictment than introduction, and appeared more as an exculpatory disclaimer -- however discourteous -- for the wrongful judgment to invite Ahmadinejad to begin with.
Further, the "justification" offered for the invitation by Columbia University Dean John Coatsworth - that he would have given Hitler a platform -- was devoid of any moral compass.
Third, and most disturbing, Ahmadinejad should not have been a welcome guest at the United Nations General Assembly. He should have been -- and should be -- the object of a criminal indictment, the elements for which can be found in Lee Bollinger's own introduction.
A person who incites to genocide; who is complicit in crimes against humanity; who continues the pursuit of the most destructive of weaponry in violation of UN Security Council Resolutions; who warns Muslims who support Israel that they will "burn in the umma of Islam;" who is engaged in a massive repression of human rights in Iran; who assaults the basic tenants of the UN Charter -- such a person belongs in the dock of the accused, rather than the podium of the UN General Assembly.
But it is not enough to lament what occurred in this Theater of the Absurd, or even to learn its lessons. It is important to act on those lessons so as to restore respect for the rule of law and the Responsibility to Protect doctrine, fidelity to the UN Charter, and the struggle against impunity. Accordingly, the following actions should be undertaken with all deliberate speed:
State parties to the Genocide Convention, such as Canada, have not only a right, but a responsibility, to enforce the convention, particularly as regards the prevention of genocide.
State parties should therefore refer the criminal incitement to genocide by President Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders to the appropriate UN agencies. It is astonishing that this criminal incitement has yet to be addressed by the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly, or any other body or agency of the United Nations, though it has found fit to give him a podium.
State parties should initiate, in the International Court of Justice, an inter-state complaint against Iran - for its "direct and public incitement to genocide" in violation of the Genocide Convention, to which Iran is party.
The crimes of President Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders should be referred by the UN Security Council to the special prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for investigation and prosecution.
State parties should prepare criminal indictments of President Ahmadinejad, former president Rafsanjani, and other Iranian leaders on the basis of the "Universal Jurisdiction" principle embodied in the Genocide Convention.
The UN Secretary General should refer President Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders to the UN Security Council, on the basis of their threats to international peace and security, pursuant to Article 99 of the UN Charter.
President Ahmadinejad and other designated Iranian leaders should be placed on a "watchlist" by concerned countries, preventing their entrance as "inadmissible persons." There is presently discussion about holding Iran accountable for its defiance of UN Security Council resolutions calling for the suspension of its uranium-enrichment process. The recommended options have included everything from UN sanctions to possible military strikes. It is time that the above juridical options was initiated, which might also embolden progressive forces within Iran while holding the responsible individuals accountable.
Indeed, recent history has taught us that sustained international juridical remedies can bring about the indictment of seemingly immune dictators, such as Slobodan Milosevic and Augusto Pinochet, and such actions are clearly preferable to military options.
This is an opportunity for countries such as the United States and Canada to exercise necessary leadership in regard to one of the most important threats confronting the international community today.
This article can also be read at:
Recent photos of polar bears in their natural environment.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Negroponte Lies to Senate re UNCLOS
By Cliff Kincaid
October 9, 2007
Not a U.N. treaty, Mr. Negroponte? How could he deliver that testimony with a straight face? Answer: he knew the media would protect him or not even bother to check the facts.
Why did he lie? The answer has to be that the name “United Nations” is in disrepute. It has come to symbolize incompetence and corruption. So State Department officials have to lie about the U.N. role in this treaty in order to have any hope of it passing.
Think about it: what senator in his or her right mind would vote for giving the U.N. more power and influence over world affairs in light of the still unfolding U.N. oil-for-food scandal? A Texas oil tycoon is the latest to plead guilty in that case.
Complete commentary with links to sources:
Monday, October 8, 2007
I'm considering organizing a WORLD HERITAGE DAY IN THE PARK event.
I'll need volunteers. We'll need food and beverages. We'll need speakers.
We'll need a place to do it. We'll need publicity. We'll need attendees.
We'll need press coverage. Sounds like a lot of work. We need a committee.
When the committee gets all this together...let me know.
I'll call the WORLD and ask them to send in some heavy hitters to help us out.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
The first historical event portrayed by the Society will be the 1967 WATTS RIOTS.
An urban ghetto main street has been meticulously constructed as the main state for this open air event. Society members will portray rioters who will form an unruly mob, fueled by historical speeches from key actors, who will then lead the mob in a orgy of violence and destruction! Bring the kids to this one!
The second reenactment will be the 1968 Democratic Convention that was held in Chicago. Society members will portray two sides of a riot that erupted at this historical political event. Members will dress and act as the historical American political group, the WEATHERMEN UNDERGROUND who will oppose the Gestapo like police tactics of Mayor Daley’s Chicago Police Department. This event is sure to bring back memories of the 60’s for those of us who survived the period.
Next month the Society will read the winner of the FAMOUS PEOPLE WE’D WISH HAD BEEN ABORTED BEFORE BIRTH contest. So far, the names submitted are as follows:
There is still time to submit your idea for the name of a famous person you wished had been aborted before birth.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Today, Oct. 1, 2007, Quebec starting implementing a penny a gallon green tax on diesel. Okay, for whatever reason the Quebeciees decided to comply withe Kyoto Treaty...???? WHY THE 50 CENT PROPOSED GREEN TAX INCREASE ON FUEL PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES? All that green tax revenue is not going into environmental programs.
Think about it...50 cents a gallon on your fuel costs. Where is that money going to be spent? I found the story about this proposed green tax in a Queensland, Australia newspaper.
Click on post title in bold letters to go to story, links and comments.
Monday, October 1, 2007
My title is ‘Count Blender’. I am descended from a long line of psychics. My ancestors served as court psychics to the crowned heads of Europe from ancient times to present day. I have been asked to lend my services to the Otero Residents Forum. Excuse me…I’m being called from beyond…someone or something is channeling a message from the dark side. I hear a voice. A panicked voice. Someone is calling me…an ‘idiot’…yes…I’m getting it now…they are saying, ‘TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE, YOU IDIOT!’ huh? Oh…I left my cell phone on in my pocket. ‘Hi mom! Okay. I didn’t realize it was still on. I thought I had ended the call. Hey, you are going to send that check, right? Okay. I’ll look for a real job. Okay mom. Love you too!’
Where were we? Oh yes, I am a psychic demographer. I obtain demographic information from messages sent to me from the Universe. I will be interpreting messages either channeled to me from the spirits or messages I perceive by simply applying my gift to a specific demographic.
For instance, the ORF (Otero Residents Forum) has asked me to define the demographic of those individuals who favor World Heritage Site designation out at White Sands. From my intense concentration on this particular demographic of local UN Lovers, I have deduced the following:
The majority of these people are on welfare or some sort of social entitlement.
They like to mix cheap vodka with Tang.
Their parents were cousins.
And they like to publish their comments to letters to the editor in the local paper.
Some of their favorite responses are: ‘What an idiot’, ‘You’re and idiot’, and ‘What an idiot’.
Somewhat limited in their vocabulary but consistent with the demographic of victim entitlement. I see this demographic as an ideal target for global brain washing and conspiracy leeching. The globalist’s propaganda wizards should delight in the abundance of empty craniums in Alamogordo. This population is perfect for inclusion in the global agenda for mind numbed robots born of a stagnant gene pool desired to do the bidding of the world community.
I have to rest. I’ve expended an enormous amount of mental energy on this particular demographic. It’s like I have to think for them. I wonder who reads the cereal box to them in the morning. I’m off on another wonderful adventure. I’ll be back, soon, with more psychic demographics, gleaned from the Universe hovering over your beautiful city. Tah Tah!!!!
Law of the Sea Treaty Update
Senate hearings on LOST has 8 testifying for the sovereignty stealing treaty and 2 against. Outraged yet?
Administration officials falsely and repeatedly claimed that the international bodies set up by the treaty have no official involvement with the United Nations. In fact, the International Seabed Authority and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea have written and formalized agreements with the U.N. Their employees even belong to the U.N. pension fund. The treaty itself has numerous references to the authority of the U.N., emphasizing how the pact is to be implemented in accordance with the U.N. Charter.
Complete commentary at: