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Website advocating for involvement in your county regulation process and suggestions for county ordinances responding to federal expansion of jurisdiction and authority and global governance.


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ORF is now monetized. This means you will see ads on the blog. By clicking on the ads, you help generate revenue for ORF. What is ORF going to do with revenue generated from this blog? We want to buy a blender. A really nice blender with multiple speeds. We also would like to buy a lava lamp. In addition to the items mentioned aforely, we would also like to buy a stuffed Jack-a-lope head. Nothing extravagant.

Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam

The Oath of the President of the United States

US Constitution, Article II, Section 1

Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The case could be made that Obama has violated the oath of the office of the Presidency of the United States in not closing the borders at the threat of a global pandemic of the Mexican flu, the violations of the U.S. Constitution in the CIFTA, and his refusal to clarify the circumstances of his birth. Think about it.

Link to the White House by Clicking on Photo

Link to the White House by Clicking on Photo


Click on KALH logo for website and to listen to live stream



Catron County Wolf Incident Investigator, Jess Carey, provide ORF with this document. This is what the ranchers in western New Mexico are living with.



Links to past ORF information on the Mexican Gray Wolf re-introduction program. Some of the links to newspaper articles no longer work.




They are watching. We're watching them watcing us watching you.


We've complied the best of the ORF cartoons all in one location.

Natural Climate Change - Real Science, Verifiable

Natural Climate Change - Real Science, Verifiable
Dr. Eric Karlstrom's excellent website on climate change, it's natural. The agenda is truth and the vindication of scientific method.

Title 17 U.S.C section 107

*NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, any copyrighted material herein is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. For more information go to:

Posts and Comments from Readers

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Friday, August 31, 2007


In an attempt to modernize harvest techniques of hunter/gatherers around the world, the UN has introduced modern technology to the baby seal hunt. Now, baby seals can be harvested more efficiently and humanely.

19th Century Mandan Indian baby seal hunt.

Modern baby seal hunt with 21st Century technology.

Counter difficulty

We seem to be experiencing counter difficulty. I've tried to contact the counter provider, with no success. The emails to them come back undeliverable. We may have to live with this deactivated counter for a while. None the less, we will forge on with our mission!

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World Heritage Sites in Greece Damaged by Fires

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mexican Trucks Begin Crossing Border Saturday HAPPY LABOR DAY!


The twenty mile long FLY PAPER border fence has been 100% effective in preventing illegal entry into the U.S. from Mexico. (parody)

OPPOSE HR 3287 & HR 2593!

The following is from

Land Rights Network
American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 – Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 – Fax: 360-687-2973
Web Address:

Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE – Washington, DC 20003

Grijalva Wilderness Corridor For Illegals Proposed

You’re not going to believe this. Rep. Raul Grijalva has introduced
two bills that could be used to create a virtual free passage highway
for illegals and drug smugglers as a fast track into the United States.
Rep. Grijalva is Chairman of the National Parks, Forests and Public
Lands Subcommittee of the House Natural Resources Committee,
The first bill is the Tumacacori Highland Wilderness Act of 2007 that
creates a new Forest Service Wilderness Area in Arizona on the
border with Mexico. This bill,
HR 3287, creates a new wilderness
area exactly where a major illegal traffic area already exists.
Technically the proposed Tumacacori Wilderness Area is not "on the
border with Mexico." It is contiguous with the small, old, Pajarito
Wilderness Area that is directly on the border and links the Pajarito
Wilderness Area with Interstate 19 and the Interior of the country.
We call HR 3287 the “Open Door Into Our US” or ODIOUS Act.
If that was not enough, Rep. Grijalva has also introduced HR 2593
which would shackle the hands of the Border Patrol on Federal lands.
Believe it or not,Rep Grijalva calls HR 2593 “The Boderlands
Conservation and Security Act of 2007.” HR 2593 is full of cute
phrasing and words to throw the reader off as to its true intent. But
you might as well just handcuff the Border Patrol on all Federal lands
all along the Mexican Border.
This bill will have a huge impact on
illegal traffic if Congress should pass it.
It even blocks the building of a fence along the border.
We call HR 2593 the “Handcuff Our Border Law Enforcement Act”
or HOBLE Act.
These two bills might be called the missing link in the corridor where
illegals and drug smugglers will be protected and the Border Patrol
By passing these two bills, Congress will create a massive area open
to illegals and vastly strangle the ability of law enforcement and the
Border Patrol to fight drug importation and illegal immigration.
You should be outraged. You must take action.
Action Items:
-----1. Call your Congressman to ask for a copy of both HR 3287 and
HR 2593. That will force him or her staff to read the bills. Tell him
or her that from what you have heard, these are very bad bills and
should be stopped in their tracks. Ask your Congressman to contact
Rep. Raul Grijalva to oppose both HR 3287 and HR 2593.
Congressman can be called at (202) 225-3121.
-----2. Get a copy of the map of the proposed Tumacacori Highland
Wilderness Area and see how it fits adjacent to other Federal lands
along the border. See how it enhances an already highly used path
used by illegals and drug runners into the United States.
We’ve made up a rough map which we have posted to our website.
Go to and look for Border Wilderness Bills on
the home page.
You can also get a copy by simply replying to this message with the
word “border map” in the subject line. We’ll send you one by e-mail.
-----3. Call any organizations you work with that should be informed
about these bills. Don’t assume they know already. Urge them to
take immediate action with Congress to protect our border security.
-----4. Call, fax and e-mail Rep. Raul Grijalva’s office. Here is his
contact information. You need to send him an e-mail through his staff
person, Rick Healy, listed below.
Phone: (202) 225-2435
Fax: (202) 225-1541
-----5. Send a very short letter to the editor of your local newspaper
about the two bills mentioned above.
Please forward this message as widely as possible.

Car Loan

payday loan advance

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Cash Advance


Did you know the U.N. wants the U.S to give Alaska 'back' to the Russians? Most of what the U.N. does is 'benign' and harmless. The link above leads to an interesting article about this real and occurring agenda. You'll have to copy and paste the link, can't get the URL thingie to work today. @#$%!!!

Another reason for the U.S. NOT to sign on to the LAW OF THE SEA TREATY.

Car Loan

payday loan advance

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Cash Advance


Is KOB-TV4's Tom Joles an Alamogordo hating, Green globalist? Does Joles really believe Alamogordo is anti-tourism in regards to White Sands National Monument? Or is Joles simply guilty of sloppy fact gathering and indulging in malicious media reporting? Where did Joles obtain his facts about Alamogordo wanting to restrict tourism at White Sands? Certainly the pro-World Heritage Site crowd could support international control of White Sands. Did Joles or his staff repeat a distortion they heard from a print journalist who was present at the Otero County Commission meeting where the 'resolution' was voted on? Mr. Joles is invited to explain himself, here on the Otero Residents Forum. I emailed the station and extended the offer for Tom Joles to post here.


Car Loan

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Cash Advance


The LAW OF THE SEA TREATY is comimg up for ratification again...thank you anti-constitutional rights, America hating Ted Kennedy.
Call Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Sen. Pete Domenici and urge them to VOTE NO on the LAW OF THE SEA TREATY! You can research the LOST treaty in the archived links provided on this blog.

Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D) 1-202-224-5521
Sen. Pete Domenici (R) 1-202-224-6621

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payday loan advance

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Write your elected officials and let them know the residents of Otero County support placement of a new combat brigage at White Sands Missile Range.

Watch for continuing news about the DOD studying 17 potential military installations to house a new combat brigade team. WSMR is on the list as one of the potential sites.
Let us know if you find articles about this ongoing study. We would support enlarging the mission at WSMR.

Car Loan

payday loan advance

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Cash Advance

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Show Me Your Buffer Zone and I'll Show You Mine

Subtitle: The circle of love that keeps on giving

James K. Reap is listed as the Secretary General of ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues.

Mr. Reap's Buffer Zones for Protecting Heritage Properties in the United States states: "The Guidelines go so far as to specify that when a buffer zone is not identified for a nominated property an explanation must be provided as to why one is not necessary. "

Indeed, Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention FORMAT FOR THE NOMINATION OF PROPERTIES FOR INSCRIPTION ON THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST at page 100 states "Where no buffer zone is proposed, the nomination must include a statement as to why a buffer zone is not required for the proper conservation of the nominated property." Emphasis added.

Nowhere is this statement to be found in the APPLICATION FOR INCLUSION OF A PROPERTY IN THE U.S. WORLD HERITAGE TENTATIVE LIST produced by staff members at White Sands National Monument. Further, no maps were provided to the Otero County Commission showing the boundaries of the nominated property and buffer zone.

1.f. of the APPLICATION was to include the area of the nominated property, area of the buffer zone and total of the two. White Sands APPLICATION simply gives the area of the National Monument.

4.b.(v) of White Sands' APPLICATION was to include the number of inhabitants within the property and the buffer zone with a total of the two and what year the count was taken. White Sands staff member(s) took another route and asked the question "are there any other risks or threats that could jeopardize the property's Outstanding Universal Values?" (Answer: No) and completely avoided the question altogether.

Enough on the topic of closet buffer zones for the moment.

White Sands may be a serial evader of hot topics or difficult questions. For example, Section 5 of the White Sands' APPLICATION under PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT listed 5 questions where 10 were required in their format. Missing were: Sources and levels of finance, Sources of expertise and training in conservation and management techniques, Visitor facilities and statistics, Policies and programmes related to the presentation and promotion of the property and Staffing levels (professional, technical, maintenance).

One question White Sands chose to answer was 5.d. Existing plans related to municipality and region in which the proposed property is located (e.g., regional or local plan, conservation plan, tourism development plan). Here is their answer, hope you are sitting down: There are no municipal or other agency plans that directly influence the National Monument. The Monument routinely is consulted and comments on National Environmental Policy (NEPA) documents from external sources.

To complete this exercise in the circle of love that keeps on giving, let's go back to James K. Reap, The United States' Participation in the World Heritage Convention: A Retreat from Leadership? From the introduction:

At best, world heritage...designations give the international community an open invitation to interfere in domestic land use decisions. More seriously, the underlying international land use agreements potentially have several significant adverse effects on the American system of government." Statement of Congressman Don Young introducing the "American Land Sovereignty Protection Act", 1997.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Timetable for U.N. World Heritage Site Designations

This provisional timetable for tentative list shows 7/27/2006 as first deadline.

We are now in the "Expert Review" by NGOs stage:

Provisional Timetable for Preparation of the New U.S. Tentative List (September 7, 2006)Submit Application for OMB Approval 7/27/2006
Anticipated OMB Approval/Distribute Applications 10/1/2006
Deadline for Receipt of Completed Applications 4/1/2007
Notification to Submit Second-Stage Responses 5/1/2007
Deadline for Second-Stage Responses 6/15/2007
Deadline to Finish Draft Research Report and Tentative List 8/1/2007
Expert Review of Research Report and Tentative List 8/1/2007-10/31/2007
Final Review and Clearance by Secretary of the Interior 11/1/2006-12/31/2007
Submittal of Tentative List to World Heritage Centre 12/31/2007
Deadline for Submittal of Tentative Lists to World Heritage Centre 2/1/2008


There will be a special meeting of the Otero County Commission tomorrow,Thursday, August 23, at 11:00 a.m., room 253 of the courthouse, 10th and NewYork.Item (2) of the consent agenda is "Request approval of Resolution No.08-23-07/96-10 opposing designation of White Sands National Monument as aWorld Heritage Site.Please forward this information.


Read the article plus many more on environment from a 'common sense' view.

The Heartland Institute website:



In any discussion concerning authority and who yields the power, there is always the inevitable break down of rhetoric into chaos vs. truth and the history of power. Power, in this case, is the final designation of White Sands National Monument as a World Heritage Site and what ‘power’ or authority that brings to the existing power structure and accepted authority already here.
History is an important factor in determining our future, and our children and grandchildren’s future. We need to know exactly who and what we are dealing with here. Where did this ideology come from? Are these agendas similar to anything else that has existed in history? What are the facts concerning this global agenda and who is credible in its defense?
I offer this particular writing to enlighten the truth seekers as well as ‘myth sayers’.
There are accredited quotes from controversial books as well as from books written on history. We seem to be a community in search of facts and truth concerning this issue.
Who will come forth with the facts and who will come forth with emotional irrationalities?


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was conceived by a group of academics and scientists in 1945, in London. Though the original group of intellectuals who put UNESCO together probably had best intentions of sharing and preserving their knowledge and others great gifts of science and literature, their first director-general was immediately biased against nationalism and religion. A great start for a ‘great’ organization. The original director-general of UNESCO was Sir Julian Huxley, the British scientist.

From THE BEAST ON THE EAST RIVER by Nathan Tabor, on Huxley.

Page 13

“But Sir Julian was also a militant atheist and an ardent evolutionist who rejected all forms of religion and believed that UNESCO’s guiding philosophy should be “a scientific world humanism, global in extent and evolutionary in background.”
Sir Julian unequivocally expressed these secular humanist views in his book, UNESCO: ITS PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHY, written in 1948, a copy of which is proudly posted on UNESCO’S website today.
“The world today is in the process of becoming one, and …a major aim of UNESCO must be to help in the speedy and satisfactory realization of the process,” Huxley insisted. He added that “political unification is some sort of world government will be necessary for the definitive attainment” of human evolutionary progress.
But what about Huxley’s basis for his secular humanist moral authority?
“It will be one of the major tasks of the philosophy division of UNESCO to stimulate, in conjunction with the natural and social scientists, the quest for a restatement of morality that shall be in harmony with modern knowledge and adapted to the fresh functions imposed on ethics by the world of today,” Huxley wrote.”[1]

Restatement of morality is an interesting term. I wonder who or what the organization is that is going to “restate morality” in Otero County? The Churches and families of Otero County have done a pretty good job of teaching and practicing Christian morality. Do we need to restate Christian morality? We already have a division of ethnocentric views in our own cultural landscape: those who ‘believe in Christ’ and those ‘who don’t’. There is no manmade law mandating that we all believe in Christ. Would Huxley’s “modern knowledge” and “fresh functions imposed on the ethics by the world of today” replace Christian doctrine and American nationalism and patriotism? Let me remind you, that the original debate in the county was about the World Heritage Site designation out at White Sands. Such a benign designation by such a prestigious world organization has no restraints or implications, only a plague. Yet the first director-general of UNESCO conceived this restatement of morality. I know many of you WHS proponents knew this and probably just glossed over Huxley’s world vision of the future when you called your opponents black helicopter nuts or deceptive petition gatherers.

Huxley sounds like a socialist to me. He’s already given UNESCO its marching orders. Did you know that Huxley was a fan of Marx, and of contemporary Marxists of his day? For those of you still looking for black helicopters, I’m referring to Karl Marx and not any of the Marx Brothers. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles penned the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. We’ve expressed concerns about private property rights in our county if the WHS designation becomes a reality. Let’s see what Marx has to say about private property. Remember, Huxley’s a big fan of Karl Marx.


“You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private property is already done way with for nine-tenths of the population; its existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths. You reproach us; therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property, the necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any property for the immense majority of society.
In one word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so, that is just what we intend.”[2]

That’s a nice connection; Sir Julian Huxley, Karl Marx, UNESCO, and the World Heritage Site designation of White Sands. Am I sounding like an alarmist? I’m giving the reader history; real, factual history…you know…stuff that happened in the past.
By the way, this is history the revisionists haven’t gotten to yet.

Just how would Huxley and Marx achieve their restating morality and the doing away of private property? We have to look no farther than the 1948 UNESCO Eleventh International Conference on Public Education, in Geneva, Switzerland.


Page 16

“Based on the results of that conference, UNESCO then published a ten-volume series of instruction manuals for teachers, entitled TOWARD WORLD UNDERSTANDING, Volume One of that series asserted that “…one of the chief aims of education today should be the preparation of children and adolescents to participate consciously and actively in the building of a world society…[and] this preparation should include not only the acquisition of skills, but more particularly, the formation and development of psychological attitudes favorable to the construction, maintenance and advancement of a united world.”

Volume Five of this teacher’s series criticized parents for not being properly “world-minded” and for “infecting” their children with unacceptable attitudes of “nationalism, chauvinism, and sclerosis of the mind.” The teachers’ job would then be to “correct many of the errors of home training” that have produced “attitudes running directly counter to the development of international understanding.”

The manual then warned the teachers “…as long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism.”[3]

Our children will be the instruments of restating morality, doing away with private property and that nasty nationalism those socialists and communists cringe at. Cringe at this; Al Gore’s alarmist documentary “AN INCONVEINANT TRUTH” is required viewing in many middle and high schools in the U.S. I thought the gore (no pun intended) flicks I saw in driver’s education were bad enough. Now we subject ‘the children’ to more Gore flicks? Shouldn’t we challenge the intellect instead of indoctrinating the child? Who are these kids going to consider a role model?
Al Gore?

Let me challenge the intellect with some recent history about Al Gore.

Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Page 99

“Next up on the “hit’ parade for Al Gore et al, after Gore’s inauguration was to chase Dr. William Happer out of the U.S. Department of Energy. Though at first asked to stay on as director of energy research by the Clinton White House, Happer subsequently made the mistake of disputing Gore. In REASON magazine at the time, journalist Ron Bailey told the tale of Happer’s fall.
Bailey focuses on Happer’s appearance before a House subcommittee, in which he delivered “cautious testimony…at odds with Gore’s alarmist views.” Specifically, Happer uttered this scandalous sentence: “I think that there probably has been some exaggeration of the dangers of ozone and global climate change.”
Possibly Happer was thinking of the part in EARTH IN THE BALANCE where Gore writes about chlorine from Manmade refrigerants called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS), “Like an acid, it burns a hole in the Earth’s protective ozone shield.”
No one but Happer knows. However, following this testimony, Happer says, “I was told that science was not going to intrude on policy,” and that he had made his way onto the ‘enemies list” of Gore aide Katie McGinty.”[4]

Compare Dr. Happer’s experience with Gore and Katie McGinty, to Russian physicists and their dealings with the Marxists under Stalin.

From STALIN AND THE BOMB by David Holloway
Page 21-22

“Physicists came under increasing pressure in the 1930s to show their loyalty to the Party and the State. The intellectual climate of the country changed drastically for the worse at the end of the 1920s. The Academy of Sciences lost the relative intellectual autonomy it had enjoyed in the 1920s and was brought under increasing party and government control. Collaboration with the regime was no longer enough; the Party now demanded political and ideological commitment. Scientific disciplines came under scrutiny from militant party philosophers who wanted to root out any political or philosophical deviations that scientific theories might betray. These philosophers claimed the right to judge whether theories in the natural sciences were really scientific or not. What was at issue in these discussions was the question of authority in science: who had the right to say what constituted a valid scientific theory – the scientists or the Communist Party.”[5]

If you’re thinking throwing Al Gore in the mix, as vice-president during the Clinton years is a stretch, think again. Think about what Al Gore is saying now. Too much of a stretch to even be a coincident? How many ‘coincidents’ do you want in your backyard? For those of you who have a lingering desire to see Al Gore be President someday, and you’re wondering why I mention Al Gore, now in this writing: think the big picture.

What is our part of the ‘big picture’? Our future, our commitment to our children, our nation’s security (Holloman AFB and White Sands Missile Ranger), and our ability to control our sovereign nation, the United States of America; not the global experiment started over a century ago that has infected so much of the world.

This is where I send my designation of Al Gore’s Tennessee property as a
World Heretic Site. I’m going with the flow of law here…global modern law to be specific. I’m empowered by the mere fact I’m a global citizen to propose designation of any cultural or natural landscape on the face of the planet.

(Parody follows)


Dear Mr. Gore:

You will be pleased to know that I have proposed your Tennessee property for designation as a World Heretic Site. Such a designation is benign and only adds an extra layer of bureaucracy and protection. (I think you’ll agree that we’ll skip over the messy controversy of your opulent lifestyle that generates massive carbon footprints that Godzilla could stand in and barely see over the edge…snicker…snicker). One of the global benefits of World Heretic Site is the creation of a wild life corridor right through the middle of your property. This wildlife corridor will allow the natural migration flow of endangered species such as polar bears, the spotted glacier dust mite, the Rocky Mountain Whooping trout, the greenie bellied fuzz gnat, the webbed- foot rock fobe, the unskilled Mexican hominid, and the Tennessee Road Apple.
If you or any local groups representing public lands or private property rights have concerns or just plain opposition to this planned designation; you may send your concerns to…oh darn…where’s that address? I’ll get back to you with that address.
In conclusion, welcome to the community of global citizens. I and my fellow global citizens eagerly await your support and acceptance of this proposed designation of your home (I’m referring to the opulent one…do you ever have yard sales?)…as a World Heretic Site!


Global Citizen


Dear World Heretic Site:

Due to concerns of keeping my family out of the public eye, I must protest this intrusion on my families and mine private lives. I can offer suggestions of other sites worthy of your prestigious designation. (This is a nice way of saying ‘back off’…you’re clouding my political expediency issues with your global agenda…GOT IT?...geez).


Al the Earth Warrior

(Parody ends)

Global agenda is one of those ambiguous terms. Is there a global agenda intent on indoctrinating our children and abolishing private property rights and national sovereignty?

Karl Marx weighs in with this gem from the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO:

“Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others b means of such appropriation.

…All objections urged against the communistic mode of producing and appropriating material products, have, in the same way, been urged against the communism modes of producing and appropriating intellectual products. Just as, to the bourgeois, the disappearance of class property is the disappearance of production itself, so the disappearance of class culture is to him identical with the disappearance of all culture.

That culture, the loss of which he laments, is, for the enormous majority, a mere training to act as a machine.”

Wouldn’t loss of ethics in public office, indoctrination of children, restating morality, and a one-world government qualify for ‘loss of culture?

Marx continues:

“Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form this family exists only among the bourgeois. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing capital.
Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.
But, you will say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.
And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention, direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, etc.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they merely seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.
The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relations of parent and child, becomes all the more disgusting; the more, by the action of modern industry, all family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labor.”

Marx advocates for destroying the traditional family. How’s the American family fairing today under the assault of gratuitous sex and violence in the media, from video and computer games, rap music and some rock genera, and the influence of this global agenda on curriculum in our schools?

Marx on nationalism:

“The Communists are further reproached with the siring to abolish countries and nationality.
…The supremacy of the proletariat will cause them to vanish still faster. United action, of the leading civilized countries at least, is one of the first conditions for the emancipation of the proletariat.
…The charges against communism made from a religious, philosophical, and, generally, from an ideological standpoint are not deserving of series examination.”

Marx on ‘eternal truths’:

There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc. that are common to all states of society. But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

And finally, the Communist Manifesto:

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

10. Free education for all the children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.

Marx’s vision for the future rings familiar with comments I’ve heard of how the United States has changed in the minds of older Americans. Did any of Marx’s ideas sound familiar? Have you seen anything close to Marxism occurring in your community?

The global agenda of UNESCO and its supporters sounds eerily like a rehash of Karl Marx. We’ve covered, together, the beginnings of UNESCO, umbrella organization for the World Heritage Site Committee, comparison of communist ideologies and Al Gore’s methodology (which is my opinion, you make up your mind), intellect vs. indoctrination of ‘the children’, ‘restating morality’, and the challenge to look at the ‘big picture’, which WE ARE A PART OF.

[1] The Beast on the East River by Nathan Tabor

[2] The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
[3] The Beast on the East River by Nathan Tabor
[4] The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism by Christopher C. Horner
[5] Stalin and the Bomb by David Holloway

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Go to this UNESCO website: scroll down to pages 154 & 157.



Clinton Adminstration objections to AMERICAN LAND SOVEREIGNTY ACT

Website for UN System of organizations

San Francisco resolution to ban the BLUE ANGELS over the city

Yellowstone National Park is a World Heritage Site: NPS website Read about the Crown Butte Mine controversy outside of Yellowstone NP

Property Rights Foundation of America: Excellent source of information

Concerned Women of America

WILD LANDS PROJECT: Is your house in the way of a wild life corridor?




Sometimes the best reality is a skewed reality, or so it appears the proponents of World Heritage Site designation of White Sands National Monument would have us believe. On the evening of August 16th, the Otero County Commissioners voted unanimously to support a resolution not to support World Heritage Site designation of White Sands. The proponents of such a designation of White Sands described the prestige and global status a World Heritage Site would bring to our ‘global neighborhood’. With the exception of Cliff Spencer, the Superintendent of White Sands National Monument, the few voices in favor of the designation were either ignorant or too emotional to raise a strong argument in their favor. Superintendent Spencer gave an eloquent and courageous defense of his advocacy for World Heritage Site designation. He and his staff do a great job in managing White Sands National Monument.

Otero County residents who are in favor of World Heritage Site designation, sadly, advocate their position without facts and resort to stereo-typing the other side. Repeatedly the accusations of conspiracy nuts, propagandists, and John Birchers are used by ‘green’ environmental advocates to describe concerned citizens who have legitimate questions about what such a designation of White Sands would mean to Otero County.
Environmentalists and the non-governmental organizations that advocate the green agenda claim the moral higher ground as a defense of their agenda. Armed with little more than moral relativism and stereo-typing, green advocates create a scenario of environmental doom for ‘the children’. Only they and their spiritual understanding of the true dilemma facing our planet can save the world from environmental disaster brought on by careless disregard for natural resources and corporate rape of the environment. The reality of global environmentalism and the machinery behind this moral agenda is just the opposite.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO), is the umbrella organization under which the World Heritage Site Committee sits. UNESCO and the World Heritage Site Committee enjoy a cozy relationship with non-governmental organizations, (NGOs), who advise both organizations on environmental policy and potential World Heritage Site designations. When pressed for facts on the process of how a site is designated for World Heritage Site status, proponents say the listing is voluntary with local input and support. When presented with the fact that NGOs consult and advise UNESCO and the World Heritage Site Committee, greens immediately resort to stereo-typing such facts as part of the ‘black helicopter crowd’ worn out rhetoric.

One has only to read Tom Barry’s book: ‘The Next Fifty Years: The United Nations and the United States’, to understand the relation NGOs enjoy with the United Nations. Barry’s book is a fluff piece which gives the United Nation’s a glowing review while condemning the United States’ constant hampering and sabotage of U.N. programs.
On page 39 of Barry’s book, he writes, “The Economic and Social Council are authorized by the U.N. Charter to ‘make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters with in its competence.” By the early 1990s nearly one thousand NGOs had been grated consultative status at the United Nations. In 1975 the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) was established to foster greater cooperation between U.N. agencies and NGOs. The NGLS plays a key role in organizing NGO participation in the U.N. development conferences.”

Obviously the U.N. is relying on NGOs to report on every square inch of the planet as to what strategy is best for specific areas deemed desirable or vulnerable for U.N. occupation. Barry’s book is so biased against the Unites States that he concludes in his discussion on U.N. principles, on page 153, “Dominating the U.N.’s agenda are the peace and security of the United States, the organization’s most powerful member. Pushed to the side are the developmental and humanitarian needs of the poorer, influential neighbors”. More of the blame it on the U.S. agenda, excusing the U.N.’s ineffectual performance in Darfur or the Sudan, or anywhere else the blue helmeted U.N. peace-keeping troops show up and watch genocide and forced starvation occur. I don’t recall the last time I heard of U.N. peace-keeping troops suffering from starvation.

The blue helmeted U.N. peace-keeping troops haven’t arrived in Otero County, yet. Their green thinking NGOs have already made their presence known to residents of southern New Mexico. The Forest Guardians, one of the environmental NGOs active in the United States, initiated a series of lawsuits in 1995, pursuing an agenda of banning cattle grazing on public lands and logging in the Lincoln National Forest. Their lawsuit was based on destruction of habitat for the Mexican Spotted Owl. The Forest Guardians claimed cattle grazing was to be blamed for the destruction of this ‘endangered’ owl’s natural habitat. In RANGE MAGAZINE’S 2004 fall issue, Steve H. Rich presents the truth behind this myth concerning the Mexican Spotted Owl. Rich cites Bent’s “Life History of North American Birds”, in which Bent observed there were no Mexican Spotted Owls in the Sacramento Mountains before 1929. The owls prefer a habitat in deep canyons, inaccessible to cattle. The owl moved into the area as logging began, on a large scale, because of the clearing of underbrush, combined with cattle grazing. The loggers and cattle grazing cleared the forest floor of underbrush and concealment for wood rats. As the wood rat became easier prey, the owls naturally extended their habitat into the Sacramento Mountains.

The result of the Forest Guardians desired goal of banning public grazing and logging in the Lincoln National Forest is the creation of thick, unmanaged undergrowth, an increase in tree density, and the potential for massive and destructive ‘fire storms’. The underbrush and the overgrowth of trees in the forest drain the water from the mountain, creating a dry tinder box that is unmanaged and now, off limits to mechanized fire fighting equipment. Today, the Mexican Spotted Owl’s populations have dropped in the Sacramento Mountains because the overgrowth has again given the wood rat amble concealment. The owls, like any predator, prefer to hunt where they can find prey. Has anyone asked the Forest Guardians how many wood rats and Mexican Spotted Owls are lost every time the forest burns? Another fascinating fact Rich uncovered in his report on junk science and the lawsuits that are filed, using biased and false facts, was that cattle eat endangered fish. The article by Rich in RANGE MAGAZINE is one of the best refutations of junk science and further reveals the agenda of radical environmentalists and the experts who sign-on with them. An interesting fact about the Forest Guardians relationship and influence on the Forest Service is that former Lincoln County District Ranger, Rick Newman, was at one time a member of the Forest Guardians. He revealed this fact in court testimony. Shortly after he was promoted and transferred to Albuquerque. Conspiratorial? Not the least.

The Forest Guardians, and other environmental NGOs, like the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, and the Wild Lands Project are successful because they have money. They are well financed by 501 (c) (3) foundations that collectively have over $220 billion to ‘donate’ to environmental NGOs. Ron Arnold’s excellent book, “UNDUE INFLUENCE”, reveals the power and control these foundations have in determining the future of the West. Arnold provides valuable insight into the workings of the radical environmental agenda in the United States. Arnold describes these foundations as ‘prescriptive, rather than responsive’. Most of these foundations, that are located in the Eastern United States, have a stated agenda of ‘social engineering’, that includes ‘the rural cleansing’ of America. Rural cleansing is the removal of ranchers, farmers, loggers, miners and the communities that depend on these industries for survival. Multi-million dollar non-profit foundations like the W. Alton Foundation, the Pew Foundation, and the Bullitt Foundation are run by the children or grandchildren of American tycoons who passed on their wealth to their heirs. These ‘heirs’, are people who have never worked a day in their lives, yet they initiate lawsuits that close down logging, ranching and put other ‘less sophisticated’ Americans out of work and out of their homes.

If you’re wondering what the term ‘prescriptive, rather than responsive’ means; Arnold explains it as million dollar non-profit foundations, intent on social engineering at the expense of rural America, actually recruit NGOs who can do the job for them. These environmental NGOs, with their wild life photography adorning their websites and coffee table books claim to have a stated mission, but in reality they do the bidding of the self-indulgent emotional cripples residing in mansions on the east coast. Not all the foundations are in the East. The Bullitt Foundation is based in Seattle, Washington. New Mexico is a part-time home to one of the most notorious of these Foundations. The Turner Foundation, created by Ted Turner, donates to the Forest Guardians. According to Arnold, Turner bought the 580,000 Vermejo Park Ranch, in northern New Mexico. Turner grazes bison, cattle and sheep on his ranch, harvests his own timber for sale, and drills for natural gas with in the boundaries of his ranch. Here in Otero County, grazing on public lands is prohibited, harvesting the forest is prohibited, and drilling for natural gas on Otero Mesa is currently in litigious limbo-land. Yet Turner funds the NGOs, who advise the World Heritage Committee. I think I know who those black helicopters belong to, now.

Currently, in San Francisco, Councilman Chris Daly has submitted a resolution to ban flyovers of the city by the Navy’s prestigious Blue Angels during Fleet Week. Daly claims flyovers by the Blue Angels are an environmental noise hazard; emit tons of pollution into the air over San Francisco, and terrorizes traumatized war veterans and pets. Daly has attracted the support and lobbying power of numerous anti-war and environmental groups. The same foundations that fund the Forest Guardians and other NGOs are funding these bizarre and blatantly anti-American groups in San Francisco. Not wanting to be affiliated with ‘anti-Americanism’, the foundations ‘wash’ their money through the Tides Foundation, which is a charity. The Tides Foundation enjoys 501 (c) (3) status as well as 501 (a) (1) status. Tides can make anonymous donations to anonymous anti-war groups with out getting its hands dirty. The April 2004 issue of the Capital Research Center exposes this cozy relationship the foundations have with Tides.

The same foundations, backing this effort to convince the public in San Francisco to back Daly’s resolution, could finance environmental lawsuits to ban flyovers at Holloman AFB and missile testing at White Sands Missile Range, if White Sands National Monument becomes a World Heritage Site. Too close for comfort? Only a fool would deny the possibility.

Otero County citizens have stated in the past that they will take their demands to their elected officials. Good luck. Senator Pete Domenici supported the World Heritage Site Designation. Now he’s unsure, after an interview with Alamogordo Daily News reporter Karl Anderson. Domenici had stated in a live interview on Mike Hayme’s provocative talk show on KRSY that he didn’t know too much about how UNESCO or the World Heritage Site Committee worked. Yet, in 1984, Ronald Reagan praised Domenici for a bill the New Mexico Senator sponsored to reduce the 60% funding of the U.N., by the American taxpayer, to 10%. Domenici cited the fraud and corruption in UNESCO, as his reason for sponsoring the bill.

The story of South Dakota’s Tom Daschel is even more telling of our elected officials conniving in Washington D.C. In December 2001, Daschel snuck in a rider bill on a defense appropriations bill, to grant immunity to the Home Stake mine, located in the Black Hills. Home Stake, owned by Barrick Gold Company of Toronto, was on the federal government’s Super Fund list of cleanups to the tune of $50 million. Where was Tom Daschel when the World Heritage Site Committee raised the status of World Heritage Site Yellowstone National Park to ‘endangered’, when environmentalists demanded Crown Butte Mine, outside the boundaries of Yellowstone, be closed. New World Mine Company had spent $30 million on a three-year Environmental Impact Statement before starting operations at Crown Butte. Environmentalists, geologists, and government officials all agreed the New World Mine EIS was the most comprehensive and detailed and environmentally considerate statement ever submitted. Yet, because of pressure from the U.N., the Clinton administration and Al Gore, the Governor of Montana intervened and offered New World Mine Company an alternative site, away from Yellowstone National Park. Home Stake Mine in South Dakota still has not paid for the clean up of its own mine, thanks to Tom Daschel.

In 2002, Daschel hid another rider on a spending bill that allowed logging in South Dakota’s state and national forests to continue, while he supported bans on harvesting timber in Colorado, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, and California. He explained to Senate Colleagues he wanted to ‘avoid costly, time-consuming lawsuits’ and ‘get the forest thinned and protect private property”. It’s nice to know we have one elected official who is concerned about American’s private property.

We risk allowing more socialized engineering and rural cleansing into Otero County if White Sands is designated a World Heritage Site. We already have the loss of jobs and income due to the ban on public grazing and logging in the forest, not to mention the controversy over natural gas drilling on Otero Mesa. We as citizens have mobilized to fight this designation, and have made a correct and courageous statement, thanks to our Otero County Commissioners. What exactly does World Heritage Site designation mean and what are the possible implications to Otero County?

The World Heritage Site, in this case White Sands National Monument, is considered a ‘core zone’ by the World Heritage Site Committee and UNESCO. The site is recognized by a plague, proclaiming World Heritage Site status. The immediate area surrounding the ‘core zone’ is designated a ‘buffer zone’. The buffer zone doesn’t rate a plaque and anyone in the buffer zone has no say in this spurious designation. In White Sands case; Holloman AFB and White Sand Missile Range are in the buffer zone. The area immediately bordering the buffer zone, and extending as far as the World Heritage Site Committee designates, is the ‘transitional zone’. The transitional zone includes anything that can affect the core zone; like people, industry, water consumption, traffic and expansion. These terms and descriptions are readily available on the World Heritage Site website. Proponents for the World Heritage Site accuse detractors of being ‘John Birchers’. I guess the supporters of the World Heritage Site haven’t done their home work.

Otero County residents have legitimate fears of property right abuses brought on by World Heritage Site designation.

At the 2002 World Heritage Site Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility and Associated Workshops, held in Ferrara, Italy, the following Instruments for Protection and Management of World Heritage Sites was discussed.

On page 154: “In all cases this concerns a restriction of property rights, the authorization of which must be based on solid legal grounds. Protection will take the form of a public service or the control of all activity affecting the site.”

On page 157: “…cultural landscape law must delimit the jurisdiction of state law over cultural landscapes. Simultaneously, the law must carve out a place and a role for customary or traditional law and institutions in the management and protection of cultural landscapes”.

Are you ready to allow our customary laws to be subjugated to ‘globalist modern laws’? The irrational fear that Chinese blue helmeted guards will greet visitors at the White Sands National Monument if site receives World Heritage Site designation is unfounded. Don’t worry about the Chinese at White Sands. Our children and grandchildren will fill those positions. If you’re skeptical about this last scenario, just think about our national sovereignty ‘pooled’ with the United Nations. Still skeptical?

Our Otero County Commissioners did the right thing. I commend them for it. Cliff Spencer is doing an excellent job out at White Sands National Monument. I can’t think of anything the United Nations can do better than Mr. Spencer. I can think of a number of potential assaults on sovereignty, private rights, and litigious nightmares the World Heritage Site Committee and their legions of NGOs and foundations can bring to Otero County. Not here. Not now. Never. Don’t give up the fight to keep the World Heritage Site out of Otero Country. My thanks and gratitude to the people involved in this fight and who have aided me in my research.

Sometimes the best reality is a skewed reality, or so it appears the proponents of World Heritage Site designation of White Sands National Monument would have us believe. On the evening of August 16th, the Otero County Commissioners voted unanimously to support a resolution not to support World Heritage Site designation of White Sands. The proponents of such a designation of White Sands described the prestige and global status a World Heritage Site would bring to our ‘global neighborhood’. With the exception of Cliff Spencer, the Superintendent of White Sands National Monument, the few voices in favor of the designation were either ignorant or too emotional to raise a strong argument in their favor. Superintendent Spencer gave an eloquent and courageous defense of his advocacy for World Heritage Site designation. He and his staff do a great job in managing White Sands National Monument.

Otero County residents who are in favor of World Heritage Site designation, sadly, advocate their position without facts and resort to stereo-typing the other side. Repeatedly the accusations of conspiracy nuts, propagandists, and John Birchers are used by ‘green’ environmental advocates to describe concerned citizens who have legitimate questions about what such a designation of White Sands would mean to Otero County.

Environmentalists and the non-governmental organizations that advocate the green agenda claim the moral higher ground as a defense of their agenda. Armed with little more than moral relativism and stereo-typing, green advocates create a scenario of environmental doom for ‘the children’. Only they and their spiritual understanding of the true dilemma facing our planet can save the world from environmental disaster brought on by careless disregard for natural resources and corporate rape of the environment. The reality of global environmentalism and the machinery behind this moral agenda is just the opposite.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO), is the umbrella organization under which the World Heritage Site Committee sits. UNESCO and the World Heritage Site Committee enjoy a cozy relationship with non-governmental organizations, (NGOs), who advise both organizations on environmental policy and potential World Heritage Site designations. When pressed for facts on the process of how a site is designated for World Heritage Site status, proponents say the listing is voluntary with local input and support. When presented with the fact that NGOs consult and advise UNESCO and the World Heritage Site Committee, greens immediately resort to stereo-typing such facts as part of the ‘black helicopter crowd’ worn out rhetoric.

One has only to read Tom Barry’s book: ‘The Next Fifty Years: The United Nations and the United States’, to understand the relation NGOs enjoy with the United Nations. Barry’s book is a fluff piece which gives the United Nation’s a glowing review while condemning the United States’ constant hampering and sabotage of U.N. programs.

On page 39 of Barry’s book, he writes, “The Economic and Social Council are authorized by the U.N. Charter to ‘make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters with in its competence.” By the early 1990s nearly one thousand NGOs had been grated consultative status at the United Nations. In 1975 the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) was established to foster greater cooperation between U.N. agencies and NGOs. The NGLS plays a key role in organizing NGO participation in the U.N. development conferences.”

Obviously the U.N. is relying on NGOs to report on every square inch of the planet as to what strategy is best for specific areas deemed desirable or vulnerable for U.N. occupation. Barry’s book is so biased against the Unites States that he concludes in his discussion on U.N. principles, on page 153, “Dominating the U.N.’s agenda are the peace and security of the United States, the organization’s most powerful member. Pushed to the side are the developmental and humanitarian needs of the poorer, influential neighbors”. More of the blame it on the U.S. agenda, excusing the U.N.’s ineffectual performance in Darfur or the Sudan, or anywhere else the blue helmeted U.N. peace-keeping troops show up and watch genocide and forced starvation occur. I don’t recall the last time I heard of U.N. peace-keeping troops suffering from starvation.

The blue helmeted U.N. peace-keeping troops haven’t arrived in Otero County, yet. Their green thinking NGOs have already made their presence known to residents of southern New Mexico. The Forest Guardians, one of the environmental NGOs active in the United States, initiated a series of lawsuits in 1995, pursuing an agenda of banning cattle grazing on public lands and logging in the Lincoln National Forest. Their lawsuit was based on destruction of habitat for the Mexican Spotted Owl. The Forest Guardians claimed cattle grazing was to be blamed for the destruction of this ‘endangered’ owl’s natural habitat. In RANGE MAGAZINE’S 2004 fall issue, Steve H. Rich presents the truth behind this myth concerning the Mexican Spotted Owl. Rich cites Bent’s “Life History of North American Birds”, in which Bent observed there were no Mexican Spotted Owls in the Sacramento Mountains before 1929. The owls prefer a habitat in deep canyons, inaccessible to cattle. The owl moved into the area as logging began, on a large scale, because of the clearing of underbrush, combined with cattle grazing. The loggers and cattle grazing cleared the forest floor of underbrush and concealment for wood rats. As the wood rat became easier prey, the owls naturally extended their habitat into the Sacramento Mountains.

The result of the Forest Guardians desired goal of banning public grazing and logging in the Lincoln National Forest is the creation of thick, unmanaged undergrowth, an increase in tree density, and the potential for massive and destructive ‘fire storms’. The underbrush and the overgrowth of trees in the forest drain the water from the mountain, creating a dry tinder box that is unmanaged and now, off limits to mechanized fire fighting equipment. Today, the Mexican Spotted Owl’s populations have dropped in the Sacramento Mountains because the overgrowth has again given the wood rat amble concealment. The owls, like any predator, prefer to hunt where they can find prey. Has anyone asked the Forest Guardians how many wood rats and Mexican Spotted Owls are lost every time the forest burns? Another fascinating fact Rich uncovered in his report on junk science and the lawsuits that are filed, using biased and false facts, was that cattle eat endangered fish. The article by Rich in RANGE MAGAZINE is one of the best refutations of junk science and further reveals the agenda of radical environmentalists and the experts who sign-on with them. An interesting fact about the Forest Guardians relationship and influence on the Forest Service is that former Lincoln County District Ranger, Rick Newman, was at one time a member of the Forest Guardians. He revealed this fact in court testimony. Shortly after he was promoted and transferred to Albuquerque. Conspiratorial? Not the least.

The Forest Guardians, and other environmental NGOs, like the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, and the Wild Lands Project are successful because they have money. They are well financed by 501 (c) (3) foundations that collectively have over $220 billion to ‘donate’ to environmental NGOs. Ron Arnold’s excellent book, “UNDUE INFLUENCE”, reveals the power and control these foundations have in determining the future of the West. Arnold provides valuable insight into the workings of the radical environmental agenda in the United States. Arnold describes these foundations as ‘prescriptive, rather than responsive’. Most of these foundations, that are located in the Eastern United States, have a stated agenda of ‘social engineering’, that includes ‘the rural cleansing’ of America. Rural cleansing is the removal of ranchers, farmers, loggers, miners and the communities that depend on these industries for survival. Multi-million dollar non-profit foundations like the W. Alton Foundation, the Pew Foundation, and the Bullitt Foundation are run by the children or grandchildren of American tycoons who passed on their wealth to their heirs. These ‘heirs’, are people who have never worked a day in their lives, yet they initiate lawsuits that close down logging, ranching and put other ‘less sophisticated’ Americans out of work and out of their homes.

If you’re wondering what the term ‘prescriptive, rather than responsive’ means; Arnold explains it as million dollar non-profit foundations, intent on social engineering at the expense of rural America, actually recruit NGOs who can do the job for them. These environmental NGOs, with their wild life photography adorning their websites and coffee table books claim to have a stated mission, but in reality they do the bidding of the self-indulgent emotional cripples residing in mansions on the east coast. Not all the foundations are in the East. The Bullitt Foundation is based in Seattle, Washington. New Mexico is a part-time home to one of the most notorious of these Foundations. The Turner Foundation, created by Ted Turner, donates to the Forest Guardians. According to Arnold, Turner bought the 580,000 Vermejo Park Ranch, in northern New Mexico. Turner grazes bison, cattle and sheep on his ranch, harvests his own timber for sale, and drills for natural gas with in the boundaries of his ranch. Here in Otero County, grazing on public lands is prohibited, harvesting the forest is prohibited, and drilling for natural gas on Otero Mesa is currently in litigious limbo-land. Yet Turner funds the NGOs, who advise the World Heritage Committee. I think I know who those black helicopters belong to, now.

Currently, in San Francisco, Councilman Chris Daly has submitted a resolution to ban flyovers of the city by the Navy’s prestigious Blue Angels during Fleet Week. Daly claims flyovers by the Blue Angels are an environmental noise hazard; emit tons of pollution into the air over San Francisco, and terrorizes traumatized war veterans and pets. Daly has attracted the support and lobbying power of numerous anti-war and environmental groups. The same foundations that fund the Forest Guardians and other NGOs are funding these bizarre and blatantly anti-American groups in San Francisco. Not wanting to be affiliated with ‘anti-Americanism’, the foundations ‘wash’ their money through the Tides Foundation, which is a charity. The Tides Foundation enjoys 501 (c) (3) status as well as 501 (a) (1) status. Tides can make anonymous donations to anonymous anti-war groups with out getting its hands dirty. The April 2004 issue of the Capital Research Center exposes this cozy relationship the foundations have with Tides.

The same foundations, backing this effort to convince the public in San Francisco to back Daly’s resolution, could finance environmental lawsuits to ban flyovers at Holloman AFB and missile testing at White Sands Missile Range, if White Sands National Monument becomes a World Heritage Site. Too close for comfort? Only a fool would deny the possibility.

Otero County citizens have stated in the past that they will take their demands to their elected officials. Good luck. Senator Pete Domenici supported the World Heritage Site Designation. Now he’s unsure, after an interview with Alamogordo Daily News reporter Karl Anderson. Domenici had stated in a live interview on Mike Hayme’s provocative talk show on KRSY that he didn’t know too much about how UNESCO or the World Heritage Site Committee worked. Yet, in 1984, Ronald Reagan praised Domenici for a bill the New Mexico Senator sponsored to reduce the 60% funding of the U.N., by the American taxpayer, to 10%. Domenici cited the fraud and corruption in UNESCO, as his reason for sponsoring the bill.

The story of South Dakota’s Tom Daschel is even more telling of our elected officials conniving in Washington D.C. In December 2001, Daschel snuck in a rider bill on a defense appropriations bill, to grant immunity to the Home Stake mine, located in the Black Hills. Home Stake, owned by Barrick Gold Company of Toronto, was on the federal government’s Super Fund list of cleanups to the tune of $50 million. Where was Tom Daschel when the World Heritage Site Committee raised the status of World Heritage Site Yellowstone National Park to ‘endangered’, when environmentalists demanded Crown Butte Mine, outside the boundaries of Yellowstone, be closed. New World Mine Company had spent $30 million on a three-year Environmental Impact Statement before starting operations at Crown Butte.

Environmentalists, geologists, and government officials all agreed the New World Mine EIS was the most comprehensive and detailed and environmentally considerate statement ever submitted. Yet, because of pressure from the U.N., the Clinton administration and Al Gore, the Governor of Montana intervened and offered New World Mine Company an alternative site, away from Yellowstone National Park. Home Stake Mine in South Dakota still has not paid for the clean up of its own mine, thanks to Tom Daschel.

In 2002, Daschel hid another rider on a spending bill that allowed logging in South Dakota’s state and national forests to continue, while he supported bans on harvesting timber in Colorado, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, and California. He explained to Senate Colleagues he wanted to ‘avoid costly, time-consuming lawsuits’ and ‘get the forest thinned and protect private property”. It’s nice to know we have one elected official who is concerned about American’s private property.

We risk allowing more socialized engineering and rural cleansing into Otero County if White Sands is designated a World Heritage Site. We already have the loss of jobs and income due to the ban on public grazing and logging in the forest, not to mention the controversy over natural gas drilling on Otero Mesa. We as citizens have mobilized to fight this designation, and have made a correct and courageous statement, thanks to our Otero County Commissioners. What exactly does World Heritage Site designation mean and what are the possible implications to Otero County?

The World Heritage Site, in this case White Sands National Monument, is considered a ‘core zone’ by the World Heritage Site Committee and UNESCO. The site is recognized by a plague, proclaiming World Heritage Site status. The immediate area surrounding the ‘core zone’ is designated a ‘buffer zone’. The buffer zone doesn’t rate a plaque and anyone in the buffer zone has no say in this spurious designation. In White Sands case; Holloman AFB and White Sand Missile Range are in the buffer zone. The area immediately bordering the buffer zone, and extending as far as the World Heritage Site Committee designates, is the ‘transitional zone’. The transitional zone includes anything that can affect the core zone; like people, industry, water consumption, traffic and expansion. These terms and descriptions are readily available on the World Heritage Site website. Proponents for the World Heritage Site accuse detractors of being ‘John Birchers’. I guess the supporters of the World Heritage Site haven’t done their home work.

Otero County residents have legitimate fears of property right abuses brought on by World Heritage Site designation.

At the 2002 World Heritage Site Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility and Associated Workshops, held in Ferrara, Italy, the following Instruments for Protection and Management of World Heritage Sites was discussed.

On page 154: “In all cases this concerns a restriction of property rights, the authorization of which must be based on solid legal grounds. Protection will take the form of a public service or the control of all activity affecting the site.”

On page 157: “…cultural landscape law must delimit the jurisdiction of state law over cultural landscapes. Simultaneously, the law must carve out a place and a role for customary or traditional law and institutions in the management and protection of cultural landscapes”.

Are you ready to allow our customary laws to be subjugated to ‘globalist modern laws’? The irrational fear that Chinese blue helmeted guards will greet visitors at the White Sands National Monument if site receives World Heritage Site designation is unfounded. Don’t worry about the Chinese at White Sands. Our children and grandchildren will fill those positions. If you’re skeptical about this last scenario, just think about our national sovereignty ‘pooled’ with the United Nations. Still skeptical?

Our Otero County Commissioners did the right thing. I commend them for it. Cliff Spencer is doing an excellent job out at White Sands National Monument. I can’t think of anything the United Nations can do better than Mr. Spencer. I can think of a number of potential assaults on sovereignty, private rights, and litigious nightmares the World Heritage Site Committee and their legions of NGOs and foundations can bring to Otero County. Not here. Not now. Never. Don’t give up the fight to keep the World Heritage Site out of Otero Country. My thanks and gratitude to the people involved in this fight and who have aided me in my research.

Otero County Citizens Discussion of World Heritage Site Designation of White Sands

This blog has been created to accommodate Otero County residents discussion of designation
of WHITE SANDS NATIONAL MONUMENT as a WORLD HERITAGE SITE. Opinion both pro and con are welcome. Please keep your comments CIVIL. It is your choice to use your 'real' name. Please join in the discussion.